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Last active May 6, 2022 17:56
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Hackerank :: Minimum moves two arrays of integers
def minimum_moves(*arrays)
return raise 'Length of arrays are not equal' if arrays.first.length != arrays.last.length
moves = 0
slice_number = proc { |n| }
arrays.length.times do |i|
first = slice_number.(arrays.first[i])
second = slice_number.(arrays.last[i]) { |n, i| moves += (first[i] < second[i]) ? (second[i] - first[i]) : (first[i] - second[i]) unless (first[i] == second[i]) && (first.length != second.length) }
return moves
p minimum_moves([1234, 4321],[2345,3214]) # 16
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