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Created January 14, 2019 07:58
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Android Job Scheduler
namespace JobScheduleSample
open System
open Android.App
open Android.Content
open Android.OS
open Android.Runtime
open Android.Views
open Android.Widget
open Android.App.Job
open Android.Util
open Android.Content
open Java.Lang
open Android.Content
module JobSchedulerConstants =
let FibonacciJobId = 110
let FibonacciValueKey = "fibonacci_value"
let FibonacciResultKey = "fibonacci_result"
let FibonacciJobActionKey = "fibonacci_job_action"
[<Service(Name = "JobScheduleSample.FibonacciJob", Permission = "android.permission.BIND_JOB_SERVICE")>]
type FibonacciJob() as this =
inherit JobService()
let TAG = typeof<FibonacciJob>.FullName
member val Parameters: JobParameters option = None with get,set
member val Calculator: SimpleFibonacciCalculatorTask option = None with get,set
member this.BroadcastResults (result: int64) =
Log.Debug(TAG, sprintf "Computed value: %d" result) |> ignore
let i = new Intent(JobSchedulerConstants.FibonacciJobActionKey);
i.PutExtra(JobSchedulerConstants.FibonacciResultKey, result)
|> this.BaseContext.SendBroadcast
override x.OnStartJob(``params``) =
let fibonacciValue = ``params``.Extras.GetLong(JobSchedulerConstants.FibonacciValueKey, -1L);
if fibonacciValue < 0L then
Log.Debug(TAG, "Invalid value - must be > 0.") |> ignore
this.Parameters <- Some ``params``;
this.Calculator <- new SimpleFibonacciCalculatorTask(this) |> Some
this.Calculator |> Option.iter (fun calculator ->
calculator.Execute(fibonacciValue) |> ignore)
override x.OnStopJob(jobParams) =
Log.Debug(TAG, "System halted the job.") |> ignore
this.Calculator |> Option.iter (fun calculator ->
if not calculator.IsCancelled then
calculator.Cancel true |> ignore)
this.Calculator <- None
this.BroadcastResults -1L
SimpleFibonacciCalculatorTask(jobService:FibonacciJob) =
inherit AsyncTask<int64, Java.Lang.Void, int64>()
let TAG = typeof<SimpleFibonacciCalculatorTask>.FullName
let mutable fibonacciValue = -1L;
let getFibonacciFor(value:int64) =
if value = 0L then 0L
elif value = 1L || value = 2L then 1L
let mutable result = 0L
let mutable n1 = 0L
let mutable n2 = 1L
for i in seq { for x in 2L .. value do if x%2L = 0L then yield x } do
Thread.Sleep 1000L
result <- n1 + n2
n1 <- n2
n2 <- result
override this.RunInBackground(``params``) =
fibonacciValue <- -1L;
``params``.[0] |> getFibonacciFor
override this.OnPostExecute(result:int64) =
fibonacciValue <- result;
jobService.Parameters |> Option.iter (fun parameters ->
jobService.JobFinished(parameters, false))
Log.Debug(TAG, "Finished with fibonacci calculation: " + result.ToString()) |> ignore
override this.OnCancelled() =
Log.Debug(TAG, "Job was cancelled.") |> ignore
module JobSchedulerHelpers =
let GetComponentNameForJob<'T when 'T :> JobService>(context:Context) =
new ComponentName(context, typeof<'T> |> Class.FromType)
let setFibonacciValue(value:int64) (builder: JobInfo.Builder) =
let extras = new PersistableBundle();
extras.PutLong(JobSchedulerConstants.FibonacciValueKey, value);
let CreateJobInfoBuilderForFibonnaciCalculation(context: Context) (value: int64 ) =
|> GetComponentNameForJob<FibonacciJob>
|> (fun comp -> new JobInfo.Builder(JobSchedulerConstants.FibonacciJobId, comp))
|> setFibonacciValue value
type Callback = int64 option -> unit
[<BroadcastReceiver(Enabled = true, Exported = false)>]
type FibonacciResultReciever(callback:Callback option) =
inherit BroadcastReceiver()
let TAG = typeof<FibonacciResultReciever>.FullName
new() = new FibonacciResultReciever(None)
override x.OnReceive(context:Context , intent:Intent) =
Log.Debug(TAG, "Received broadcast") |> ignore
match callback with
| None ->
Log.Warn(TAG, "There is no activity, ignoring the results.") |> ignore
| Some callback ->
let result = intent.Extras.GetLong(JobSchedulerConstants.FibonacciResultKey, -1L);
if result > -1L then
Some result |> callback
callback None
[<Activity (Label = "Jobber", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@mipmap/icon")>]
type MainActivity () as this =
inherit Activity ()
let TAG = typeof<MainActivity>.FullName
let mutable jobScheduler: JobScheduler = null
let mutable receiver:FibonacciResultReciever option = None
let mutable resultsTextView:TextView = null
let mutable inputEditText:EditText = null
let mutable calculateButton:Button = null
let callback result =
Log.Debug(TAG, sprintf "Callback has been called with result: %A" result) |> ignore
match result with
| Some (result: int64) ->
let formatArgs: Java.Lang.Object[] = [|Java.Lang.Long.ValueOf(result.ToString()) |]
resultsTextView.Text <- this.Resources.GetString(Resources.String.fibonacci_calculation_result, formatArgs)
| None ->
calculateButton.Enabled <- true
member this.ScheduleFibonacciCalculation (eventArgs:EventArgs) =
let value = Int64.Parse inputEditText.Text
let builder = (JobSchedulerHelpers.CreateJobInfoBuilderForFibonnaciCalculation this value)
.SetMinimumLatency(1000L) // Wait at least 1 second
.SetOverrideDeadline(5000L) // But no longer than 5 seconds
let result = jobScheduler.Schedule(builder.Build())
if result = JobScheduler.ResultSuccess then
calculateButton.Enabled <- false;
Log.Debug(TAG, "Job started!") |> ignore
Log.Warn(TAG, "Problem starting the job " + result.ToString()) |> ignore
override this.OnCreate (bundle) =
base.OnCreate (bundle)
receiver <- new FibonacciResultReciever(Some callback) |> Some
jobScheduler <- this.GetSystemService(JobService.JobSchedulerService) :?> JobScheduler
// Set our view from the "main" layout resource
resultsTextView <- this.FindViewById<TextView>(Resources.Id.results_textview);
inputEditText <- this.FindViewById<EditText>(Resources.Id.fibonacci_start_value);
calculateButton <- this.FindViewById<Button>(Resources.Id.download_button);
calculateButton.Click.Add this.ScheduleFibonacciCalculation
override this.OnResume () =
receiver |> Option.iter (fun receiver ->
this.BaseContext.RegisterReceiver(receiver, new IntentFilter(JobSchedulerConstants.FibonacciResultKey)) |> ignore)
let filter = new IntentFilter();
receiver |> Option.iter (fun receiver -> this.RegisterReceiver(receiver, filter) |> ignore)
override this.OnPause() =
receiver |> Option.iter (fun receiver -> this.BaseContext.UnregisterReceiver(receiver))
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