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Last active December 15, 2016 01:38
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Simple object validation code. Loosely based on, writen in a more easy to understand manner
const getErrors = (inputData, validationRules, globalOptions) => {
const errors = {}
const addError = (key, errorMessage) => {
if(!(key in errors)) errors[key] = []
Object.keys(inputData).forEach((key) => {
// skip if there is no rule for the key
if(!(key in validationRules)) return;
const value = inputData[key]
validationRules[key].forEach((rule) => {
const [ validator, message, validatorOptions ] = Array.isArray(rule)
? rule // Array syntax
: [rule.validator, rule.message, rule.options] // Object syntax
// same props are used for the validator and message functions
const props = [
const valid = validator(...props)
const errorMessage = (typeof message === 'function')
? message(...props) // String maker
: message // String
addError(key, errorMessage)
return errors
const isGreaterThan = (size) => (value) => value > size
const isGreaterOrEqualsThan = (size) => (value) => value >= size
const hasLengthGreaterThan = (size) => (value) => isGreaterThan(size)(value.length)
const passwordMatches = (passwordInputKey) => (value, _, inputData) => value === inputData[passwordInputKey]
const hasCapitalLetter = (value) => /[A-Z]/.test(value)
const validationRules = {
name: [
[hasLengthGreaterThan(6), "Minimum length of 6 is required."],
[hasCapitalLetter, "Should contain at least one uppercase letter."],
age: [
[isGreaterOrEqualsThan(18), "Minimum age required is 18."]
password: [
[hasLengthGreaterThan(6), "Minimum length of 6 is required."],
passwordRepeat: [
// Alternative rule syntax as an object
validator: passwordMatches('password'),
// Message can also be a function
message: (value, key, inputData, validationRules, validatorOptions) =>
`Must be equals to field ${validatorOptions.fieldName}`,
// You can pass options which will be passed as the
// 5th argument for validator and message function
options: {fieldName: "Password"}
const inputData = {
name: "phil",
age: 17,
password: '12345678',
passwordRepeat: '1234567'
// You can pass an global options object as the 3rd
// argument which will be passed as the 6th argument
// for validator and message function
const errors = getErrors(inputData, validationRules)
// {
// name: [ 'Minimum length of 6 is required.', 'Should contain at least one uppercase letter.' ],
// age: [ 'Minimum age required is 18.' ],
// passwordRepeat: [ 'Must be equals to field Password' ]
// }
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