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Created July 27, 2010 03:31
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(ns mywebapp.add
(:require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html])
(:use clojure.contrib.json)
(:use clojure.contrib.prxml))
(html/deftemplate add-view "views/addtwonums.html"
[:p#answer] (html/content (:answer ctxt)))
(defn add-two-nums [a b]
(add-view {:answer (str "the answer is " (+ a b))}))
(defn add-two-nums-noanswer []
(add-view {}))
(defn add-two-nums-json [a b]
(json-str [:answer (+ a b)]))
(defn add-two-nums-xml [a b]
(with-out-str (prxml [:answer (+ a b)])))
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