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Robert Soriano wobsoriano

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import {
} from "framer-motion";
import React from "react";
export interface Clock {
value: MotionValue<number>;
setRate: (rate: number) => void;
efkann / react.d.ts
Created October 10, 2023 20:00
React Experimental Hooks Type Declarations
declare module 'react-dom' {
interface FormStatusNotPending {
pending: false;
data: null;
method: null;
action: null;
interface FormStatusPending {
pending: true;
joakimriedel / !typed mappers (mapGetters, mapActions, mapMutations, mapState) for vuex 4 and vue
Last active May 9, 2024 14:40
Strictly typed mappers for vuex 4 and vue 3 using Typescript 4.4+

Vuex 4 is a great companion to Vue 3, but Vuex is falling behind on Typescript support. While waiting for better typing support in Vuex 5 or using Pinia, this wrapper might help.

Using this wrapper will correctly infer arguments and return types on your state, actions, getters and mutations.

It works both within your store(s) and any Vue components where you use the mapActions, mapState, mapGetters or mapMutations helpers from Vuex.

No more any will help you find many errors at compile-time!

AlexVipond /
Last active September 5, 2023 09:42
Effect timing in Vue 3

Effect timing in Vue 3

If your reactive side effects aren't properly timed in a Vue app, you'll see very confusing behavior.

To fully understand Vue effect timing, you'd have to learn about microtasks in browser-based JavaScript. That said, a deep understanding of microtasks and of the browser event loop is really only practical for framework authors—it's not practical knowledge for framework users.

Instead of trying to learn how Vue effect timing actually works under the hood, try learning the following:

  • Simplified versions of effect timing concepts
  • Some opinionated guidelines on how to use the two effect timing tools at your disposal in Vue 3: the flush option for watch and watchEffect, and nextTick.
tannerlinsley / useBroadcastLeader.ts
Created June 4, 2021 14:37
A React Hook to determine if a tab of your application is the "leader" using BroadcastChannel and leader election
import { BroadcastChannel, createLeaderElection } from 'broadcast-channel'
import React from 'react'
const channels = {}
export function useBroadcastLeader(id = 'default') {
const [isBroadcastLeader, setIsBroadcastLeader] = React.useState(false)
React.useEffect(() => {
if (!channels[id]) {
Luccasoli / useReactNavigationQuery
Created May 14, 2021 23:44
useQuery layer implementing refetchOnWindowFocus in react-native project using react-navigation
import { useFocusEffect } from '@react-navigation/core';
import { useCallback } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-query';
davidteren /
Last active September 19, 2024 00:58
Install Nerd Fonts via Homebrew [updated & fixed]
tannerlinsley / createCrudHooks.js
Created November 29, 2020 06:39
A naive, but efficient starter to generate crud hooks for React Query
export default function createCrudHooks({
}) {
const useIndex = (config) => useQuery([baseKey], indexFn, config)
const useSingle = (id, config) =>
luna-koury / # Vuex 4 -> Vue3 &
Last active April 6, 2022 13:32
Vuex 4 - Boilerplate Typescript

Vuex 4 boilerplate using Vue3 and typed modules with TypeScript

With Modules

 ┣ 📂store
 ┃ ┣ 📂modules
 ┃ ┃ ┗ 📂generic_module
 ┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜actions.ts
 ┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜getters.ts
 ┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜index.ts
ClickerMonkey / types.ts
Last active August 8, 2024 00:25
Typescript Helper Types
// when T is any|unknown, Y is returned, otherwise N
type IsAnyUnknown<T, Y, N> = unknown extends T ? Y : N;
// when T is never, Y is returned, otherwise N
type IsNever<T, Y = true, N = false> = [T] extends [never] ? Y : N;
// when T is a tuple, Y is returned, otherwise N
// valid tuples = [string], [string, boolean],
// invalid tuples = [], string[], (string | number)[]