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Created October 19, 2019 14:35
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const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const { Storage } = require('@google-cloud/storage');
const url: string = '';
const bucketName = '';
const fileName = `hoge-${}.png`;
(async () => {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.setViewport({ width: 1600, height: 950 });
const response = await page.goto(url);
const element = await page.$('.hoge');
if (element === null) {
throw new Error('`elements` is null.');
await element.screenshot({ path: fileName });
await uploadFile(bucketName, fileName);
await makePublic(bucketName, fileName);
await browser.close();
})().catch(e => console.error(e));
async function uploadFileToGCS(bucketName: string, filename: string) {
// Uploads a local file to the bucket
try {
await storage.bucket(bucketName).upload(filename, {
// Support for HTTP requests made with `Accept-Encoding: gzip`
gzip: true,
// By setting the option `destination`, you can change the name of the
// object you are uploading to a bucket.
metadata: {
// Enable long-lived HTTP caching headers
// Use only if the contents of the file will never change
// (If the contents will change, use cacheControl: 'no-cache')
cacheControl: 'public, max-age=31536000',
console.log(`${filename} uploaded to ${bucketName}.`);
// [END storage_upload_file]
} catch (e) {
async function makePublic(bucketName: string, filename: string) {
// Makes the file public
try {
await storage
console.log(`gs://${bucketName}/${filename} is now public.`);
// [END storage_make_public]
} catch (e) {
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