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Forked from githubfoam/ansible cheat sheet
Last active August 9, 2024 13:26
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ansible cheat sheet
# Not inventory, remote passwordless ssh connection
control01 ansible_host= ansible_connection=ssh ansible_ssh_port=22 ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa ansible_user=vagrant
#vagrant-client01 ansible_host= ansible_ssh_private_key_file='.vagrant/machines/vagrant-client01/virtualbox/private_key' ansible_connection=local ansible_ssh_user='vagrant'
# Running a playbook in dry-run mode
ansible-playbook playbooks/PLAYBOOK_NAME.yml --check
ansible hostname -m setup
ansible -m setup test-instance -i inventory | grep ansible_distribution
sudo ansible all -m setup -i "`hostname`," --connection=local -a "filter=ansible_distribution*"
# Specifying a user
ansible-playbook playbooks/atmo_playbook.yml --user atmouser
# Using a specific SSH private key
ansible -m ping hosts --private-key=~/.ssh/keys/id_rsa -u centos
# Passing Variables via CLI
ansible-playbook playbooks/atmo_playbook.yml -e "ATMOUSERNAME=atmouser"
# Modify file
ansible all -m lineinfile -a "dest=/etc/group regexp='^(users:x:100:)(.*)' line='\1ldapusername,\2' state=present backrefs=yes"
ansible-playbook release.yml --extra-vars "version=1.23.45 other_variable=foo"
ansible-playbook arcade.yml --extra-vars '{"pacman":"mrs","ghosts":["inky","pinky","clyde","sue"]}'
ansible-playbook release.yml --extra-vars "@some_file.json"
# Passing variables on the command line
~/..ansible/roles ->ansible role default dir
#shell variable ANSIBLE_HOST
# Inventory - Examples
ansible-inventory --inventory-file=inventory --host singular1
ansible-inventory --inventory-file=inventory --list
ansible-inventory --inventory-file=inventory --graph
$ ansible -i inventory client1.example.lan -m setup | grep ansible_user
$ ansible -i inventory client1.example.lan -m setup -a "filter=facter_*"
$ ansible client1.example.lan -i inventory -m setup | grep ansible_default_ipv4.gateway
$ ansible -i inventory client1.example.lan -m ping
$ ansible -i inventory client1.example.lan -m ping -u root
$ ansible -i inventory "client*" -m yum -a 'name=httpd state=absent'
$ ansible -i inventory "client*" -a "yum update"
$ ansible -i inventory "client*" -a "uname -a"
$ ansible -i inventory "client*" -m yum -a 'name=* state=latest'
$ ansible -i inventory client1.example.lan -m shell -a "yum list installed | grep docker"
$ ansible -i inventory client1.example.lan -m shell -a "hostnamectl"
$ ansible -i inventory client1.example.lan -m shell -a "cat /etc/hosts"
$ ansible -i inventory client1.example.lan -m shell -a "ifconfig"
$ ansible -i inventory client1.example.lan -m shell -a "whoami"
$ ansible -i inventory client1.example.lan -m shell -a "nmcli d status"
$ ansible -i inventory client1.example.lan -m shell -a "sudo ifconfig -a"
$ ansible -i inventory selinux1 -m shell -a "whoami"
ansible -m debug -a 'var=hostvars' localhost
ansible -m debug -a 'var=hostvars' localhost | grep inventory_hostname
ansible -m debug -a 'var=hostvars' client1.example.lan -i inventory
ansible -m debug -a 'var=hostvars' client1.example.lan -i inventory| grep inventory_hostname
ansible -m service -a "name=sshd state=restarted" --sudo -K
ansible -m copy -a "src=/home/liquidat/tmp/test.yml dest=/home/liquidat/text.yaml"
ansible -m copy -a "src=/home/liquidat/tmp/test.yml dest=/home/liquidat/text.yaml"
ansible-config view -> Displays the current config file
ansible-config list -> List all current configs reading lib/ and shows env and config file setting names
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -v
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -vv
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -vvv
ansible-playbook playbooks/PLAYBOOK_NAME.yml --limit "host1,host2"
ansible-playbook --list-hosts /vagrant/deploy.yml
ansible-playbook --list-tags /vagrant/deploy.yml
ansible-playbook --syntax-check installnginx.yml
ansible-playbook -i hosts installnginx.yml
ansible-playbook deploy-gluster.yml --tags "inventoryvars"
ansible-playbook deploy-gluster.yml --skip-tags "inventoryvars"
# run ansible role on command prompt
- {role: 'apache', tags: 'apache'}
ansible-playbook webserver.yml --tags "apache"
ansible-playbook vagranthost -i hosts -b -k -u vagrant nginx.yml
ansible-doc apt -> details of the apt module
ansible-doc collection-namespace.plugin -> details of the module from Galaxy collection
ansible-doc --list -> plugin list
ansible all --sudo --ask-sudo-pass -m raw -a 'sudo apt-get -y install python-simplejson
ansible web -m apt -a "name=apache2 state=present" -> Installs httpd package on the [web] group within your Ansible inventory
ansible all -m apt -a "name=bash=4.3 state=present" -> Install a certain version of Bash to every node
ansible all -m apt -a "upgrade=dist" -> the target nodes to update all installed software
ansible all -m yum -a "name=httpd state=present"
ansible all -m yum -a "name=* state=latest"
ansible <ansible group> -a "<shell command>"
ansible mysql -a "reboot -now" -> reboot all the members of the mysql group
ansible mysql -m service -a "name=mysql state=restarted" -> restart MySQL
ansible mysql -m service -a "name=mysql state=stopped"
ansible mysql -m service -a "name=mysql state=started"
#-m ping - Use the "ping" module, which simply runs the ping command and returns the results
#-s - Use "sudo" to run the commands
#-k - Ask for a password rather than use key-based authentication
#-u vagrant - Log into servers using user vagrant
ansible vagranthost -i hosts -m ping -b -k -u vagrant
ansible vagranthost -i hosts -b -k -u vagrant -m shell -a 'apt-get install nginx -y'
ansible vagranthost -i hosts -b -k -u vagrant -m apt -a 'pkg=nginx state=installed update_cache=true'
ansible vagranthost -i hosts -b -k -u vagrant -m apt -a 'pkg=nginx state=absent
ansible scientific_linux -m ping -k -u vagrant
ansible scientific_linux -k -u vagrant -m shell -a 'hostnamectl'
ansible scientific_linux -b -u vagrant -m shell -a 'whoami'
ansible scientific_linux -b -k -u vagrant -m yum -a 'name=httpd state=latest'
ansible scientific_linux -b -k -u vagrant -m yum -a 'name=httpd state=absent'
ansible scientific_linux -b -k -u vagrant -m yum -a 'name=* state=latest'
ansible scientific_linux -b -k -u vagrant -m yum -a 'name=* state=latest exclude=kernel*'
ansible -i hosts local --connection=local -b --become-user=root -m shell -a 'apt-get install nginx' -> Run against a local server
ansible -i hosts remote -b --become-user=root all -m shell -a 'apt-get install nginx' -> Run against a remote server
ansible all -m user -a "name=gduffy" comment="Griff Duffy" group=users password="amadeuppassword" -> add a user named gduffy to a group called
users on every node within your Ansible inventory
ansible db -m user -a "name=gduffy" state=absent remove=yes"
ansible all -m user -a "name=beth shell=/bin/ksh home=/mnt/externalhome
ansible all -m user -a "name=meg generate_ssh_key=yes" -> create a user called Meg with an associated key
ansible all -m copy -a "src=keys/id_rsa dest="/home/beth/.ssh/id_rsa mode=0600 ->attach a key to a specifed account
ansible web_servers -m authorized_key -a "user=michael key="{{lookup('file', '/home/michael/.ssh/') }}" ->adds public key
to all web servers defned within the Ansible inventory.
Copy SSH key manually
ansible <HOST_GROUP> -m authorized_key -a "user=root key='ssh-rsa AAAA...XXX == root@hostname'"
ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=~/.vault_pass.txt -> Ansible will automatically search for the password in that file
ansible-vault create passwd.yml -> Create a new encrypted data file.Set the password for vault
ansible-vault edit passwd.yml -> Edit encrypted file
ansible-vault rekey passwd.yml -> Change password for encrypted file
#Install ansible Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ansible
ansible --version
#Install ansible Red Hat/CentOS
sudo yum -y install
sudo yum install ansible
ansible --version
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