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Type definitions for Mopidy.js
// Type definitions for Mopidy.js v1.1.0, Mopidy v3.0.2 WebSocket API
// Project:
// Definitions by: Alan Norbauer <>
// Duncan Robertson <>
export = Mopidy
declare class Mopidy {
// ----------------- MOPIDY.JS-SPECIFIC API -----------------
* Mopidy.js is a JavaScript library for controlling a Mopidy music server.
* The library makes Mopidy's core API available from browsers and Node.js
* programs, using JSON-RPC over a WebSocket to communicate with Mopidy.
* This library is the foundation of most Mopidy web clients.
constructor(options: Mopidy.Options);
* Explicit connect function for when autoConnect:false is passed to
* constructor.
connect(): Promise<void>;
* Close the WebSocket without reconnecting. Letting the object be garbage
* collected will have the same effect, so this isn't strictly necessary.
close(): Promise<void>;
// ----------------- EVENT SUBSCRIPTION -----------------
on<K extends keyof Mopidy.StrictEvents>(
name: K, listener: Mopidy.StrictEvents[K]
): this;
off(): void;
off<K extends keyof Mopidy.StrictEvents>(
name: K, listener: Mopidy.StrictEvents[K]
): this;
// ----------------- CORE API -----------------
* Manages everything related to the list of tracks we will play. See
* TracklistController. Undefined before Mopidy connects.
tracklist: Mopidy.Core.TracklistController | undefined;
* Manages playback state and the current playing track. See
* PlaybackController. Undefined before Mopidy connects.
playback: Mopidy.Core.PlaybackController | undefined;
* Manages the music library, e.g. searching and browsing for music. See
* LibraryController. Undefined before Mopidy connects.
library: Mopidy.Core.LibraryController | undefined;
* Manages stored playlists. See PlaylistsController. Undefined before
* Mopidy connects.
playlists: Mopidy.Core.PlaylistsController | undefined;
* Manages volume and muting. See MixerController. Undefined before Mopidy
* connects.
mixer: Mopidy.Core.MixerController | undefined;
* Keeps record of what tracks have been played. See HistoryController.
* Undefined before Mopidy connects.
history: Mopidy.Core.HistoryController | undefined;
* Get list of URI schemes we can handle
getUriSchemes(): Promise<string[]>;
* Get version of the Mopidy core API
getVersion(): Promise<string>;
declare namespace Mopidy {
type ValueOf<T> = T[keyof T];
interface Options {
* URL used when creating new WebSocket objects.
* In a browser environment, it defaults to
* ws://${}/mopidy/ws. If the current page is served
* over HTTPS, it defaults to using wss:// instead of ws://.
* In a non-browser environment, where document.location isn't available, it
* defaults to ws://localhost/mopidy/ws.
webSocketUrl: string;
* Whether or not to connect to the WebSocket on instance creation. Defaults
* to true.
autoConnect?: boolean;
* The minimum number of milliseconds to wait after a connection error before
* we try to reconnect. For every failed attempt, the backoff delay is doubled
* until it reaches backoffDelayMax. Defaults to 1000.
backoffDelayMin?: number;
* The maximum number of milliseconds to wait after a connection error before
* we try to reconnect. Defaults to 64000.
backoffDelayMax?: number;
* If set, this object will be used to log errors from Mopidy.js. This is
* mostly useful for testing Mopidy.js. Defaults to console.
console?: Console;
* An existing WebSocket object to be used instead of creating a new
* WebSocket. Defaults to undefined.
webSocket?: WebSocket;
type URI = string;
type PlaybackState = "playing" | "paused" | "stopped";
type QueryField =
| "uri"
| "track_name"
| "album"
| "artist"
| "albumartist"
| "composer"
| "performer"
| "track_no"
| "genre"
| "date"
| "comment"
| "any";
type Query = { [key in QueryField]?: string[] };
interface StrictEvents extends Core.CoreListener {
* Client state
* You can get notified about when the Mopidy.js client is connected to the
* server and ready for method calls, when it's offline, and when it's
* trying to reconnect to the server by looking at the events
"state:online": () => void;
"state:offline": () => void;
reconnectionPending: ({ timeToAttempt }: { timeToAttempt: number }) => void;
reconnecting: () => void;
* The client state events are also emitted under the aggregate event named
* state.
state: (args?: unknown) => void;
* WebSocket events
* You can introspect what happens internally on the WebSocket by looking at
* the events.
* Of course, you can also do this using the web developer tools in any
* modern browser.
"websocket:close": any;
"websocket:error": any;
"websocket:incomingMessage": any;
"websocket:open": any;
"websocket:outgoingMessage": any;
type ModelType =
| "album"
| "artist"
| "directory"
| "playlist"
| "track";
namespace models {
class Ref<T extends ModelType> {
constructor({ uri, name, type }: { uri: URI; name: string; type: T });
static album(): Ref<"album">;
static artist(): Ref<"artist">;
static directory(): Ref<"directory">;
static playlist(): Ref<"playlist">;
static track(): Ref<"track">;
static ALBUM: "album";
static ARTIST: "artist";
static DIRECTORY: "directory";
static PLAYLIST: "playlist";
static TRACK: "track";
readonly name: string;
readonly type: T;
readonly uri: URI;
* A tracklist track. Wraps a regular track and it's tracklist ID.
* The use of TlTrack allows the same track to appear multiple times in the
* tracklist.
* This class also accepts it's parameters as positional arguments. Both
* arguments must be provided, and they must appear in the order they are
* listed here.
* This class also supports iteration, so your extract its values like this:
* `(tlid, track) = tl_track`
class TlTrack {
constructor({ tlid, track }: { tlid: number; track: Track });
readonly tlid: number;
readonly track: Track;
class Track {
}: {
* The track URI
uri: URI;
* The track name
name: string;
* The track artists
artists: Artist[];
* The track album
album: Album;
* The track composers
composers: Artist[];
* The track performers
performers: Artist[];
* The track genre
genre: string;
* The track number in the album
track_no?: number;
* The disc number in the album
disc_no?: number;
* The track release date (YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD)
date: string;
* The track length in milliseconds
length?: number;
* The track bitrate in kbit/s
bitrate: number;
* The track comment
comment: string;
* The track MusicBrainz ID
musicbrainz_id: string;
* Integer representing when the track was last modified. Exact meaning
* depends on source of track. For local files this is the modification
* time in milliseconds since Unix epoch. For other backends it could be
* an equivalent timestamp or simply a version counter.
last_modified?: number;
* The track URI
readonly uri: URI;
* The track name
readonly name: string;
* The track artists
readonly artists: Artist[];
* The track album
readonly album: Album;
* The track composers
readonly composers: Artist[];
* The track performers
readonly performers: Artist[];
* The track genre
readonly genre: string;
* The track number in the album
readonly track_no: number;
* The disc number in the album
readonly disc_no: number;
* The track release date (YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD)
readonly date: string;
* The track length in milliseconds.
readonly length: number;
* The track bitrate in kbit/s
readonly bitrate: string;
* The track comment
readonly comment: string;
* The track MusicBrainz ID
readonly musicbrainz_id: string;
* Integer representing when the track was last modified. Exact meaning
* depends on source of track. For local files this is the modification
* time in milliseconds since Unix epoch. For other backends it could be
* an equivalent timestamp or simply a version counter.
readonly last_modified: number;
class SearchResult {
}: {
* The search result URI
uri: URI;
* The tracks matching the search query
tracks: Track[];
* The artists matching the search query
artists: Artist[];
* The albums matching the search query
albums: Album[];
* The search result URI
readonly uri: URI;
* The tracks matching the search query
readonly tracks: Track[] | undefined;
* The artists matching the search query
readonly artists: Artist[] | undefined;
* The albums matching the search query
readonly albums: Album[] | undefined;
class Artist {
}: {
* The artist URI
uri: URI;
* The artist name
name: string;
* Artist name for better sorting, e.g. with articles stripped
sortname: string;
* The MusicBrainz ID of the artist
musicbrainz_id: string;
* The artist URI
readonly uri: URI;
* The artist name
readonly name: string;
* Artist name for better sorting, e.g. with articles stripped
readonly sortname: string;
* The MusicBrainz ID of the artist
readonly musicbrainz_id: string;
class Album {
}: {
* The album URI
uri: URI;
* The album name
name: string;
* A set of album artists
artists: Artist[];
* The number of tracks in the album
num_tracks: number;
* The number of discs in the album
num_discs: number;
* The album release date (YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD)
date: string;
* The MusicBrainz ID of the album
musicbrainz_id: string;
* The album URI
readonly uri: URI;
* The album name
readonly name: string;
* A set of album artists
readonly artists: Artist[];
* The number of tracks in the album
readonly num_tracks: number;
* The number of discs in the album
readonly num_discs: number;
* album release date (YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD)
readonly date: string;
* The MusicBrainz ID of the album
readonly musicbrainz_id: string;
class Image {
}: {
* The URI of the image
uri: URI;
* The width of the image
width?: number;
* The height of the image
height?: number;
* The URI of the image
readonly uri: URI;
* The width of the image
readonly width: number;
* The height of the image
readonly height: number;
class Playlist {
}: {
* The URI of the image
uri: URI;
* The playlist name
name: string;
* The playlist’s tracks
tracks: Track[];
* The playlist modification time in milliseconds since Unix epoch
last_modified: number
* The URI of the image
readonly uri: URI;
* The playlist name
readonly name: string;
* The playlist’s tracks
readonly tracks: Track[];
* The playlist modification time in milliseconds since Unix epoch
readonly last_modified: number;
* The number of tracks in the playlist
readonly length: number;
* The core API is the interface that is used by frontends like mopidy.http and Mopidy-MPD.
* The core layer is in between the frontends and the backends. Don’t forget that you will
* be accessing core as a Pykka actor. If you are only interested in being notified about
* changes in core see CoreListener.
namespace Core {
// ----------------- Events -----------------
* Core events
* You can get events sent from the Mopidy server by looking at the events
* with the name prefix 'event:'
interface CoreListener {
* Called whenever the mute state is changed.
"event:muteChanged": ({
}: {
* the new mute state
mute: boolean
}) => void;
"event:optionsChanged": () => void;
"event:playbackStateChanged": ({
}: {
old_state: PlaybackState;
new_state: PlaybackState;
}) => void;
"event:playlistChanged": ({
}: {
playlist: models.Playlist;
}) => void;
"event:playlistDeleted": ({
* the URI of the deleted playlist
}: {
uri: URI;
}) => void;
"event:playlistsLoaded": () => void;
* Called whenever the time position changes by an unexpected amount, e.g.
* at seek to a new time position.
"event:seeked": ({
* the position that was seeked to in milliseconds
}: {
time_position: number;
}) => void;
* Called whenever the currently playing stream title changes.
"event:streamTitleChanged": ({
* the new stream title
}: {
title: string;
}) => void;
* Called whenever playback of a track ends.
"event:trackPlaybackEnded": ({
* the track that was played before playback stopped
* the time position in milliseconds
}: {
tl_track: models.TlTrack;
timePosition: number;
}) => void;
* Called whenever track playback is paused.
"event:trackPlaybackPaused": ({
* the track that was playing when playback paused
* the time position in milliseconds
}: {
tl_track: models.TlTrack;
timePosition: number;
}) => void;
* Called whenever track playback is resumed.
"event:trackPlaybackResumed": ({
* the track that was playing when playback resumed
* the time position in milliseconds
}: {
tl_track: models.TlTrack;
timePosition: number;
}) => void;
* Called whenever a new track starts playing.
"event:trackPlaybackStarted": ({
* the track that just started playing
}: {
tl_track: models.TlTrack;
}) => void;
* Called whenever the tracklist is changed.
"event:tracklistChanged": () => void;
* Called whenever the volume is changed.
"event:volumeChanged": ({
* the new volume in the range [0..100]
}: {
volume: number;
}) => void;
// ----------------- CONTROLLERS -----------------
interface TracklistController {
* Add tracks to the tracklist.
* If `uris` is given instead of `tracks`, the URIs are looked up in the library
* and the resulting tracks are added to the tracklist.
* If `at_position` is given, the tracks are inserted at the given position in
* the tracklist. If `at_position` is not given, the tracks are appended to
* the end of the tracklist.
* Triggers the `mopidy.core.CoreListener.tracklist_changed()` event.
}: {
* The tracks to add
tracks?: models.Track[];
* The position in tracklist to add tracks
at_position?: number;
* list of URIs for tracks to add
uris?: string[];
}): Promise<models.TlTrack[]>;
* Remove the matching tracks from the tracklist.
* Uses `filter()` to lookup the tracks to remove.
* Triggers the `mopidy.core.CoreListener.tracklist_changed()` event.
}: {
* (dict, of (string, list) pairs) – one or more rules to match by
criteria: { [key: string]: string[] }
}): Promise<models.TlTrack[]>;
* Clear the tracklist
* Triggers the `mopidy.core.CoreListener.tracklist_changed()` event.
clear(): Promise<void>;
* Move the tracks in the slice `[start:end]` to `to_position`.
* Triggers the `mopidy.core.CoreListener.tracklist_changed()` event.
}: {
* position of first track to move
start: number;
* position after last track to move
end: number;
* new position for the tracks
to_position: number;
}): Promise<void>
* Shuffles the entire tracklist. If `start` and `end` is given
* only shuffles the slice `[start:end]`.
* Triggers the `mopidy.core.CoreListener.tracklist_changed()` event.
}: {
* position of first track to shuffle
start?: number;
* position after last track to shuffle
end?: number;
}): Promise<void>
* Get tracklist as list of `mopidy.models.TlTrack`
getTlTracks(): Promise<models.TlTrack[]>;
* The position of the given track in the tracklist.
* If neither tl_track or tlid is given we return the index of the
* currently playing track.
}: {
* The track to find the index of
tl_track?: models.TlTrack;
* TLID of the track to find the index of
tlid?: number;
}): Promise<number | null>;
* Get the tracklist version.
* Integer which is increased every time the tracklist is changed.
* Is not reset before Mopidy is restarted.
getVersion(): Promise<number>;
* Get length of the tracklist
getLength(): Promise<number>;
* Get tracklist as list of `mopidy.models.Track`
getTracks(): Promise<models.Track[]>;
* Returns a slice of the tracklist, limited by the given start and end
* positions.
}: {
* position of first track to include in slice
start: number;
* position after last track to include in slice
end: number;
}): Promise<models.TlTrack[]>;
* Filter the tracklist by the given criteria.
* Each rule in the criteria consists of a model field and a list of values to compare it against. If * the model field matches any of the values, it may be returned.
* Only tracks that match all the given criteria are returned.
}: {
* (dict, of (string, list) pairs) – one or more rules to match by
criteria: { [key: string]: string[] }
}): Promise<models.TlTrack[]>;
// ----------------- FUTURE STATE -----------------
* The TLID of the track that will be played after the current track.
* Not necessarily the same TLID as returned by `get_next_tlid()`.
getEotTlid(): Promise<number | null>;
* The tlid of the track that will be played if calling ``.
* For normal playback this is the next track in the tracklist. If repeat is enabled the next
* track can loop around the tracklist. When random is enabled this should be a random track,
* all tracks should be played once before the tracklist repeats.
getNextTlid(): Promise<number | null>;
* Returns the TLID of the track that will be played if calling
* `mopidy.core.PlaybackController.previous()`.
* For normal playback this is the previous track in the tracklist. If random and/or
* consume is enabled it should return the current track instead.
getPreviousTlid(): Promise<number | null>;
* The track that will be played after the given track.
* Not necessarily the same track as `next_track()`.
}: {
* The reference track
tl_track?: models.TlTrack
}): Promise<models.TlTrack | null>;
// ----------------- DEPRECATED -----------------
* @deprecated Deprecated since version 3.0: Use `get_next_tlid()` instead.
nextTrack({ tl_track }:{ tl_track: models.TlTrack }): Promise<models.TlTrack | null>;
* @deprecated Deprecated since version 3.0: Use `get_previous_tlid()` instead.
previousTrack({ tl_track }:{ tl_track: models.TlTrack }): Promise<models.TlTrack | null>;
// ----------------- OPTIONS -----------------
* Get consume mode.
* True - Tracks are removed from the tracklist when they have been played.
* False - Tracks are not removed from the tracklist.
getConsume(): Promise<boolean>;
* Set consume mode.
* True - Tracks are removed from the tracklist when they have been played.
* False - Tracks are not removed from the tracklist.
setConsume({ value }: { value: boolean }): Promise<void>;
* Get random mode.
getRandom(): Promise<boolean>;
* Set random mode.
* True - Tracks are selected at random from the tracklist.
* False - Tracks are played in the order of the tracklist.
setRandom({ value }: { value: boolean }): Promise<void>;
* Get repeat mode.
getRepeat(): Promise<boolean>;
* Set repeat mode.
* To repeat a single track, set both `repeat` and `single`.
setRepeat({ value }: { value: boolean }): Promise<void>;
* Get single mode
getSingle(): Promise<boolean>;
* Set single mode.
* True - Playback is stopped after current song, unless in repeat mode.
* False - Playback continues after current song.
setSingle({ value }: { value: boolean }): Promise<void>;
interface PlaybackController {
* Play the given track, or if the given `tl_track` and `tlid` is None,
* play the currently active track.
* Note that the track *must* already be in the tracklist.
}: {
track?: models.TlTrack;
tlid?: number;
}): Promise<void>;
* Change to the next track.
* The current playback state will be kept. If it was playing, playing will
* continue. If it was paused, it will still be paused, etc.
next(): Promise<void>;
* Change to the previous track.
* The current playback state will be kept. If it was playing, playing will
* continue. If it was paused, it will still be paused, etc.
previous(): Promise<void>;
* Stop playing.
stop(): Promise<void>;
* Pause playback.
pause(): Promise<void>;
* If paused, resume playing the current track.
resume(): Promise<void>;
* Seeks to time position given in milliseconds.
}: {
* time position in milliseconds
time_position: number
}): Promise<boolean>;
// ----------------- CURRENT TRACK -----------------
* Get the currently playing or selected track.
getCurrentTlTrack(): Promise<models.TlTrack | null>;
* Get the currently playing or selected track.
* Extracted from `get_current_tl_track()` for convenience.
getCurrentTrack(): Promise<models.Track | null>;
* Get the current stream title or None.
getStreamTitle(): Promise<string | null>;
* Get time position in milliseconds.
getTimePosition(): Promise<number | null>;
// ----------------- PLAYBACK STATES -----------------
* Get The playback state.
getState(): Promise<PlaybackState>;
* Set the playback state. See:
* for possible states and transitions
setState({ new_state }: { new_state: PlaybackState }): Promise<void>;
interface LibraryController {
* Browse directories and tracks at the given uri.
* uri is a string which represents some directory belonging to a backend.
* To get the intial root directories for backends pass None as the URI.
* returns a list of `mopidy.models.Ref` objects for the directories and
* tracks at the given uri.
* The Ref objects representing tracks keep the track's original URI. A
* matching pair of objects can look like this:
* Track(uri='dummy:/foo.mp3', name='foo', artists=..., album=...)
* Ref.track(uri='dummy:/foo.mp3', name='foo')
* The Ref objects representing directories have backend specific URIs.
* These are opaque values, so no one but the backend that created them
* should try and derive any meaning from them. The only valid exception to
* this is checking the scheme, as it is used to route browse requests to
* the correct backend.
* For example, the dummy library's /bar directory could be returned like
* this:
* `'dummy:directory:/bar', name='bar')`
}: {
* URI to browse
uri: URI
}): Promise<models.Ref<any>[]>;
* Search the library for tracks where `field` contains `values`.
* `field` can be one of `uri`, `track_name`, `album`, `artist`, `albumartist`,
* `composer`, `performer`, `track_no`, `genre`, `date`, `comment`, or `any`.
* If `uris` is given, the search is limited to results from within the URI
* roots. For example passing `uris=['file:']` will limit the search to the
* local backend.
* Examples:
* # Returns results matching 'a' in any backend
* search({'any': ['a']})
* # Returns results matching artist 'xyz' in any backend
* search({'artist': ['xyz']})
* # Returns results matching 'a' and 'b' and artist 'xyz' in any
* # backend
* search({'any': ['a', 'b'], 'artist': ['xyz']})
* # Returns results matching 'a' if within the given URI roots
* # "file:///media/music" and "spotify:"
* search({'any': ['a']}, uris=['file:///media/music', 'spotify:'])
* # Returns results matching artist 'xyz' and 'abc' in any backend
* search({'artist': ['xyz', 'abc']})
}: {
* one or more queries to search for
query: Query;
* zero or more URI roots to limit the search to
uris?: string[];
* if the search should use exact matching
exact?: boolean;
}): Promise<models.SearchResult[]>;
* Lookup the given URIs.
* If the URI expands to multiple tracks, the returned list will contain them all.
* A list of URI's
uris: string[]
}): Promise<{ [index: string]: models.Track[] }>;
* Refresh library. Limit to URI and below if an URI is given.
refresh({ uri }: { uri?: string }): Promise<void>
* Lookup the images for the given URIs
* Backends can use this to return image URIs for any URI they know about be
* it tracks, albums, playlists. The lookup result is a dictionary mapping
* the provided URIs to lists of images.
* Unknown URIs or URIs the corresponding backend couldn't find anything for
* will simply return an empty list for that URI.
* A list of URI's
uris: string[]
}): Promise<{ [index: string]: models.Image[] }>;
interface PlaylistsController {
* Get the list of URI schemes that support playlists.
getUriSchemes(): Promise<string[]>;
// ----------------- FETCHING -----------------
* Get a list of the currently available playlists.
* Returns a list of Ref objects referring to the playlists. In other words,
* no information about the playlists’ content is given.
asList(): Promise<models.Ref<any>[]>;
* Get the items in a playlist specified by `uri`.
* Returns a list of Ref objects referring to the playlist’s items.
* If a playlist with the given uri doesn’t exist, it returns `None`.
getItems({ uri }: { uri: string }): Promise<models.Ref<any>[] | null>;
* Lookup playlist with given URI in both the set of playlists and in any other
* playlist sources. Returns `None` if not found.
lookup({ uri }: { uri: URI }): Promise<models.Playlist | null>;
* Refresh the playlists in playlists.
* If uri_scheme is None, all backends are asked to refresh. If `uri_scheme` is an URI scheme
* handled by a backend, only that backend is asked to refresh. If `uri_scheme` doesn’t
* match any current backend, nothing happens.
refresh({ uri_scheme }: { uri_scheme?: string }): Promise<void>;
// ----------------- MANIPULATING -----------------
* Create a new playlist.
* If uri_scheme matches an URI scheme handled by a current backend, that backend is
* asked to create the playlist. If `uri_scheme` is None or doesn’t match a current backend,
* the first backend is asked to create the playlist.
* All new playlists must be created by calling this method, and not by creating new
* instances of mopidy.models.Playlist.
}: {
* name of the new playlist
name: string;
* use the backend matching the URI scheme
uri_scheme?: string;
}): Promise<models.Playlist | null>;
* Save the playlist.
* For a playlist to be saveable, it must have the uri attribute set. You must not set
* the uri atribute yourself, but use playlist objects returned by create() or
* retrieved from playlists, which will always give you saveable playlists.
* The method returns the saved playlist. The return playlist may differ from the saved
* playlist. E.g. if the playlist name was changed, the returned playlist may have a
* different URI. The caller of this method must throw away the playlist sent to
* this method, and use the returned playlist instead.
* If the playlist’s URI isn’t set or doesn’t match the URI scheme of a current backend,
* nothing is done and None is returned.
}: {
* The playlist
playlist: models.Playlist
}): Promise<models.Playlist | null>;
* Delete playlist identified by the URI.
* If the URI doesn’t match the URI schemes handled by the current backends, nothing happens.
* Returns True if deleted, False otherwise.
}: {
* URI of the playlist to delete
uri: URI
}): Promise<boolean>;
interface MixerController {
* Get mute state.
* True if muted, False unmuted, None if unknown.
getMute(): Promise<boolean | null>;
* Set mute state.
* True to mute, False to unmute.
* Returns True if call is successful, otherwise False.
setMute({ mute }: { mute: boolean }): Promise<boolean>;
* Get the volume.
* Integer in range [0..100] or None if unknown.
* The volume scale is linear.
getVolume(): Promise<number | null>;
* Set the volume.
* The volume is defined as an integer in range [0..100].
* The volume scale is linear.
setVolume({ volume }: { volume: number }): Promise<boolean>;
interface HistoryController {
* Get the track history.
* The timestamps are milliseconds since epoch.
getHistory(): Promise<{ [index: string]: models.Ref<any>[] }>;
* Get the number of tracks in the history.
getLength(): Promise<number>;
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weilbith commented Sep 8, 2020

Hey, thanks for your cool work! 🙏
I could need some help for the typing of the event handler arguments. So when I have my Mopidy instance and want to register an event handler like mopidy.on("event:volumeChanged", handleEventVolumeChanged). Now I would like to use the volume parameter of the emitted event in this handler, instead of quering the volume manually (what is my current work-around). So I tried something like handleEventVolumeChanged(event: Mopidy.Core.CoreListener["event:volumeChanged"]) {...}. But then event is a function that maps to void. So how can I do the typing correctly here without having event: any?

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whomwah commented Sep 8, 2020

Thanks for the question @weilbith I'll have to get back to you as I don't have an answer yet. I'm still pretty new to TypeScript and so this was a bit of an exercise for me.

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whomwah commented Sep 11, 2020

It looks like:

on<K extends keyof Mopidy.StrictEvents>(
  name: K, listener: (v: Mopidy.StrictEvents[K]
) => void): this;

should be

on<K extends keyof Mopidy.StrictEvents>(name: K, listener: Mopidy.StrictEvents[K]): this;

Which then means that the code below is now correctly typed:

mopidy.on('event:volumeChanged', (data) => {

unfortunately I'm not sure it solves your scenario.

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