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Created March 20, 2012 20:25
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Save wr0ngway/2140938 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
script to backup all simpledb tables from a given aws account
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Add your gems here
gemfile_contents = <<-EOF
source ""
gem "fog"
gem "yajl-ruby"
require 'open-uri'
eval open('').read, binding
# Your code goes here
# script to backup all sdb tables for a given aws account
# in the interests of memory conservation, it writes multiple json
# maps to each json file, rather than combining into one before writing
if ARGV.size != 2
puts "usage: #{File.basename $0} access_key access_secret"
exit 1
require 'fileutils'
access_key = ARGV[0]
access_secret = ARGV[1]
sdb = => access_key,
:aws_secret_access_key => access_secret,
:host => '')
def find_all(sdb, table, opts={})
query = "select *"
query << " from `#{table}`"
query << " limit " + (opts[:limit] ? opts[:limit].to_s : "200")
query_opts = {}
query_opts["NextToken"] = opts[:offset].to_s if opts[:offset]
response =, query_opts)
data = response.body['Items']
return data, response.body['NextToken']
domains = sdb.list_domains.body['Domains']
domains.each do |domain|
print "Dumping #{domain}"
encoder =
open("sdb_backup/#{domain}.json", "w") do |f|
print '.'
data, next_token = find_all(sdb, domain)
encoder.encode(data, f)
while next_token
print '.'
data, next_token = find_all(sdb, domain, :offset => next_token)
encoder.encode(data, f)
print "\n"
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