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Last active May 29, 2018 15:25
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  • Save whunter/51746b9af7e855ec879d5fc4cd0312ec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save whunter/51746b9af7e855ec879d5fc4cd0312ec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
echo "Upgrading ansible installation"
brew upgrade ansible
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Copying ldap_search.rb from"
curl -L > ./ldap_query.rb
if [ ! -d ./InstallScripts ]; then
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Pulling InstallScripts repository from Github"
echo ""
echo ""
git clone
echo ""
echo ""
echo "It looks like the InstallScripts directory is already present."
echo ""
echo ""
cd InstallScripts
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Checking for updates for InstallScripts repository"
echo ""
echo ""
git pull --rebase
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Copying site_secrets.yml from into ansible directory"
echo ""
echo ""
curl -L > ansible/site_secrets.yml
if [ ! -f ./ansible/local_files/user_list.txt ] || [ ! -f ./ansible/local_files/admin_list.txt ]
# Get user's vt email
echo ""
echo ""
read -p "Hi! Please enter your vt email address and hit Return : " email
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Installing net-ldap gem"
sudo gem install 'net-ldap'
echo "Looking up info for $email from"
vt_uid=$(ruby ../ldap_query.rb $email)
echo "Creating user config local files based on your vt email"
echo "$vt_uid $vt_pid" > ansible/local_files/user_list.txt
echo $vt_pid > ansible/local_files/admin_list.txt
echo "Installing vagrant host manager"
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Spinning up virtual machine"
echo ""
echo ""
vagrant up
echo ""
echo ""
echo -e "Your application should be available at \033[0;31m \033[0m"
echo "You can use your DEV CAS account to login."
echo ""
echo ""
echo 'To shut down your virtual machine when you are done just enter "vagrant halt" (no quotes) in this directory and hit Return.'
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Thanks!"
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