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Artyom V. Gorchakov worldbeater

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worldbeater /
Last active May 30, 2024 07:55
Unified Abstract Syntax Tree (UAST). Inspired by, created with an intention to implement fuzzy code-to-code search algorithms in a language-agnostic fashion, see "An Approach to Generating Recommendations for Improving the Performance of Software for Heterogeneous Computing Platforms"…
import ast
import pprint
import pycparser
import pycparser.c_ast as cast
# Backus–Naur Form of UAST.
# <body> ::= ('body', <stmt1>, <stmt2>, ...)
# <stmt> ::= ('func', <str>, <params>, <body>)
# | ('if', <expr>, <body>, <body>)
# | ('assign', <expr>, <expr>)
worldbeater /
Last active April 29, 2024 00:10
Simple term rewriting system (TRS) that is based on structural pattern matching, see and
def topdown(rule, expr):
match rule(expr):
case (spec, *args):
return (spec, *(topdown(rule, arg) for arg in args))
case expr:
return expr
def rewrite(rule, expr):
while (new_expr := topdown(rule, expr)) != expr:
expr = new_expr
worldbeater / enumerate-and-replace.vba
Last active June 3, 2024 09:30
A Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code for finding all references (e.g. [42], [2—3, 4]) and increasing their numbers based on the preconfigured N and M values. Useful when inserting a new reference into the beginning of the bibliography of a large DOCX.
Sub Highlight(Phrase As String)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveDocument
With .Range
With .Find
.Format = False
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
worldbeater / П
Last active July 18, 2024 12:45
Sample programs for debugging intelligent static analysis tool which uses program representations based on Markov chains constructed from AST, see
# type: ignore
def query():
array = []
for i in range(10000):
array.append(i * 2)
def tree():
a = 10
nums = [] # A1
worldbeater /
Last active April 21, 2024 21:59
A Python library and eDSL for code complexity assessment algorithm synthesis, see our paper "A Rule-Based Algorithm and Its Specializations for Measuring the Complexity of Software in Educational Digital Environments" @
import ast
def check(rules, env, node, parent):
total, names = 0, []
for name, (spec, check, weight) in rules.items():
if isinstance(node, spec) and check(node, parent):
if score := weight(env, node) if callable(weight) else weight:
total += score
return total, '+'.join(names)
worldbeater / StyleManager.cs
Last active August 1, 2023 21:53
StyleManager helper class, allowing to change Avalonia theme which a Window uses dynamically at runtime. See:
public sealed class StyleManager
public enum Theme { Citrus, Sea, Rust, Candy, Magma }
private readonly StyleInclude _magmaStyle = CreateStyle("avares://Citrus.Avalonia/Magma.xaml");
private readonly StyleInclude _candyStyle = CreateStyle("avares://Citrus.Avalonia/Candy.xaml");
private readonly StyleInclude _citrusStyle = CreateStyle("avares://Citrus.Avalonia/Citrus.xaml");
private readonly StyleInclude _rustStyle = CreateStyle("avares://Citrus.Avalonia/Rust.xaml");
private readonly StyleInclude _seaStyle = CreateStyle("avares://Citrus.Avalonia/Sea.xaml");
private readonly Window _window;
public partial class FeedbackView : Form, IViewFor<FeedbackViewModel>
public FeedbackView()
ViewModel = new FeedbackViewModel(new WinFormsSender(), new Clock());
this.WhenActivated(subscriptions =>
this.Bind(ViewModel, x => x.Title, x => x.TitleTextBox.Text)
public class ReactiveFodyViewModel : ReactiveObject
private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper<string> _greeting;
public string Greeting => _greeting.Value;
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> Clear { get; }
public sealed partial class FeedbackView : Page, IViewFor<FeedbackViewModel>
public static readonly DependencyProperty ViewModelProperty = DependencyProperty
.Register(nameof(ViewModel), typeof(FeedbackViewModel), typeof(FeedbackView), null);
public FeedbackView()
ViewModel = new FeedbackViewModel(new UwpSender(), new Clock());
this.WhenActivated(disposables => { /* handle interactions, etc. */ });
worldbeater / Commands.fs
Last active March 17, 2019 20:34
Funogram Greetings Bot
module Program
open Funogram.Bot
open Funogram.Api
open ExtCore.Control
open System
/// Handler for '/hello'.
let onHello context =
maybe {