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Created February 13, 2023 16:29
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25 Things..

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

  1. I love spending most of my life in front of a PC, chatting with my buddies on MSN occasionaly and reading random shit about science and technology.. Oh well, I'm a nerd, what can I do.

  2. I hate seeing how chatting with buddies on MSN disorders people and their waking lives and turns them into MSN-chatting-not-going-out-hi5-stalking kids.. E-living is okay, but hey, going out and drinking with REAL buddies rocks n-times more.

  3. I love using sarcasm, even when I know I shouldn't.. Distorting the meaning of someones words and seeing them confused rulles hard.

  4. Using word distortions, I love making "cheap humor phrases" (or however your translate that) .. Most of these phrases are not funny at all, but hey, who cares, at least I have fun doing it.. By The Way: My friend Ane hates them. Sup, Ane ?

  5. I love the number Pi (as I said, nerd). I've been trying to find the SK-314-PI registration plate for some time now, but without luck.

  6. I think programming is cool, in terms of making you think like a machine. Thinking like a machine makes you understand your robotic dog even better..

  7. I can't resist an good ol' atheist vs. beliver discussion! No one ever wins, but the fun is priceless (just like in the MasterCard TV ad)!! Belivers never have facts to beat me, and they rely on the "you will most probably burn in hell" phrase.

  8. The reason I enjoy the "7." discussions so much is because I hate fake belivers.. They belive in God's power only when trouble knocks on their door, and that's fake. I have nothing against true belivers, everyone can belive in what he/she wants.

  9. I used to belive in Randomism, but found out that nothing is random. It's just our inability to predict behavior that makes things look random.. Oh well.

  10. Sitting home for a prolonged period of time makes me nervous. Doing no physical activity makes me nervous also. I seem to be very nervous these days.

  11. Playing games is cool, and used to be a time-killer for me, but the lack of good games that are being produced separated me from the joystick. (I don't have a joystick really, it's really just a phrase.)

  12. Last night I found out that lucid dreaming is very cool! Having the ability to fly is cool, but lame, I want to try matter distortions in my dreams. For those of you out there who don't know what lucid dreaming is, google it. Oh, yeah, and watch "Waking Life" too.

  13. Beer!!!!!

  14. I usually don't shave for long periods of time, and my friends yell at me. Pure lazyness is the reason, noting more.

  15. Having psychedelic conversations with Goldsmith makes my day. (except when he starts spamming his small-talk brakers) .. I mean, no one else understands the light bulb that is burning the little eye more then him.

(no time for more now, will finish this later today and will tag friends.)

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