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Created May 18, 2022 06:10
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Typo correction code for Starsector, based upon the CommandUtils class of LazyWizard's Console Commands.
import com.fs.starfarer.api.Global;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.campaign.FactionAPI;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
public class StringUtils {
* From Console Command's `CommandUtils`.
public static String findBestStringMatch(String id, Collection<String> toSearch) {
if (toSearch.contains(id)) {
return id;
id = id.toLowerCase();
String bestMatch = null;
double typoCorrectionThreshold = 0.9f;
for (String str : toSearch) {
double distance = calcSimilarity(id, str.toLowerCase());
if (distance == 1.0) {
return str;
if (distance > typoCorrectionThreshold) {
typoCorrectionThreshold = distance;
bestMatch = str;
return bestMatch;
* From Console Command's `CommandUtils`.
public static FactionAPI findBestFactionMatch(String name) {
name = name.toLowerCase();
FactionAPI bestMatch = null;
double typoCorrectionThreshold = 0.9f;
// Check IDs first in case multiple factions share the same name
for (FactionAPI faction : Global.getSector().getAllFactions()) {
double distance = calcSimilarity(name, faction.getId().toLowerCase());
if (distance == 1.0) {
return faction;
if (distance > typoCorrectionThreshold) {
typoCorrectionThreshold = distance;
bestMatch = faction;
// Search again by name if no matching ID is found
if (bestMatch == null) {
for (FactionAPI faction : Global.getSector().getAllFactions()) {
double distance = calcSimilarity(name, faction.getDisplayName().toLowerCase());
if (distance == 1.0) {
return faction;
if (distance > typoCorrectionThreshold) {
typoCorrectionThreshold = distance;
bestMatch = faction;
return bestMatch;
public static List<String> fixFactionTypos(List<String> factionList, boolean allowErrors) {
List<String> newList = new ArrayList<>(factionList);
for (int j = 0; j < newList.size(); j++) {
String factionId = newList.get(j);
if (Global.getSector().getFaction(factionId) == null) {
FactionAPI fixedFaction = StringUtils.findBestFactionMatch(factionId);
if (fixedFaction == null) {
if (!allowErrors) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Unable to find a matching faction for id '%s'.", factionId));
} else {
Global.getLogger(StringUtils.class).info(String.format("Correcting %s to %s.", factionId, fixedFaction.getId()));
newList.set(j, fixedFaction.getId());
return newList;
* From Console Command's `CommandUtils`.
* Returns normalized score, with 0.0 meaning no similarity at all,
* and 1.0 meaning full equality.
// Taken from:
public static double calcSimilarity(String s1, String s2) {
if (s1.equals(s2)) {
return 1.0;
// ensure that s1 is shorter than or same length as s2
if (s1.length() > s2.length()) {
String tmp = s2;
s2 = s1;
s1 = tmp;
// (1) find the number of characters the two strings have in common.
// note that matching characters can only be half the length of the
// longer string apart.
int maxdist = s2.length() / 2;
int c = 0; // count of common characters
int t = 0; // count of transpositions
int prevpos = -1;
for (int ix = 0; ix < s1.length(); ix++) {
char ch = s1.charAt(ix);
// now try to find it in s2
for (int ix2 = Math.max(0, ix - maxdist);
ix2 < Math.min(s2.length(), ix + maxdist);
ix2++) {
if (ch == s2.charAt(ix2)) {
c++; // we found a common character
if (prevpos != -1 && ix2 < prevpos) {
t++; // moved back before earlier
prevpos = ix2;
// we don't divide t by 2 because as far as we can tell, the above
// code counts transpositions directly.
// System.out.println("c: " + c);
// System.out.println("t: " + t);
// System.out.println("c/m: " + (c / (double) s1.length()));
// System.out.println("c/n: " + (c / (double) s2.length()));
// System.out.println("(c-t)/c: " + ((c - t) / (double) c));
// we might have to give up right here
if (c == 0) {
return 0.0;
// first compute the score
double score = ((c / (double) s1.length())
+ (c / (double) s2.length())
+ ((c - t) / (double) c)) / 3.0;
// (2) common prefix modification
int p = 0; // length of prefix
int last = Math.min(4, s1.length());
while (p < last && s1.charAt(p) == s2.charAt(p)) {
score += ((p * (1 - score)) / 10);
// (3) longer string adjustment
// I'm confused about this part. Winkler's original source code includes
// it, and Yancey's 2005 paper describes it. However, Winkler's list of
// test cases in his 2006 paper does not include this modification. So
// is this part of Jaro-Winkler, or is it not? Hard to say.
if (s1.length() >= 5 // both strings at least 5 characters long
&& c - p >= 2// at least two common characters besides prefix
&& c - p >= ((s1.length() - p) / 2)) // fairly rich in common chars
score = score + ((1 - score) * ((c - (p + 1))
/ ((double) ((s1.length() + s2.length())
- (2 * (p - 1))))));
// (4) similar characters adjustment
// the same holds for this as for (3) above.
return score;
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