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Guides to resize recovery partition in windows 10/11 [UEFI]
Guides to resize partition
1. Run CMD as Administrator
2. disable reagent use : reagentc /disable
3. Type diskpart in the cmd
list disk
sel disk [yourwindows]
list part
sel part [winreindex]
delete partition override
# in here you can extending the deleted
# empty partition to windwos partition]
sel part [ospartitionindex]
shrink desired=1024 minimum=1024
# >> Create a new partition
create partition primary id=de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac
# >> Set gpt attribute
gpt attributes =0x8000000000000001
# >> Formatting the partition to WinRe
format quick fs=ntfs label=”Windows RE tools”
# >> And now u can enable again the reagent using
reagentc /enable
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