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Created March 11, 2012 21:14
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Isomorphism vs. Bijection
@author: Wojciech Jedynak (
We show that the notions of isomorphism and bijection coincide in type theory.
This follows because from a constructive proof of surjectivity of a function f
we must be able to extract the inverse of f.
module isomorphism where
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary
open ≡-Reasoning
-- Some basic notions --
Injection : {A B : Set} (A B) Set
Injection {A} f = (a a' : A) f a f a' a a'
Surjection : {A B : Set} (A B) Set
Surjection {B = B} f = (b : B) (λ a f a b)
ComposeId : {A B : Set} (A B) (B A) Set
ComposeId {B = B} f g = (b : B) f (g b) b
-- If both compositions of a pair of functions are identities, then they are bijections --
module Iso2Bij
(A : Set)
(B : Set)
(f : AB)
(g : BA)
(f-g : ComposeId f g)
(g-f : ComposeId g f)
f-injection : Injection f
f-injection a a' eq = begin
a ≡⟨ sym (g-f a)
g (f a) ≡⟨ cong g eq
g (f a') ≡⟨ g-f a'
where open ≡-Reasoning
f-surjection : Surjection f
f-surjection b = g b , f-g b
-- A bijection has an inverse --
module Bij2Iso
(A : Set)
(B : Set)
(f : AB)
(f-inj : Injection f)
(f-sur : Surjection f)
f-inv : B A
f-inv b with f-sur b
... | a , _ = a
f-g : ComposeId f f-inv
f-g b with f-sur b
... | a , prf = prf
g-f : ComposeId f-inv f
g-f a with f-sur (f a)
... | a' , prf = f-inj a' a prf
-- The same development, but packed into records --
record Isomorphism (A B : Set) : Set where
constructor iso
f : A B
g : B A
f-g : ComposeId f g
g-f : ComposeId g f
record Bijection (A B : Set) : Set where
constructor bij
fun : A B
inj : Injection fun
sur : Surjection fun
iso2bij : {A B} Isomorphism A B Bijection A B
iso2bij (iso f g f-g g-f) = record { fun = f
; inj = f-injection
; sur = f-surjection
open Iso2Bij _ _ f g f-g g-f
bij2iso : {A B} Bijection A B Isomorphism A B
bij2iso (bij fun inj sur) = record { f = fun
; g = f-inv
; f-g = f-g
; g-f = g-f
open Bij2Iso _ _ fun inj sur
iso-swap : {A B} Isomorphism A B Isomorphism B A
iso-swap (iso f g f-g g-f) = iso g f g-f f-g
bij-swap : {A B} Bijection A B Bijection B A
bij-swap = iso2bij iso-swap bij2iso
open import Function
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