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Created October 18, 2015 14:56
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# import module
import smbus # use I2C
import math # mathmatics
from time import sleep # time module
# define
# slave address
DEV_ADDR = 0x68 # device address
# register address
TEMP_OUT = 0x41
GYRO_XOUT = 0x43
GYRO_YOUT = 0x45
GYRO_ZOUT = 0x47
PWR_MGMT_1 = 0x6b # PWR_MGMT_1
PWR_MGMT_2 = 0x6c # PWR_MGMT_2
bus = smbus.SMBus(1)
# Sleep解除.
bus.write_byte_data(DEV_ADDR, PWR_MGMT_1, 0)
# Sub function
# 1byte read
def read_byte(adr):
return bus.read_byte_data(DEV_ADDR, adr)
# 2byte read
def read_word(adr):
high = bus.read_byte_data(DEV_ADDR, adr)
low = bus.read_byte_data(DEV_ADDR, adr+1)
val = (high << 8) + low
return val
# Sensor data read
def read_word_sensor(adr):
val = read_word(adr)
if (val >= 0x8000): # minus
return -((65535 - val) + 1)
else: # plus
return val
# 温度
def get_temp():
temp = read_word_sensor(TEMP_OUT)
x = temp / 340 + 36.53 # data sheet(register map)記載の計算式.
return x
# 角速度(full scale range ±250 deg/s
# LSB sensitivity 131 LSB/deg/s
# -> ±250 x 131 = ±32750 LSB[16bitで表現])
# Gyroscope Configuration GYRO_CONFIG (reg=0x1B)
# FS_SEL(Bit4-Bit3)でfull scale range/LSB sensitivityの変更可.
# get gyro data
def get_gyro_data_lsb():
x = read_word_sensor(GYRO_XOUT)
y = read_word_sensor(GYRO_YOUT)
z = read_word_sensor(GYRO_ZOUT)
return [x, y, z]
def get_gyro_data_deg():
x,y,z = get_gyro_data_lsb()
x = x / 131.0
y = y / 131.0
z = z / 131.0
return [x, y, z]
# 加速度(full scale range ±2g
# LSB sensitivity 16384 LSB/g)
# -> ±2 x 16384 = ±32768 LSB[16bitで表現])
# Accelerometer Configuration ACCEL_CONFIG (reg=0x1C)
# AFS_SEL(Bit4-Bit3)でfull scale range/LSB sensitivityの変更可.
# get accel data
def get_accel_data_lsb():
x = read_word_sensor(ACCEL_XOUT)
y = read_word_sensor(ACCEL_YOUT)
z = read_word_sensor(ACCEL_ZOUT)
return [x, y, z]
# get accel data
def get_accel_data_g():
x,y,z = get_accel_data_lsb()
x = x / 16384.0
y = y / 16384.0
z = z / 16384.0
return [x, y, z]
# 傾き計算(1軸の傾斜の計算) for accel data
# 1軸だけ傾く場合はこの関数で計算できる.
def calc_slope_for_accel_1axis(x, y, z): # radian
# θ = asin(出力加速度[g]/1g)
# Y, Z軸固定. X軸だけ傾いた場合.
if x > 1: x = 1
elif x < -1: x = -1
slope_x = math.asin( x / 1 )
# X, Z軸固定. Y軸だけ傾いた場合.
if y > 1: y = 1
elif y < -1: y = -1
slope_y = math.asin( y / 1 )
# X, Y軸固定. Z軸だけ傾いた場合.
if z > 1: z = 1
elif z < -1: z = -1
slope_z = math.asin( z / 1 )
return [slope_x, slope_y, slope_z]
# Main function
while 1:
# # 温度.
# temp = get_temp()
# # 小数点以下第1位まで表示.
# print 'temperature[degrees C]:',
# print '%04.1f' % temp,
# print '||',
# # 角速度.
# gyro_x,gyro_y,gyro_z = get_gyro_data_deg()
# # 小数点以下第3位まで表示.
# print 'gyro[deg/s]',
# print 'x: %08.3f' % gyro_x,
# print 'y: %08.3f' % gyro_y,
# print 'z: %08.3f' % gyro_z,
# print '||',
# # 加速度.
# accel_x,accel_y,accel_z = get_accel_data_g()
# # 小数点以下第3位まで表示.
# print 'accel[g]',
# print 'x: %06.3f' % accel_x,
# print 'y: %06.3f' % accel_y,
# print 'z: %06.3f' % accel_z,
# print # 改行.
# 傾き from 加速度(1axis).
accel_x1,accel_y1,accel_z1 = get_accel_data_g()
slope_x1,slope_y1,slope_z1 = calc_slope_for_accel_1axis(accel_x1,accel_y1,accel_z1)
slope_x1 = math.degrees( slope_x1 )
slope_y1 = math.degrees( slope_y1 )
slope_z1 = math.degrees( slope_z1 )
print '傾き[θ]',
print 'x: %06.3f' % slope_x1,
print 'y: %06.3f' % slope_y1,
print 'z: %06.3f' % slope_z1,
print # 改行.
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