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Last active December 21, 2015 16:19
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Bring padrino to the next level

I recently had the pleasure to meet Darío at eurucamp 2013 in wonderful Berlin to discuss issues with the further development of Padrino. Here are the following points we need to think over.

Handling Mailing List

As recently posted on our mailing list with the sql problem, we have problems with some posted activities which are not shown up on the page. Apparently, we I can't find the post anymore which mentioned this issue.

Questions needs to be answered:

  • Who is responsible to admin the presence (checking options, help new members with registration)
  • Should all main contributors have access to the settings?
  • Who is answering the questions? Are there specialists for generators, project creation, tests, layout, admin-plugins, ... which are more likely to answer those questions?
  • Should we communicate to each other so that we know who is going to answer which question to prevent having two people on the same issue?
  • If a bug is posted and we could re validate them, should we create the issue or say the sender of the message should do it?

Future Steps

  • Let's find an answer to those questions in a meetup where we all hangout together!
  • Darío is actually the only person on the mailing list helping people. I want also to help people too but not quite sure in which level I should answer them or if another Padrino contributor can provide better help.

Handling Contributor Communication

We need at least monthly google hangouts with the main contributors to discuss things we need and want to work on till the next meetup.

Questions needs to be answered:

  • Which tool for a face-to-face communication? If not everybody has a google-account let's take skype or something else
  • Who is considered to be a contributor? Is it enough to take people from the contributors list on github?
  • In person meetup with people who wants to help?

Future Steps

  • In my eyes, let's have one day in the last day of a every month starting with August 2013, where we met for 1 ~ 2 hours to . Since we are living in different time zone, I set up a doodle with the GMT+02:00 Berlin timezone. Please vote so that we can find a common date
  • Setting up a hangout area where everyone can participate. I don't know actually how to do it, but I'll try to make a setup google hangouts if you agree
  • Discussion points during hangouts: features, bugs to be solved, road map for the 1.* release, as well as other things
  • Make it visible to the community and to other people what the outcome of the meeting was and what we decided to do.
  • Create a list in which every contributor can sign up to which conference he is going so that we can see who we can likely meet.
  • Let's make it more visible who is using Padrino within projects, for their company, at their company. For example is using Florian Gilcher heavily Padrino in his compay asquera or lipsiasoft.

Handling Website

What happened to the new design of the website? If I remember clearly we even got a new logo but after showing some previous it vanished somehow.

Questions needs to be answered:

  • Where are the sources of the new website? How can we access them? Should it be private or open source?
  • Who can contribute to it?
  • Who is responsible for the the design? How can other help with it?
  • Documentation changes for the posts: I created a pull requests half a year ago which transformed all textile files into markdown as well as various corrections. Florian mentioned that he wanted to merge it, but that he is to busy to merge the request.

Future Steps

  • Find a concept what should be on the page - in my eyes let's take the most valuable things from the old web page in a sense of MVP (most valuable product)
  • Just ship the new website!!!


I contacted all people mentioned on the padrino team site either via twitter or the mail address I could find on github.

Please post your feedback below this gist and bring padrino to the next level.


Matthias (@wikimatze)

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Handling Website

  • update api page !!!! it's too old

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Ortuna commented Aug 27, 2013

Thanks for taking the lead on this. I will reply with a better reply, but to keep things going, let me know if of tasks I can do to help. I also like the monthly meetup/hangout idea.

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Hi. Thanks for email.
I think I also would like to help.
Meeup idea is good, I'd like to participate.
Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

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I'm in. I am happy to work on improving documentation (I am writing a blog post right now about padrino migrations and indexes actually... who knew you could do those? =] ) and happy to try and make the hangouts, though the times you guys are talking about are killer for those of us in the AEST time zone here in Sydney. Any chance we could bump them forward two hours (even 1) so I'm not getting up before the sun?

I'm also just on the cusp of completing a project on 0.11.3 with some fairly critical additions to it I'd lijke to put up as open source as I find there's not a lot of good examples and I had to figure out most of the roll-your-own stuff myself... including password resets, more advanced authentication, integrating json pieces like rabl and datatables into the admin section etc etc... once I've got it out the door, would love some people to review it before I throw it up online (it's a pro bono project for a global conservation organization actually with more stuff on the way.).

I also think some good posts on the differences and advantages over rails as well as adding in some of the things that are good from rails (ie. still trying to find a good way to get sinatra-assetpack working with my app... or say, jammit/sprockets for asset pipeline type stuff.).

Anyhow, I do think coming up with a list of priorties and then figuring out who wants to do what would be good. I can help out on just about everything but my time is very limited.

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In terms of the merge of the documentation from textile to markdown (oh, hells' yes please) is it just the fact someone needs to run through it and make sure it's all good? (ie. checking and editing) or more a case of the time to merge in just isn't there? Either way, willing to help on that to get it done.

Also, web site though I'm more a backend guy than front end.

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@tundramonkey, @namusyaka, @Ortuna, @WaYdotNET, thanks for your responses, I'm reading this now and did I will get back too all of your at the end of the comming week.

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