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Last active June 27, 2018 15:54
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## Evaluate color palettes for colorblindness accessibility ----
## W.K. Petry
## Preliminaries ----
library(paletteer) # devtools::install_github("EmilHvitfeldt/paletteer")
library(colorblindr) # for palette_plot() function
# Convert RGB hexadecimal strings to CIE Lab color space
# (!) uncritically accepts default conversion settings
hex2Lab <- function(x){
# Convert R color names to hexadecimal strings
hexNames <- function (cname){ # modified from gplots::col2hex
modify(.x = cname, .f = ~simplify(ifelse(grepl("^#", .x), .x, gplots::col2hex(.x))))
# Calculate pairwise delta E 2000 scores for color palettes in hexadecimal strings
pal_dE00 <- function(pal){
pairs_hex <- combn(pal, 2, simplify = FALSE)
pairs_Lab <- lapply(pairs_hex, hex2Lab)
unname(sapply(pairs_Lab, function(x) deltaE2000(Lab1 = x[1, ], Lab2 = x[2, ])))
## Fetch all palettes, calculate minimum delta E score under colorblind simulations ----
threshold <- 6 # minimum perceptible difference in Delta E, no less than 2-10 [range: 0-100]
palette_access <- palettes_d_names %>%
as.tibble() %>%
mutate(colors_orig = map2(.x = package, .y = palette, .f = paletteer_d),
colors_orig = map(.x = colors_orig, .f = hexNames),
colors_deutan = map(.x = colors_orig, .f = deutan),
colors_protan = map(.x = colors_orig, .f = protan),
colors_tritan = map(.x = colors_orig, .f = tritan),
min_dE00_orig = map_dbl(.x = colors_orig, .f = ~min(pal_dE00(.x))),
min_dE00_deutan = map_dbl(.x = colors_deutan, .f = ~min(pal_dE00(.x))),
min_dE00_protan = map_dbl(.x = colors_protan, .f = ~min(pal_dE00(.x))),
min_dE00_tritan = map_dbl(.x = colors_tritan, .f = ~min(pal_dE00(.x))),
universalAccess = pmap_lgl(.l = list(..1 = min_dE00_orig, ..2 = min_dE00_deutan,
..3 = min_dE00_protan, ..4 = min_dE00_tritan),
.f = ~all(c(..1, ..2, ..3, ..4) > threshold)))
# What percentage of palettes are 'universally accessible'?
100 * sum(palette_access$universalAccess) / nrow(palette_access)
## Human eye test ----
## (your mileage may vary)
# check a 'universally accessible' palette
palette_plot(paletteer_d("ggsci", "default_jama")) # checks out for my moderate deuteranopia
# check an 'inaccessible' palette
palette_plot(paletteer_d("ggthemes", "excel_Gallery")) # for me, colors 4 & 5 are indistingishable
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