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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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  • Save wmealing/ece2a08d3077cbe75d45 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wmealing/ece2a08d3077cbe75d45 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Using node_package with relx.
Add node_package to rebar.config
{deps, [
{node_package, ".*",
{git, "", {branch, "develop"}}}
Make a rootdir/pkgs.vars
package_name, "adjutant_core"}.
{package_install_name, "adjutant_core"}.
{package_install_user, "adjutant_core"}.
{package_install_group, "adjutant_admins"}.
{package_install_user_desc, "Adjutant user"}.
{package_shortdesc, "Core package for adjutant"}.
{package_desc, "Core package or adjutant"}.
{package_commands, {list, [[{name, "adjutant_core"}]]}}.
{bin_or_sbin, "bin"}.
{license_type, "Apache 2"}.
{copyright, "2014 or something"}.
{vendor_name, ", Inc"}.
{vendor_url, ""}.
{vendor_contact_name, "Something Package Maintainer"}.
{vendor_contact_email, ""}.
"This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
"under the License."}.
{solaris_pkgname, "LIGHTSANDCLOCKEWORKadjutant_core"}.
steal makefile entries from pkgex
Change the release target,
make it use $(REBAR) (REBAR=`which rebar`), i'm not putting a binary file in my repo, to that way lies madness.
rel: deps compile
@$(REBAR) compile
relx <-- this line was previously rebar generate.
$ git tag v0.0.3.
$ commit -a
commit modified makefile, commit all modifications to git.
$ make package
-- from the tail end --
# @`which rebar` skip_deps=true generate overlay_vars=../../vars.config
===> Starting relx build process ...
===> Resolving OTP Applications from directories:
===> Resolving available OTP Releases from directories:
===> Resolved adjutant_core-0.0.3
===> Including Erts from /usr/local/Cellar/erlang/17.1/lib/erlang
===> release successfully created!
mkdir -p packages
mkdir -p osxbuild
cd adjutant_core- && \
cp -R rel/adjutant_core \
cd osxbuild && \
tar -czf ../packages/adjutant_core- \
cd packages && \
for tarfile in `ls *.gz`; do \
shasum -a 256 ${tarfile} > ${tarfile}.sha \
; done
And the tar.gz file (i expected a pkg or something for osx).
$ cd adjutant_core-
$ ls
Makefile _rel config deps pkg.vars.config priv rebar.config rel relx.config
^ this is not the release, it sthe stuff inside _rel/myproject that i kinda expected to be there.
Maybe i need to hack the files to grab _rel/myproject/ for the tar.gz file
My goal is to eventually use cuttlefish ( ), however i -still- feel like there is a step missing that my .config files are not being generated from the schema file.. not sure why.
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