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Last active July 21, 2018 09:30
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Override WooCommerce from plugin

The normal WooCommerce template loader searches the following locations in order, until a match is found:

  • your theme / template path / template name
  • your theme / template name
  • default path / template name

We’re going to alter this slightly by injecting a search for the template within our own custom plugin (step 3 below), before finally defaulting to the WooCommerce core templates directory:

  • your theme / template path / template name
  • your theme / template name
  • your plugin / woocommerce / template name
  • default path / template name

This can be done by adding the following function and filter, which basically duplicates and modifies the behavior of the woocommerce_locate_template() function found within woocommerce-core-functions.php:

function myplugin_plugin_path() {

  // gets the absolute path to this plugin directory

  return untrailingslashit( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_locate_template', 'myplugin_woocommerce_locate_template', 10, 3 );

function myplugin_woocommerce_locate_template( $template, $template_name, $template_path ) {
  global $woocommerce;

  $_template = $template;

  if ( ! $template_path ) $template_path = $woocommerce->template_url;

  $plugin_path  = myplugin_plugin_path() . '/woocommerce/';

  // Look within passed path within the theme - this is priority
  $template = locate_template(

      $template_path . $template_name,

  // Modification: Get the template from this plugin, if it exists
  if ( ! $template && file_exists( $plugin_path . $template_name ) )
    $template = $plugin_path . $template_name;

  // Use default template
  if ( ! $template )
    $template = $_template;

  // Return what we found
  return $template;

With that active you can override core template files by placing them in myplugin/woocommerce/.

For instance, to override loop/add-to-cart.php, copy that file to your plugin in the following location: myplugin/woocommerce/loop/add-to-cart.php and make your modifications. The theme will still be able to override it, and all other template files will be loaded from WooCommerce or the default path, as normal.

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