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Created October 20, 2023 13:44
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simple websocket store
import Foundation
import Vapor
@available(macOS 12.0, *)
actor WebSocketStore {
private var webSockets: [WebSocket] = []
private var heartbeats: [WebSocket: TimeInterval] = [:]
private var channels: [String: [WebSocket]] = [:]
struct CustomMessage: Content {
let text: String
let sender: String
func addWebSocket(_ ws: WebSocket) {
// Start the heartbeat timer when a client connects
startHeartbeatTimer(for: ws)
// Add WebSocket message handling
func removeWebSocket(_ ws: WebSocket) {
if let index = webSockets.firstIndex(where: { $0 === ws }) {
webSockets.remove(at: index)
// Stop the heartbeat timer when a client disconnects
stopHeartbeatTimer(for: ws)
// Remove the client from all channels
func broadcast(message: CustomMessage, toChannel channel: String) {
guard let channelSubscribers = channels[channel] else {
for ws in channelSubscribers {
Task {
// Use a JSON encoder to encode the custom message struct
let jsonEncoder = JSONEncoder()
if let jsonData = try? jsonEncoder.encode(message),
let jsonString = String(data: jsonData, encoding: .utf8) {
await ws.send(jsonString)
func joinChannel(_ ws: WebSocket, channel: String) {
if channels[channel] == nil {
channels[channel] = []
func leaveChannel(_ ws: WebSocket, channel: String) {
channels[channel]?.removeAll { $0 === ws }
private func handleWebSocketMessages(_ ws: WebSocket) {
ws.onText { ws, text in
// Handle text messages received
print("Received text: \(text)")
ws.onBinary { ws, byteBuffer in
// Handle binary messages received (ByteBuffer)
print("Received binary data")
ws.onData { ws, data in
// Handle raw data messages received
print("Received data")
ws.onPing { ws in
// Handle incoming ping messages
print("Received ping")
ws.onPong { ws in
// Handle incoming pong messages
print("Received pong")
ws.onClose.whenComplete { _ in
// Handle WebSocket close
print("WebSocket connection closed")
ws.onOpen.whenComplete { _ in
// Handle WebSocket open
print("WebSocket connection opened")
private func startHeartbeatTimer(for ws: WebSocket) {
// (Previous implementation remains the same)
private func stopHeartbeatTimer(for ws: WebSocket) {
// (Previous implementation remains the same)
private func removeClientFromChannels(_ ws: WebSocket) {
for (channel, channelSubscribers) in channels {
channels[channel] = channelSubscribers.filter { $0 !== ws }
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