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Created May 26, 2020 21:38
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Object Oriented C Example
#import <stdio.h>
#import <stdlib.h>
typedef enum {
heart = 0,
spade = 1,
diamond = 2,
club = 3
} Suit;
char *SuitName(Suit suit) {
switch (suit) {
case heart: return "Hearts";
case spade: return "Spades";
case diamond: return "Diamonds";
case club: return "Clubs";
// ----
typedef struct {
int value;
Suit suit;
} Card;
char *CardValueString(Card card) {
switch (card.value + 1) {
case 1: return "Ace";
case 11: return "Jack";
case 12: return "Queen";
case 13: return "King";
default: return NULL;
// ----
typedef struct {
Card cards[52];
} Deck;
void DeckInitialize(Deck *deck) {
for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) {
deck->cards[i].value = i % 13;
deck->cards[i].suit = i / 13;
void DeckPrint(Deck *deck) {
for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) {
Card card = deck->cards[i];
char *cardValueString = CardValueString(card);
if (NULL != cardValueString) {
printf("Card %02d: %s of %s\n",
i + 1, cardValueString, SuitName(card.suit));
} else {
printf("Card %02d: %d of %s\n",
i + 1, card.value + 1, SuitName(card.suit));
Deck *DeckCreate() {
Deck *deck = malloc(sizeof(Deck));
return deck;
void DeckDestroy(Deck *deck) {
// any necessary pre-deallocation cleanup
// ----
int main() {
Deck *deck = DeckCreate();
return 0;
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