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Last active September 29, 2022 20:41
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[Defender Pro] - Whitelabel ALL Defender emails
* Plugin Name: [Defender Pro] - White Label ALL Defender emails
* Description: Allows the modification of almost all email fields/parameters via filters or an additional GUI at Settings > General.
* Author: Anderson Salas @ WPMUDEV
* Task: SLS-3842
* Author URI:
* License: GPLv2 or later
// Available filters:
// apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_title', function( $value, $default_value ) { ... }, 10, 2 );
// apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_content_body', function( $value, $default_value ) { ... }, 10, 2 );
// apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_company_name', function( $value, $default_value ) { ... }, 10, 2 );
// apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_company_logo', function( $value, $default_value ) { ... }, 10, 2 );
// apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_company_logo_2x', function( $value, $default_value ) { ... }, 10, 2 );
// apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_cheers', function( $value, $default_value ) { ... }, 10, 2 );
// apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_follow_us', function( $value, $default_value ) { ... }, 10, 2 );
// apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_icon_facebook_url', function( $value, $default_value ) { ... }, 10, 2 );
// apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_icon_instagram_url', function( $value, $default_value ) { ... }, 10, 2 );
// apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_icon_twitter_url', function( $value, $default_value ) { ... }, 10, 2 );
// apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_facebook_url', function( $value, $default_value ) { ... }, 10, 2 );
// apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_instagram_url', function( $value, $default_value ) { ... }, 10, 2 );
// apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_twitter_url', function( $value, $default_value ) { ... }, 10, 2 );
// apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_company_address', function( $value, $default_value ) { ... }, 10, 2 );
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', function() {
if ( ! defined( 'DEFENDER_VERSION' ) || class_exists( 'WPMU_Defender_Whitelabel_Emails' ) ) {
class WPMU_Defender_Whitelabel_Emails
// Set this to TRUE to add
private static $instance;
private $stored_settings;
public static function get_instance() {
if ( null === self::$instance ) {
self::$instance = new self();
return self::$instance;
public function __construct() {
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'download_base_template' ) );
add_action( 'admin_footer', array( $this, 'render_email_whitelabel_settings' ) );
add_filter( 'wp_mail', array( $this, 'replace_defender_emails' ) );
if ( $this->can_edit_branding() ) {
add_action( 'wp_ajax_wp_defender/v1/hub/', array( $this, 'save_email_whitelabel_settings' ), 9 );
private function is_defender_settings_page() {
return defender_current_page() && 'wdf-setting' === $_GET['page'];
private function can_edit_branding() {
return current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) && self::USE_VISUAL_EDITOR;
private function get_template_override_filename() {
return substr( md5( AUTH_SALT ), 0, 8 ) . '_defender_email_template.html';
private function template_override_exists( &$path = null ) {
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir()['basedir'];
if ( file_exists( $upload_dir . '/' . $this->get_template_override_filename() ) ) {
$path = $upload_dir . '/' . $this->get_template_override_filename() ;
return true;
return false;
private function get_default_view_as_template() {
$template = file_get_contents( WP_DEFENDER_DIR . '/src/view/email/index.php' );
foreach( $this->get_default_view_placeholders() as $placeholder => $target ) {
$template = str_ireplace( $target, '{{ ' . $placeholder . ' }}', $template );
return $template;
private function get_new_email_template() {
if ( $this->template_override_exists( $template_path ) ) {
return file_get_contents( $template_path );
return $this->get_default_view_as_template();
private function get_default_view_placeholders() {
return array (
/* 0, 2, 3 */ 'title' => array( '<?php echo $title; ?>', '<?php echo esc_attr( $title ); ?>' ),
/* 1 */ 'company_logo' => '<?php echo defender_asset_url( \'/assets/email-images/logo.png\' ); ?>',
/* 4 */ 'content_body' => '<?php echo $content_body; ?>',
/* 5 */ 'cheers' => '<?php esc_html_e( "Cheers,", \'wpdef\' ) ?>',
/* 6 */ 'company_name' => '<?php esc_html_e( "The WPMU DEV Team.", \'wpdef\' ) ?>',
/* 7 */ 'company_logo_2x' => '<?php echo defender_asset_url( \'/assets/email-images/wpmudev-logo@2x.png\' ); ?>',
/* 8 */ 'follow_us' => '<?php _e( \'Follow us\', \'wpdef\' ); ?>',
/* 9 */ 'icon_facebook_url' => '<?php echo defender_asset_url( \'/assets/email-images/icon-fb.png\' ); ?>',
/* 10 */ 'icon_instagram_url' => '<?php echo defender_asset_url( \'/assets/email-images/icon-instagram.png\' ); ?>',
/* 11 */ 'icon_twitter_url' => '<?php echo defender_asset_url( \'/assets/email-images/icon-twitter.png\' ); ?>',
/* 12 */ 'facebook_url' => '',
/* 13 */ 'instagram_url' => '',
/* 14 */ 'twitter_url' => '',
/* N/A */ 'company_address' => 'INCSUB PO BOX 163, ALBERT PARK, VICTORIA.3206 AUSTRALIA'
public function download_base_template() {
if ( ! $this->can_edit_branding() || ! $this->is_defender_settings_page() || empty( $_GET['download_email_template'] ) ) {
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_GET['download_email_template'], 'wdf-whitelabel-download-template' ) ) {
header( "Content-type: text/html", true, 200 );
header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $this->get_template_override_filename() );
header( "Pragma: no-cache" );
header( "Expires: 0" );
die( $this->get_default_view_as_template() );
private function get_setting( $name, $default_value = null ) {
if ( null === $this->stored_settings ) {
$this->stored_settings = ! is_multisite()
? get_option( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_settings' )
: get_site_option( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_settings' );
$value = isset( $this->stored_settings[ $name ] ) ? $this->stored_settings[ $name ] : $default_value;
return apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_' . $name, $value, $default_value );
public function save_email_whitelabel_settings() {
if ( ! $this->can_edit_branding() ) {
if ( empty( $_POST['wdf_branding_nonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['wdf_branding_nonce'], 'wdf_branding' ) ) {
$settings = array();
$setting_names = array( 'company_name', 'company_address', 'company_logo', 'company_logo_2x', 'facebook_url', 'twitter_url', 'instagram_url' );
foreach( $setting_names as $setting_name ) {
$settings[ $setting_name ] = ! empty( $_POST[ $setting_name ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ $setting_name ] ) : null;
if ( ! is_multisite() ) {
update_option( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_settings', $settings );
} else {
update_site_option( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_settings', $settings );
public function replace_defender_emails( $mail ) {
if ( empty( $mail['message'] ) || false === strpos( $mail['message'], defender_asset_url( '/assets/email-images/logo.png' ) ) ) {
return $mail;
$view = file_get_contents( WP_DEFENDER_DIR . '/src/view/email/index.php' );
$regex = '/<\?php.*?\?>/m';
$result = $mail['message'];
$fragments = explode( '%|%', preg_replace( $regex, '%|%', $view ) );
foreach ( $fragments as $i => $fragment ) {
$result = trim( str_ireplace( trim( $fragment ), '%|%', trim( $result ) ), '%|%' ) ;
$result = explode( '%|%', $result );
$vars = array(
'title' => apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_title', trim( $result[0] ), null ),
'company_logo' => $this->get_setting( 'company_logo', trim( $result[1] ) ),
'content_body' => apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_content_body', trim( $result[4] ), null ),
'cheers' => apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_cheers', trim( $result[5] ), null ),
'company_name' => $this->get_setting( 'company_name', trim( $result[6] ) ),
'company_logo_2x' => $this->get_setting( 'company_logo_2x', trim( $result[7] ) ),
'follow_us' => apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_follow_us', trim( $result[8] ), null ),
'icon_facebook_url' => apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_icon_facebook_url', trim( $result[9] ), null ),
'icon_instagram_url' => apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_icon_instagram_url', trim( $result[10] ), null ),
'icon_twitter_url' => apply_filters( 'wdf_email_whitelabel_icon_twitter_url', trim( $result[11] ), null ),
'facebook_url' => $this->get_setting( 'facebook_url', '' ),
'instagram_url' => $this->get_setting( 'instagram_url', '' ),
'twitter_url' => $this->get_setting( 'twitter_url', '' ),
'company_address' => $this->get_setting( 'company_address', 'INCSUB PO BOX 163, ALBERT PARK, VICTORIA.3206 AUSTRALIA' ),
$new_view = $this->get_new_email_template();
foreach( $vars as $placeholder => $value ) {
if ( empty( $value ) ) {
$new_view = str_ireplace( '{{ ' . $placeholder . ' }}', $value, $new_view );
$mail['message'] = $new_view;
return $mail;
public function render_email_whitelabel_settings() {
if ( ! $this->is_defender_settings_page() || ! $this->can_edit_branding() ) {
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir()['basedir'];
$file_exists = $this->template_override_exists();
<template id="whitelabel-email-template-row">
<div class="sui-box-settings-row">
<div class="sui-box-settings-col-1">
<span class="sui-settings-label">Email White Label <span class="sui-tag sui-tag-blue sui-tag-sm" style="vertical-align:middle">Unofficial</span></span>
<span class="sui-description">Customize the emails sent by Defender with your own brand.</span>
<div class="sui-box-settings-col-2">
<fieldset id="wdf_branding">
<label style="font-weight:bold">Basic branding</label>
<div style="margin-bottom:30px">
<input type="hidden" name="wdf_branding_nonce" value="<?php echo wp_create_nonce( 'wdf_branding' ); ?>" />
<div class="sui-form-field">
<label class="sui-label">Company name</label>
<input class="sui-form-control wdf-branding" name="company_name" value="<?php echo $this->get_setting( 'company_name' ); ?>" placeholder="The WPMU DEV Team." />
<div class="sui-form-field">
<label class="sui-label">Company address</label>
<input class="sui-form-control wdf-branding" name="company_address" value="<?php echo $this->get_setting( 'company_address' ); ?>" placeholder="INCSUB PO BOX 163, ALBERT PARK, VICTORIA.3206 AUSTRALIA"/>
<div class="sui-form-field">
<label class="sui-label">Header logo (27x30)</label>
<input class="sui-form-control wdf-branding" name="company_logo" value="<?php echo $this->get_setting( 'company_logo' ); ?>" placeholder="<?php echo defender_asset_url( '/assets/email-images/logo.png' ); ?>">
<div class="sui-form-field">
<label class="sui-label">Footer logo (170x30)</label>
<input class="sui-form-control wdf-branding" name="company_logo_2x" value="<?php echo $this->get_setting( 'company_logo_2x' ); ?>" placeholder="<?php echo defender_asset_url( '/assets/email-images/wpmudev-logo@2x.png' ); ?>">
<div class="sui-form-field">
<label class="sui-label">Facebook page URL</label>
<input class="sui-form-control wdf-branding" name="facebook_url" value="<?php echo $this->get_setting( 'facebook_url' ); ?>" placeholder="">
<div class="sui-form-field">
<label class="sui-label">Instagram profile URL</label>
<input class="sui-form-control wdf-branding" name="instagram_url" value="<?php echo $this->get_setting( 'instagram_url' ); ?>" placeholder="">
<div class="sui-form-field">
<label class="sui-label">Twitter profile URL</label>
<input class="sui-form-control wdf-branding" name="twitter_url" value="<?php echo $this->get_setting( 'twitter_url' ); ?>" placeholder="">
<label style="font-weight:bold">Template override (Advanced)</label>
<a href="?page=wdf-setting&download_email_template=<?php echo wp_create_nonce( 'wdf-whitelabel-download-template' );?>" class="sui-button sui-button-ghost sui-button-compound">
<span class="sui-button-text-default">
<i aria-hidden="true" class="sui-icon-download"></i>
Download template
Current status:
<span class="sui-status-dot <?php echo $file_exists ? 'sui-published' : ''; ?>"><span aria-hidden="true"></span></span>
<strong style="color:<?php echo $file_exists ? '#17a8e3' : '#a7a7a7'; ?>"><?php echo $file_exists ? 'Active' : 'Inactive'; ?></strong>
<p class="sui-description" style="margin-bottom:15px">To override the default email template, please download it by clicking in the <strong>Download template</strong> button, then edit it with your favorite code editor and finally upload the file to the following path via FTP:</p>
<p class="sui-description" style="margin-bottom:15px"><code><?php echo $upload_dir; ?>/<?php echo $this->get_template_override_filename() ?></code></p>
<p class="sui-description"><strong>Important:</strong> the file MUST be named <strong><?php echo $this->get_template_override_filename(); ?></strong>, otherwise it will not be detected. To disable the template override, just delete that file from the server.</p>
( function( $ ) {
setTimeout( function() {
$( $( '.sui-row-with-sidenav > div:nth-child(2) .sui-box-body' )[0] ).append(
$( '#whitelabel-email-template-row' ).html()
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.reallySend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(body) {
if ( body instanceof FormData ) {
if ( 'string' === typeof body.get('data') && -1 !== (body.get('data')).indexOf('uninstall_settings') ) {
jQuery.each( jQuery('fieldset#wdf_branding input').serializeArray(), function( index, field ) {
body.append(, field.value );
this.reallySend( body );
}, 2000 );
})( window.jQuery )
} );
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