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Last active July 25, 2019 19:42
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Checks status of all git repos in a directory
## Functions to check status of git repos in a given folder ----
## W.K. Petry
## inspired by @djnavarro's workbch::view_git_status
## Helper fxn to fail gracefully for local-only repos ----
## with no upstream
ab_poss <- purrr::possibly(.f = = .x, upstream = .y)),
col.names = c("ahead", "behind")),
otherwise = data.frame(ahead = NA_integer_,
behind = NA_integer_))
## Fetch git status of all repo ----
git_status <- function(path = getwd(), recursive = TRUE,
show_clean = FALSE, keep_paths = FALSE,
keep_untethered = TRUE){
path <- gsub("\\/$", "", path) # remove trailing "/" if needed
dirs <- dir(path = path, pattern = "^.git$", recursive = recursive,
full.names = TRUE, all.files = TRUE, include.dirs = TRUE)
tbl <- tibble(local_name = basename(dirname(dirs)),
local_path = dirname(dirs)) %>%
mutate(repo_head = purrr::map(.x = local_path,
.f = git2r::repository_head),
upstream_head = purrr::map(.x = repo_head,
.f = git2r::branch_get_upstream),
status = purrr::map(.x = local_path,
.f =, length))),
ab = purrr::map2(.x = repo_head, .y = upstream_head,
.f = ab_poss),
has_upstream = map(.x = upstream_head,
.f = ~!is.null(.x))) %>%
dplyr::select(-contains("_head"), -local_path, local_path) %>%
tidyr::unnest(cols = c("status", "ab")) %>%
filter_if(is.integer, any_vars(. != 0 |
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