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Created August 24, 2016 13:56
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AArch64 mov simplifier IDA plugin
# AArch64 mov simplifier IDA plugin
# Copyright (c) 2015 xerub
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# based on Rolf Rolles x86 deobfuscator
import idaapi
import idc
ARM64_MOVE_I = idaapi.ARM_mov
def dump_cmd(cmd):
print "cs = %lx" % cmd.cs
print "ip = %lx" % cmd.ip
print "ea = %lx" % cmd.ea
print "itype = %lx" % cmd.itype
print "size = %lx" % cmd.size
print "auxpref = %lx" % cmd.auxpref
print "segpref = %lx" % cmd.segpref
print "insnpref = %lx" % cmd.insnpref
print "flags = %lx" % cmd.flags
def dump_op(op):
print "n = %lx" % op.n
print "type = %lx" % op.type
print "offb = %lx" % op.offb
print "offo = %lx" % op.offo
print "flags = %lx" % op.flags
print "dtyp = %lx" % op.dtyp
print "reg = %lx" % op.reg
print "phrase = %lx" % op.phrase
print "value = %lx" % op.value
print "addr = %lx" % op.addr
print "specval = %lx" % op.specval
print "specflag1 = %lx" % op.specflag1
print "specflag2 = %lx" % op.specflag2
print "specflag3 = %lx" % op.specflag3
print "specflag4 = %lx" % op.specflag4
def HighestSetBit(N, imm):
i = N - 1
while i >= 0:
if imm & (1 << i):
return i
i -= 1
return -1
def ZeroExtendOnes(M, N): # zero extend M ones to N width
return (1 << M) - 1
def RORZeroExtendOnes(M, N, R):
val = ZeroExtendOnes(M, N)
return ((val >> R) & ((1 << (N - R)) - 1)) | ((val & ((1 << R) - 1)) << (N - R))
def Replicate(val, bits):
ret = val
shift = bits
while shift < 64: # XXX actually, it is either 32 or 64
ret |= (val << shift)
shift += bits
return ret
def DecodeBitMasks(immN, imms, immr, immediate):
len = HighestSetBit(7, (immN << 6) | (~imms & 0x3F))
if len < 1:
return None
levels = ZeroExtendOnes(len, 6)
if immediate and (imms & levels) == levels:
return None
S = imms & levels
R = immr & levels
esize = 1 << len
return Replicate(RORZeroExtendOnes(S + 1, esize, R), esize)
def DecodeMov(opcode, total, first):
# opc
o = (opcode >> 29) & 3
# constant
k = (opcode >> 23) & 0x3F
if k == 0x24 and o == 1: # MOV (bitmask imm) <=> ORR (immediate)
# sf
s = (opcode >> 31) & 1
# N
N = (opcode >> 22) & 1
if s == 0 and N != 0:
return None
# rn
rn = (opcode >> 5) & 0x1F
if rn == 31:
imms = (opcode >> 10) & 0x3F
immr = (opcode >> 16) & 0x3F
return DecodeBitMasks(N, imms, immr, True)
elif k == 0x25: # MOVN/MOVZ/MOVK
# sf
s = (opcode >> 31) & 1
# hw
h = (opcode >> 21) & 3
# imm16
i = (opcode >> 5) & 0xFFFF
if s == 0 and h > 1:
return None
h *= 16
i <<= h
if o == 0: # MOVN
return ~i
elif o == 2: # MOVZ
return i
elif o == 3 and not first: # MOVK
return (total & ~(0xFFFF << h)) | i
elif (k | 1) == 0x23 and not first: # ADD (immediate)
# shift
h = (opcode >> 22) & 3
if h > 1:
return None
# rn
rd = opcode & 0x1F
rn = (opcode >> 5) & 0x1F
if rd != rn:
return None
# imm12
i = (opcode >> 10) & 0xFFF
h *= 12
i <<= h
if o & 2: # SUB
return total - i
else: # ADD
return total + i
return None
def check_mov_sequence(ea):
oldea = ea
reg = -1
total = 0
is64 = False
while idaapi.getseg(ea).use64():
d = idaapi.get_long(ea)
# reg
r = d & 0x1F
if reg >= 0 and reg != r:
newval = DecodeMov(d, total, reg < 0)
if newval is None:
if reg >= 0 and idaapi.get_first_fcref_to(ea) != idaapi.BADADDR:
if (d >> 31) & 1:
is64 = True
total = newval
reg = r
ea += 4
return ea - oldea, reg, is64, total
def is_my_mov(cmd):
if cmd.itype == ARM64_MOVE_I and cmd.flags == idaapi.INSN_MACRO and cmd.size > 4:
return True
return False
def check_ubfm_shift(ea):
if idaapi.getseg(ea).use64():
opcode = idaapi.get_long(ea)
# opc
o = (opcode >> 29) & 3
# constant
k = (opcode >> 23) & 0x3F
if (o & 1) == 0 and k == 0x26:
# sf
s = (opcode >> 31) & 1
# N
N = (opcode >> 22) & 1
if s == N:
# imm
imms = (opcode >> 10) & 0x3F
immr = (opcode >> 16) & 0x3F
mask = 0x1F | ((s & N) << 5)
if imms == mask:
return idaapi.ARM_lsr if o else idaapi.ARM_asr, opcode, s, immr
elif immr == imms + 1:
return idaapi.ARM_lsl if o else idaapi.ARM_null, opcode, s, mask - imms
return idaapi.ARM_null, 0, 0, 0
class simpA64Hook(idaapi.IDP_Hooks):
def __init__(self):
self.n = idaapi.netnode("$ A64 Simplifier",0,1)
def custom_ana(self):
len, reg, is64, imm = check_mov_sequence(idaapi.cmd.ea)
if len > 4:
#print "0x%x: MOV/MOVK %c%d, #0x%x" % (idaapi.cmd.ea, 'X' if is64 else 'W', reg, imm)
idaapi.cmd.itype = ARM64_MOVE_I
idaapi.cmd.segpref = 14 # ARM Condition = ALways
idaapi.cmd.Op1.type = idaapi.o_reg
idaapi.cmd.Op1.dtyp = idaapi.dt_qword if is64 else idaapi.dt_dword
idaapi.cmd.Op1.reg = reg + 129 # Use Wn/Xn registers instead of Rn
idaapi.cmd.Op2.type = idaapi.o_imm
idaapi.cmd.Op2.dtyp = idaapi.dt_qword if is64 else idaapi.dt_dword
idaapi.cmd.Op2.value = imm
idaapi.cmd.flags = idaapi.INSN_MACRO
idaapi.cmd.size = len
return True
insn, regs, is64, shift = check_ubfm_shift(idaapi.cmd.ea)
if insn != idaapi.ARM_null:
idaapi.cmd.itype = insn
idaapi.cmd.segpref = 14
idaapi.cmd.Op1.type = idaapi.o_reg
idaapi.cmd.Op1.dtyp = idaapi.dt_qword if is64 else idaapi.dt_dword
idaapi.cmd.Op1.reg = (regs & 0x1F) + 129
idaapi.cmd.Op2.type = idaapi.o_reg
idaapi.cmd.Op2.dtyp = idaapi.dt_qword if is64 else idaapi.dt_dword
idaapi.cmd.Op2.reg = ((regs >> 5) & 0x1F) + 129
idaapi.cmd.Op3.type = idaapi.o_imm
idaapi.cmd.Op3.dtyp = idaapi.dt_qword if is64 else idaapi.dt_dword
idaapi.cmd.Op3.value = shift
idaapi.cmd.size = 4
return True
return False
def custom_mnem(self): # totally optional
if is_my_mov(idaapi.cmd):
return "MOVE"
return None
# def custom_out(self): # XXX ida would just append .EQ
# if is_my_mov(idaapi.cmd):
# buf = idaapi.init_output_buffer(1024)
# idaapi.OutMnem(16, "")
# idaapi.out_one_operand(0)
# idaapi.out_symbol(',')
# idaapi.OutChar(' ')
# idaapi.out_one_operand(1)
# idaapi.term_output_buffer()
# idaapi.MakeLine(buf)
# return True
# return False
# def custom_outop(self, op): # XXX ida would just use Rn
# if is_my_mov(idaapi.cmd) and op.type == idaapi.o_reg:
# idaapi.out_register("%c%d" % ('X' if op.dtyp == idaapi.dt_qword else 'W', op.reg))
# return True
# return False
class simpa64_t(idaapi.plugin_t):
flags = idaapi.PLUGIN_PROC
comment = "Simplifier"
wanted_hotkey = "Alt-Z"
help = "Runs transparently"
wanted_name = "simpa64"
hook = None
enabled = 1
def init(self):
self.hook = None
if idaapi.ph_get_id() != idaapi.PLFM_ARM or idaapi.BADADDR <= 0xFFFFFFFF:
return idaapi.PLUGIN_SKIP
self.hook = simpA64Hook()
flag = self.hook.n.altval(0)
if flag:
self.enabled = flag - 1
print "%s is %sabled" % (self.wanted_name, "en" if self.enabled else "dis")
if self.enabled:
return idaapi.PLUGIN_KEEP
def run(self, arg):
print "%sabling %s" % ("dis" if self.enabled else "en", self.wanted_name)
if self.enabled:
self.enabled = self.enabled ^ 1
self.hook.n.altset(0, self.enabled + 1)
def term(self):
if self.hook:
return simpa64_t()
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