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Last active November 11, 2022 23:47
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Deno / React example
// @deno-types=""
import React from "";
// @deno-types=""
import ReactDOMServer from "";
import { opine } from ""
export {
} from "";
declare global {
namespace JSX {
interface IntrinsicElements {
button: React.ComponentProps<'button'>;
div: React.ComponentProps<'div'>;
h1: React.ComponentProps<'h1'>;
p: React.ComponentProps<'p'>;
const App = () => {
const [count, setCount] = (React).useState(0);
return (
<h1>Hello DenoLand! </h1>
<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}> Click the 🦕</button>
<p>You clicked the 🦕 {count} times </p>
const app = opine();
const browserBundlePath = "/browser.js";
const js =
`import React from "";\nimport ReactDOM from "";\nconst App = ${App};\nReactDOM.hydrate(React.createElement(App), document.body);`;
const html =
`<html><head><script type="module" src="${browserBundlePath}"></script><style>* { font-family: Helvetica; }</style></head><body>${
(ReactDOMServer as any).renderToString(<App />)
app.use(browserBundlePath, (req, res, next) => {
app.use("/", (req, res, next) => {
app.listen({ port: 3000 });
console.log("Denoland listening at http://localhost:3000");
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