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Clojure West 2015 Notes

Clojure Parallelism, beyond futures


  • Leon Barrett
    • Wrote claypoole


  • Continuous rank probability score
  • model output produces a distribution of samples
  • want to compare observed to our model
  • fn crps
    • We map this crps fn for each timestep
    • we get an average

How future works

  • Future is the basic building block of parallelism
  • @ (deref) will block until the future is done
  • future -> future call (fn @body)
    • (.submit clojure.lang.Agent/soloExecutor ^Callable f)
  • Threads
    • discussion of threads running on cpu
    • operating system will schedule
    • why do threads switch?
      • (they need to read disk, network)
    • concurrency vs parallelism
      • concurrency can happen without parallelism
      • parallelism is where more than one thing happens at once
    • threads have overhead
      • memory
      • take time to start
    • we use thread pools
  • clojure uses a single threadpool
    • Agent thread pool
    • shared for all futures and agents
    • “unlimited threads”
      • (max int threads)
    • idle thread lifetime of 60s
    • program will not exit while threads remain
      • they aren’t .setDaemon threads
  • limitations of future
    • you will have problems if
      • your takss are small compared to overhead
      • if you want to control the # of concurrent threads
      • you expect exceptions to work normally
        • They don’t
        • They get rethrown as j.u.c. Exceptions

How pmap works

  • pmap lazily runs the next ncpus + 3 items in futures
  • review of the code
    • n (+ 2 (get available processors))
    • rets (lazy (map #(future (f)))
    • fs
    • step (fn step []) makes a lazy seq
      • takes a sequence of futures
      • seq will force the first element of the futures
    • If we start with 8 tasks, we’ll force evaluation of the first 4
    • keep work in the pipeline with fs
  • it’s lazy, it needs to be driven
  • it uses futures to do the work
  • generates threads as needed
    • beware simultaneous pmaps
    • it’s wacky when there’s chunking (lazy seqs are chunked)
  • runs roughly ncpus + 3 tasks
    • a slow task will stall it
  • Same limitations of pmap
    • if your tasks are small compared to overhead
    • exception porblem
    • you really want to saturate the CPU

General caveat

  • if you don’t force a pmap, no work gets started
    • needs doall


  • CSP channels and coroutines
  • reads like one flow
  • avoids callback hell
  • uses cooperative multitrheading
    • your coroutines are lighterweight than threads
    • core async will switch coroutines only when it interacts with a channel
  • backed by a fixed-size threadpool
  • mostly for concurrency, not parallelism
    • you shouldn’t block many of it’s threads
    • easy to wait on other work
    • you might want to use it to interact with worker threads
  • You can get parallelism using pipeline
    • runs a transducer between two channels with parallelism n
    • pipeline-async and pipeline-blocking
    • exceptions will kill your coroutine


  • goal was to get as much parallelism as possible
  • use thread pools to control parallelism
  • you need to manage threadpools
  • default is eager, not lazy
  • output is an “eagerly streaming sequence”
    • looks like a seq, blocks on incomplete tasks
  • doesn’t stall on slow tasks
  • (doall pmap sleep(1-10ms rand)
  • built in map is 5.6 ms/task
  • claypool is 5.6ms / task / thread
  • built-in pmap averages 7.7ms / task / thread
    • because sometimes it waits on the slowest
  • streaming seqs can be chained
  • cp/future cp/pmap cp/pfor
  • unordered functions available
  • lazy version avails
  • if you run a faster pmap with a slower pmap beneath it, you grow a buffer between them.
  • exceptions get re-thrown correctly
  • eliminates chunking
  • can do priority threadpools


  • uses java’s fork/join pool for flexibility
  • reducers does give us a parallel reduce


  • Avoids fork/join pool for perf
  • useful for cpu-bound operations
  • distributable on hadoop

Boot can build it


  • Alan Dipert


  • Micha Niskin


  • Adzerk

Why a new build tool?

  • There aren’t ways to make small modules to encapsulate complexity.
  • Builds are processes, not specifications.
  • Most tools oriented around configuration instead of programming
  • We’re programmers, we need to program builds

One build tool

  • Made of small independent parts that each do one thing well
  • Small things are only useful if composition is left to the user

What is boot

  • Uses maven under teh hood
  • We use it to build clojure and clojurescript

A common build workflow

  • Java example
  • boot command line
  • boot javac -h
    • some docs
  • boot -V
    • more docs
  • boot -s src/ show -f
    • basically tree showing pipeline
  • boot -s show -f -- javac -- show -f
    • shows .class file that has been compiled
    • each step creates a new immutable fileset
      • think ring middleware

more cmd line examples

  • boot -s src/ javac -- pom -p boot-demo -v 0.1 -- jar -m boot.Demo -- install
  • boot -d boot-demo repl
    • boots into a repl of that .jar file
  • everything you can do at the command line should be possible in the repl
  • (set-env! :source-paths #{"src"})
  • (boot (javac) (pom :project `boot-demo :version "0.1") (jar :main `boot.Demo) (install)
    • same as running from command line

unix analogy

  • unix -> process program -> text
  • boot -> process task -> fileset

anatomy of a task

  • Task constructor, accumulated state, middleware, handler
  • deftask
    • middleware pattern, after processing, passes to the next middleware for more processing.

deftask example

(deftask build []
    (pom :project `boot-demo :version "0.1")
    (jar :main `boot.Demo)

(boot (build))

;; composing with watch
(boot (watch) (build))

you can put this in a file

#!/usr/bin/env boot

(defn -main [& argv]
  (boot (build) ...)
  • boot will look for a build.boot, and generate a main mthd for you.
  • You can define tasks in build.boot, and use from cmd line


  • a little anonymous git repo
  • real files underneath but 100% managed
  • basis for classpath
  • immutable
    • tasks need to be able to modify anything
  • query API
  • add, remove
  • commit: mutates underlying files

New tasks

  • Converting Java into Fortran
  • in the build.boot file
(deftask upcase
  "Convert file text contents to upper case"
  [x extension EXT str "The file extension"]
  (let [dir (temp-dir!)]
    (with-pre-wrap [fileset]
      (empty-dir! dir)
      (upcase-files dir (files-by fileset extension))
      (commit! (add-resouce fileset dir)))))


`boot upcase -x .java`


  • How we avoid “dependency hell”
  • Isolated Clojure runtimes
  • Each can have different dependencies
  • Easy to create, run code inside of
  • Some things can’t be passed between pods

repl pod

(def env (assoc boot.pod/env :Dependencies `[[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]]))
(def pod (boot.pod/make-pod env))
(boot.pod/with-eval-in pod (clojure-version)) ;; "1.5.1"
(clojure-version) ;; "1.6.0"

Well I Wouldn’t Want To Make a *Dys*functional Game


  • Morgan Mullaney

An exploration of lisp in game dev

  • Conrad Barski’s Land of Lisp
  • Abuse 1996
    • (engine in C++), small home-grown lisp dialect for logic and UI
    • defchar (register a character in the game, and a set of callbacks)

More lisp games

  • Crash bandicoot
  • Jak and Daxter
  • Naughty Dog Studios
    • bought by Sony


  • Crash used (GOOL)
  • Jak Game Oriented Assembly Lisp (GOAL)
  • typed function arguments
  • rlet lets you write directly in assembly
    • you can bind a symbol to a direct register

Vendetta Online

  • Server-side NPC AI (DELIVERATOR) written in common lisp
  • The “bugs” travel around the universe in swarms
  • A big part of the game is hunting them down, killing them for access to asteroids
  • You could connect a REPL to talk to the live AI system
    • devs would play game master, scripted events
  • You could add new bot behavior (callback hell)
  • This system became unmaintainable due to scope creep
  • So they re-wrote it in erlang, because they had re-invented actors

ChromaShift 2012

2x0ng 2013

  • david o’toole
  • Built on xelf, an emacs-inspired 2d opengl game in common lisp


  • Is it a lang? an ide? A library?
  • Described as emacs for games
  • The ability to have a REPL that runs inside your game
    • you can display your code alongside your game

how do you draw graphics?

  • Really down to the metal: OpenGL
    • Penumbra blog post
  • SDL abstraction (Simple DirectMedia Layer)
  • But these are grossly procedural and rely on mutating state
  • You can hang a pretty picture in front of it
  • Hide those away from your game and don’t interact with them directly

what have we learned

  • Lisps are easy to write. Make a language tailored to your game engine.
  • Use an entity component system
  • Embed a REPL for development

Simulant in Anger


  • Ryan Neufeld


  • Payments system like Apple Pay for a big irish company or something.
  • MI-X adds “Value Added Services”
    • Loyalty, coupon, etc.


  • Microservice arch
  • “Landing on Mars”
    • No prior on the ground experience
    • Likening it to curiosity mission
  • Launch for 100s of stores, 1000s of tellers
  • No second chances
  • What is success for MI-X
    • speed of delivery
    • 3.5 devs avg
  • Consistent speed
  • Scalability

How did NASA test curiosity

  • Simulating reality
    • High Temp
    • Low Temp
  • Wanted this for MI-X


  • Siege
  • AB
  • httperf?
  • Integration tests (Selenium)

Simulation testing

  • Rather than define what a test will do, we define what we could do the framework will take it from there.
  • Explore correctness
  • Features + Qualities = Well-functioning system
  • We want a tool that will validate those qualities


  • Framework for simulation testing
  • A test in four paths
    • model
    • test
    • sim
    • validate


  • Create a directed model graph of states in a random walk


  • Take a random walk and sample that into a linear walk (stream of actions)
    • We can re-sample this in the future to recreate a sequence of steps
    • We can generate n number of streams of actions


  • Spawn any number of processes, as threads on one machine, or multiple machines
  • Writes that to an action log in datomic


  • Most validations can be run as queries in datomic

Simulant and MI-X

  • Gather a baseline of performance
  • Incrementally improve

How long does it take

  • 0 -> simple [1 week]
  • 1 month to get to a full multi-user flow
  • “clojure: hard to learn but it pays you back”
    • simulant is the same

How does it pay us back

  • Finding #0
    • Did this ever work?
  • The system thrashed badly right away
  • Auto scaling triggers via CPU
    • They were IO bound
  • 5-10 users were making the system fall over
  • create-payment endpoint was ~10s or never
    • 10 requests acq -> 10 requests tx -> 10 requests to auth


  • encrypted payloads as a token in JSON

A bunch of benchmark stuff

  • Just some slides about decreasing errors, increasing mean response time


Clojure and ClojureScript update


  • Alex Miller
  • David Nolen


  • Recap of what has been released recently.

What’s new in cljs

  • Not small anymore
  • 20k sloc


  • Because we were focused on just getting it working, it wasn’t fast.
  • Was slow because invocations re-compiled 10k sloc
  • Now
    • Analysis caching
    • Avoid analysis altogether
    • AOTed cljs.core (inc. analysis, source)
    • Will start shipping AOTd artifacts
      • tools.reader, data.json are available AOTd


  • just needs java 8
    • better for beginners
    • better for broader ecosystem
      • clearer separation between compiler fundamentals & downstream tooling
  • When you submit a bug, can you repro with cljs.jar


  • things like jquery
  • free from externs hell
  • allows the community to package useful libraries
  • CLJSJS now has 30+ popular packages


  • official, works with compiler settings
  • 16k assertions when we test cljs
  • most of the functionality from clojure.test
  • works under :optimizations :none

static Vars

  • Porting clojure.test highlighted the need for supporting a subset of the Var abstraction
  • supported now (subset)
  • can get some compiler information
  • provide the usual metadata

macro usage

  • new convenient behavior if namespace and macro namespace share name and the namespace requires it
  • library users can just require your library

incremental compilation

  • parent-ns -> child-ns didn’t work
  • recompile dependents works now
  • huge for testing
  • works even for cold builds
  • :recompile-dependents to disable
    • may be annoying for figwheel users


  • Shipping large clojurescript apps?
    • single build, but large
  • google solved this in 2011
  • advanced builds can be code split
  • split production builds into optimal pieces
  • nothing to do with commonjs, es2015 amd or whatever
  • only about code splitting
  • google closure compiler once again delivers
  • changed top-level, everything is static
    • even though we have a large standard library
  • clojurescript emission is now optimized for it, comes for free

Conditional reading

  • only took us 3.5y to get to this
  • official support for conditional reading via .cljc extension
  • supports 3 platforms
    • clojureclr
    • clojure
    • clojurescript
  • needs feedback


  • we didn’t spend as much time on repls as we should have
  • they were wrong, woefully wrong
  • repls should work, the way you’ve come to expect
  • new repls
    • jdk 8 nashorn repl
      • approaching perf of javascript
      • hopefully better in jdk0 9
    • node.js repl
      • fastest option and reflective of browser javascript perf
      • dnolen used it to port test.check
  • repl overhaul
  • all repls support stacktrace mapping via source maps
  • generic support
    • figwheel works
    • ambly repl for iOS

repls now conform to clojure.main design

  • perhaps not the best design, but nREPL tooling expects it

ambly repl

  • The .js core in iOS is really good
  • if you want to target iOS, android and the web
  • mike fikes already shipped an app
  • ambly/Clojure hosted under the om org
  • don’t need xcode
  • foundation for react native integration
    • uses bonjour and webdav

What’s next?

  • API namespaces
    • we want tooling to be better and stable
    • we want people to stop calling into the impl namespace
  • if you want to build a tool, build it on & cljs.analyzer.api
    • relying on this will stabilize things for everyone
    • team will dog-food these namespaces

optional bootstrap

  • now that we do conditional reading, there’s almost nothing left to do
  • atom-shell (building portable desktop apps)


  • Final draft is out
  • exploding popularity of React also making CommonJS modules common in the ecosystem
  • clojurescript can’t consume this stuff

“system cljs”

  • support the popular module formats
  • google closure saves our butt again
  • leverage js parsing/analysis tools
  • externs inference and auto-generation


  • Alex Miller

clojure 1.7

  • Some bugs and regressions reported, most are resolved
  • should move to RC in a few weeks


  • Composable algorithmic transformations
  • Can take operations like map, reduce, filter and create a transducer out of that
  • One less arity, omit the input source
  • can use with core.async channels
  • you can use comp to get l -> r semantics, like ->>
  • new function called transduce, similar to reduce
    • first arg is a transducer
    • next arg is a reducing fn
    • then an initial value
    • then a coll
  • example of into
  • If you combine these things with collections that can reduce themselves, you can save a lot of object allocation
  • eduction will re-compute the transformation each time you use that eduction
    • when you don’t want to hold on to the head and intermediate state in memory

Reader conditionasl

  • Portable code across Clojure platforms
  • .cljc extension
  • reader conditionals
;; Choose an expression based on Platform
#?(:clj (java.util.Date)
   :cljs (js/Date.))

;; splicing version
[:a :b #?@(:clj  [:c :d]
           :cljs [:e :f])]
  • You can fall through this to emit nothing (not nil)


  • faster symbol and keyword construction
  • reduce compile times (reduced class lookups)
  • repeat, cycle, iterate, and range
    • faster sequence and reduce usage
  • hash-maps and hash-sets now have direct iterators that don’t use seqs
  • keys, vals faster iteration with reduced allocation over maps and sets
  • iterator-seq is now chunked
  • vec, set - significantly faster for most inputs
  • partial - unrolls more args
  • multimethod default value dispatch cached

Purely Random

  • Creating random splittable RNGS

Use in test.check

  • Sequence of numbers, and one from that sequence
  • non deterministic impl in test.check

Testing random number generators

  • dieharder
  • Linear testing approaches
    • fibonnaci

Dieharder results

  • j.u.random is linear and pretty weak
  • results for different types using SHA1 technique


  • SHA1 does 1k arithmetic ops, it can be slow
  • Try a faster (noncrypto) psueudorandom function, test it’s quality


  • Mutable, splittable random
  • nextLong()


  • Two “mixing” functions
  • input size is 64bits long
  • inputs in inner circle, outputs in outer circle
  • seed for initial state
    • pass 24 to the constructor, the initial state is 24
  • adds a special gamma number, gamma is odd
  • pass in something from the mixing function, we get a new number
  • gamma gets mutated inside

deftype IJUSR

(deftype IJUSR [^long gamma ^long state]
  (rand-long [_]
    (-> state (+ gamma) (mix-64)))
  (split [this]
    (let [state1 (+ gamma state)

Benchmarks (criterium)

  • xoring 1,000,000 random numbers
  • 150ms
  • the sha1 impl is much slower
  • diehard results are just as good

Wrapup of this section

  • Linear RNGs can not be trivially splittabilized
  • recent research provides promising options

Back to test-check

  • test-check 0.8.0-ALPHA is out now, with this RNG
  • Slowdown on it’s own test.check suite ~16.3% slower


  • Can parallelize test
  • resuming shrinks
  • parallelized shrinks
  • custom shrinking
  • generating lazy seq
  • replay a specific test with a seed

Staying SAFE: A Foundation for Clojure Apps

  • Ron Toland

Whatis Sonian

  • Email archiving and search
  • Clojure + Elasticsearch
  • 2009

What is SAFE?

  • Sonian Archive File Engine
  • Application, Library, Framework -> Foundation

New Service, Old Problems

  • How do I deploy it?
  • How do I configure it?
  • How do I debug it?
  • How do I make it flexible?
  • How do I run code on startup?
  • How do I run periodic tasks?
  • How do I give it commands?
  • How do I distribute work?
  • SAFE answers these


  • How do I configure it?
  • Finds all the system configuration files on the classpath, merges them into a clojure map.
  • a function config to pull values out of that map


  • Loaded in order
  • can use to have defaults in one area
    • when running lein, the test directory will have a config
  • different config for testing
  • preserve sane defaults across services
  • if SAFE’s config file is too large, you can break it up
  • Open source carica


  • They have to run on different systems, different scheduling.


  • config-controlled auto-require
  • doinit and dofini
  • ticks and tocks
  • dostatus
  • defadmins (spoilers!)

Open source version


  • command line to start a repl
  • example command line invocations
  • Some slides on writing these commands

Games and 3D Graphics in Arcadia

  • Timothy Gardner, Ramsey Nasser
  • Unity + Clojure


  • Industry standard video game engine
  • From HighSchool to AAA studios

What do I get?

  • Graphics
  • Physics
  • Networking
  • Entity Component System
  • Authoring Tool
  • Multiplatform

Clojure CLR

  • MS$ runtime for C#
  • David miller
  • To make arcadia to work, we had to fork the compiler.

Dive through Arcadia

  • Low level
  • Not cute
  • Tame Unity, get out of your way
    • Perlin noise always returns a const ?
  • Libraries
  • 1 year old


  • Feminist side scroller
  • Jongelars
    • Reads books from gutenberg, and puts them in books in 3d
  • “An evening of modern dance”
    • If the physics freak out, you need to practice dancing more”
  • Wizard hands

Code demo

  • Functional game development process
  • Entity compnent system in Unity
    • Every object in
  • Arcadia can be a folder that you just add to unity
  • Player as data
  (:use [acradia.core
  (:import [Vector2]))
(def ship-initial
  {:position Vector2/zero})

(def move [obj offset]
  (update obj :position v2+ offset))

(-> ship-initial
  (move (v2 3 1)))

  • To get this to show up in unity, you need a component.
(defcomponent PlayerShip [state]
  (Start [this] (set! state ship-initial)))

The guts of Unity are scary

  • Unity doesn’t actually use C#, it uses C++ and a Mono scripting engine

Transform component

  • PlayerShip needs to talk to TransformComponent to move the ship
(def update-player [obj]
  (-> obj
      (move (Input/GetAxis "horizontal") ; -1 1
            (Input/GetAxis "vertical")))); ; -1 2

(defcomponent PlayerShip [state]
  (Start [this] (set! state ship-initial)
  (Update [this] (set! state (update-ship state))
  • To reflect the change
(defcomponent PlayerShip [state]
  (Start [this] (set! state ship-initial)
  (Update [this] (set! state (update-ship state)
                 (set! (.. this transform position)
                       (v3 (.x (:position state)))
                           (.y (:position state))

Upcoming arcadia features

  • Procedurally generated 3d blocks
  • Paying for object instantiation in Unity is expensive
  • For the next release
    • Stability
    • Web export
    • Docs
  • hydrate
  • To turn state into clojure data functions
  • Brandon bloom’s dispatch-map library?

Everything will Flow

  • Zach Tellman

Talking about Queues

  • Producer -> Consumer
  • FIFO
  • Non-obvious part is that enqueueing things is a side-effect

Core async

  • 3 queues are under the hood
  • producer -> puts -> buffer -> takes -> consumer
  • Consumer is provided a callback

More queues

  • Has to be run on a threadpool
  • java.util.concurrent.Executor
  • BlockingQueue
  • RejectedExecution When the queue is full

Conditioned queues

  • not empty
  • not full
  • producer -> notFull -> buffer -> notEmpty -> consumer


  • software threads
  • hardware threads
  • probably like half dozen queues

Queues separate the “What” from the “when”

  • a great property for systems

Queueing theory

  • There is a lot of math
  • You can ignore most of it
  • Presenting here the things that intersect between systems
  • Book Mor Harchol Balter
    • Performance modeling and design of computer system
    • Queueing theory in action

Closed systems

  • Key distinction between closed and open systems
  • A REPL is a closed system
  • A single person browsing a website is a closed system

Open systems

  • Where there is no coordination
  • Almost guaranteed that a request will come in before we’re ready

A Simulation of an open system

  • Producers are exponentially distributed
    • l = 0.5, l = 1, l = 1.5
  • Consumers are Pareto Distributed
    • a = infinite
    • a = 3
    • a = 2
    • a = 1
  • The 80/20 rule
    • How often unusually complex tasks arrive

Simulation part 2

  • In the simulation, we’ll use a spectrogram
  • Vertical axis is latency (log10)
  • Horizontal axis thin tail -> fat tail
    • most tasks are easy, some tasks are complex in the fat tail
  • Heat map showing where most of our tasks are in red
  • A system in crisis, when our queues are out of control
  • The time being spent on the queue dominates your time
    • Everything averages out, consistent but slow
  • We know when a system is out of resources

Adding more consumers

  • Showing a graph where 1, 2, 4 consumers keep up
  • Next slide showing same failures for 1 4 and 16 producers and consumers
  • What they look like as they lead up to failure, they fall over at the same place
  • We can have a system that responds in sub-ms time, then falls over

What have we learned?

  • Your system is probably open
  • It’s the long tail that makes queues fill up
  • more consumers make us robust to variance
  • once the system falls, it falls hard
  • unbounded queues are fundamentally broken
    • puts the correctness of your system in someone else’s hands

How do you salve a problem like too much data?

  • 3 strategies
    • drop the data
    • reject the data
    • pause the data


  • only valid if newer data obsoletes older data of if we just don’t care
    • telemetry
  • or if we’re just doing best effort
  • We do this too readily


  • often the only choice for an application
  • when we have too many requests, we often time have no better method
  • Need to understand what we’re going to do in this situation


  • AKA Backpressure
  • Often the only choice for a closed system, library or sub-system

Backpressure swims upstream

  • producer -> [puts] -> [buffer] -> [takes] -> consumer ^^ backpressure here

Queues, what are they good for

  • separating what from when

Default channel config in core.async

  • No buffer by default
  • Closed system

Why would we want buffers?

  • Backpressure ain’t free
  • restarting threads
  • restarting tcp traffic
  • reading from disk
  • reading from databases
  • buffers allow us to stabilize throughput at the expense of latency

Always plan for too much data

  • What’s our response?
  • Most neutral response is backpressure
  • Flow up on a chain to a periphery
  • that logic should be centralized
  • most queues shouldn’t have buffers
    • We should avoid chaining buffers

What we know vs what we’ve done

  • A lot of the attempts to use core.async, which has backpressure
  • EE spec for websockets doesn’t have backpressure
  • library authors haven’t really kept this
  • we want to make sure that we don’t have to rebuild

Concrete example

  • MAW
  • Arbitrary volumes of data
  • persist it somewhere for batch processing
  • Did this on AWS
    • ELB -> machines -> s3

Key properties

  • Horizontal scale
  • Low maint
  • not real time
  • loss of data ~ loss of utility


  • 600 tweets/sec -> http client -> hadoop s3 client -> s3
  • Adapted this for MAW
    • 20,000 -> aleph -> hadoop s3 client -> s3

s3 stopped accepting writes

  • Hadoop s3 client held all this in memory, ran out and fell over
    • cascading failure
  • Wasn’t a failure mode I was thinking about


  • -> Aleph -> [] -> [?] -> s3
  • I just wanted the data to be somewhere other than memory
  • Could use local disk

Two libraries

  • Factual/durable-queue
  • Factual/s3-journal
    • built on top of durable queue

And so

  • Aleph -> s3-journal -> s3 [ durable queue]
  • The problem with the hadoop s3 library was that the queue was invis

Metrics within durable queue

Netty’s threading model

  • We have to get back to each of those requests
  • Every time a connection is opened, it’s assigned to a thread
  • Every time a connection blocks, it blocks that thread
  • Netty adds a BlockingQueue
    • Threadpools in here are a little invis


  • ztellman has a library to inspect threadpools
  • dirigiste
  • task-rejection-rate
  • task-completion-rate
  • task-arrival-rate
  • task-latency
  • queue=latency
  • queue-length
  • num-workers

Sampled stats, not a perfect representation.

What we’ve learned

  • What does completion mean?
  • Be picky about your tols
  • Prefer metrics to raw performance
  • You’re never measuring all of your system

An abstract example

  • A chat server


  '[manifold.deferred :as d]
  '[ :as s]
  '[manifold.bus :as b])

(def chat-handler [conn]
  (d/let-flow [room (read-room conn)]
  • If anyone is slow on the connection, it blocks everyone
  • want to make sure that one bad actor doesn’t slow everything


  • Maybe with message sized buffer?
  (p/subscribe bus room)
  (s/buffer msg-len 1e3 conn))

Source -> Sink

  • with timeout
  • If I have been trying for 10s, you’re done, you can reconnect

What if someone is publishing too fast?

  • Being a jerk and being naieve, you can’t distinguish
  • It’s your job to make sure that you don’t get knocked over
    • That the many don’t suffer due to the actions of the few


  • 1msg/sec
  • Failure is on the publisher
  • manifold example to throttle with credit

Understanding dynamic topologies

  • We have an untold number of queues in the chat example
  • If you have core.async shoving messages everywhere
  • In manifold, you can look at the topology, look at each of the streams
  • Unclear how to visualize these
    • Open topic
  • In the clojure ecosystem, we need to talk about this

We talked about queues

  • unbounded queues aren’t
  • the application should plan for too much data
  • elsewhere, defer to the application
  • demand metrics from everything
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