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Created September 8, 2016 09:31
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- title: Fable architecture sample
- tagline: Just a try to implement the Fable architecture over Pixi
- app-style: width:800px; margin:20px auto 50px auto;
- require-paths: `'PIXI':''`
- intro: Just a try to implement the Fable architecture over Pixi. This is an experimentation for the moment
#r "../../node_modules/fable-core/Fable.Core.dll"
#load "../../node_modules/fable-import-pixi/Fable.Import.Pixi.fs"
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Import.Browser
open Fable.Import.PIXI
open System.Collections.Generic
module Fable =
module Architecture =
let toActionList x = [x]
type Action<'TMessage> = ('TMessage -> unit) -> unit
type Producer<'TMessage> = ('TMessage -> unit) -> unit
type AppEvents<'TMessage, 'TModel> =
| ModelChanged of 'TModel*'TModel
| ActionReceived of 'TMessage
| DrawStarted
type Subscriber<'TMessage, 'TModel> = AppEvents<'TMessage, 'TModel> -> unit
type RenderState =
| InProgress
| NoRequest
type App<'TModel, 'TMessage> =
Model: 'TModel
View: 'TModel -> ResizeArray<obj> -> ('TMessage -> unit) -> Container -> unit
Objects: ResizeArray<obj>
Stage: Container
Update: 'TModel -> 'TMessage -> ('TModel * Action<'TMessage> list)
InitMessage : (('TMessage -> unit) -> unit) option
Actions: Action<'TMessage> list
Producers: Producer<'TMessage> list
Subscribers: Map<string, Subscriber<'TMessage, 'TModel>>
NodeSelector: string option
RenderState: RenderState
Renderer: SystemRenderer option
Canvas: HTMLCanvasElement option
type ScheduleMessage =
| PingIn of (float -> unit)
type AppMessage<'TMessage> =
| AddSubscriber of string*Subscriber<'TMessage, 'TMessage>
| RemoveSubscriber of string
| Message of 'TMessage
| Draw
let createApp model view update =
Model = model
View = view
Objects = ResizeArray<obj>()
Stage = new Container()
Update = update
NodeSelector = None
InitMessage = None
Producers = []
Subscribers = Map.empty
RenderState = NoRequest
Actions = []
Renderer = None
Canvas = None
let withStartNodeSelector selector app =
{ app with NodeSelector = Some selector }
let withStartRenderer renderer app =
{ app with Renderer = Some renderer }
let withProducer p app =
{ app with Producers = p::app.Producers }
let withSubscriber subscriberId subscriber app =
let subsribers = app.Subscribers |> Map.add subscriberId subscriber
{ app with Subscribers = subsribers }
/// Scheduler helper
/// This scheduler allow us to send a PingIn message to delay the call of a callback
let createScheduler() =
MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
let rec loop() =
async {
let! message = inbox.Receive()
match message with
| PingIn cb ->
window.requestAnimationFrame(new FrameRequestCallback(cb)) |> ignore
return! loop()
/// Function used on the first loop
/// This function init the page by adding the view in the DOM and the app
let createFirstLoopState (startElem:Node) post state =
// We check that we have a pixi renderer
let canvas =
match state.Renderer with
| None ->
console.error "You need to provide a renderer. See function withStartRenderer"
raise (exn "You need to provide a renderer. See function withStartRenderer")
| Some renderer -> renderer.view
// Append the view of the renderer to the startElem
startElem.appendChild(canvas) |> ignore
// If we have some init message trigger them
match state.InitMessage with
| None -> ()
| Some init -> init post
{ state with Canvas = Some canvas }
let handleMessage msg notify schedule state =
ActionReceived msg |> (notify state.Subscribers)
let (model', actions') = state.Update state.Model msg
// Determine the renderState
let renderState =
match state.RenderState with
| NoRequest ->
| InProgress -> InProgress
// Return the new state
{ state with
RenderState = renderState
Model = model'
Actions = state.Actions @ actions'
let handleDraw post notify state : App<'TModel, 'TMessage> =
match state.RenderState with
| InProgress ->
// Notify the subscribers about the start of drawing process
DrawStarted |> notify state.Subscribers
let model = state.Model
// Update the objects used by the view
state.View model state.Objects post state.Stage
// Render the view
// Trigger the actions
state.Actions |> List.iter (fun i -> i post)
// Notify the subscribers
(ModelChanged (model, state.Model)) |> notify state.Subscribers
{ state with RenderState = NoRequest; Actions = [] }
| NoRequest -> raise (exn "Shouldn't happen")
let start app =
// Deduce the startElement
let startElem =
match app.NodeSelector with
| None -> document.body
| Some sel -> document.body.querySelector(sel) :?> HTMLElement
let scheduler = createScheduler()
// Here is the core of the architecture
MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
/// Helpers to post a message in the app
let post message =
inbox.Post (Message message)
/// Helper to notify the subscribers
let notifySubscribers subs model =
subs |> Map.iter (fun key handler -> handler model)
/// Init the producers
app.Producers |> List.iter (fun p -> p post)
/// Function used to delay the Draw action (60fps based)
let schedule() = scheduler.Post(PingIn((fun _ -> inbox.Post(Draw))))
let rec loop state =
async {
match state.Canvas with
/// If this is the first loop
| None ->
let state' = createFirstLoopState startElem post state
return! loop state'
/// Else the app is already init
| Some node ->
/// Wait for a message
let! message = inbox.Receive()
match message with
/// If the message if of type Message handle it (use of Update here)
| Message msg ->
let state' = handleMessage msg notifySubscribers schedule state
return! loop state'
/// If the message if of type Draw handle it (use of View here)
| Draw ->
let state' = handleDraw post notifySubscribers state
return! loop state'
| _ -> return! loop state
loop app // Kick start the Mailbox
module App =
open System
open Fable.Import.JS
/// Model of the app
type Model =
{ Count: float
Level: int
IsInit: bool
IsGameOver: bool
/// Generate an initial model
static member Initial =
{ Count = 0.
Level = 0
IsInit = false
IsGameOver = false
IsAdding= false
/// List of the possible actions
type Actions
= LevelUp
| ResetGame
| InitDone
| AddBunnies of bool
| GameOver
| Tick of float
/// Function supporting the updates logic of the app
let update model action =
// Standard update of the model
let model' =
match action with
// On level up we add one level
| LevelUp ->
{ model with Level = model.Level + 1 }
// On reset the game we reset the model
| ResetGame ->
// When the first init of the view is done
| InitDone ->
{ model with IsInit = true }
| AddBunnies add ->
{ model with IsAdding = add }
// On game over
| GameOver ->
{ model with IsGameOver = true }
// On tick we increment the count value
| Tick value ->
if not model.IsGameOver then
let newCount = model.Count + value
{ model with Count = newCount }
/// Here we are handling the actions which tirgger others actions
let delayedCall push =
match action with
// When we receive a tick
| Tick _ ->
// Apply a pattern over the new value of count (note the usage of model' )
match model'.Count with
// If the value is over 20., we lose so push the action GameOver
| x when x > 20. ->
// Else we check if we leveled up
| value ->
let nextLevel = (Math.floor(value) |> int) % 2 = 0
if nextLevel then
| _ -> ()
model', delayedCall |> toActionList
let options = [
BackgroundColor (float 0x1099bb)
Resolution 1.
let renderer =
Globals.autoDetectRenderer( 620., 400., options )
|> unbox<SystemRenderer> <- "block" <- "0 auto"
/// Function used to generate the basic view (this is used for the first draw of the app
let initView (model: Model) (objects: ResizeArray<obj>) post (stage: Container) =
renderer.view.onmousedown <- fun _ -> post(AddBunnies(true))
renderer.view.onmouseup <- fun _ -> post(AddBunnies(false))
// Notify the app that we finished to init the view
/// Function used to handle the view updates
let view (model: Model) (objects: ResizeArray<obj>) post (stage: Container) =
/// If the view has never been init
if not model.IsInit then
// Clear all the stage children (useful for support of ResetGame)
stage.removeChildren(0., float stage.children.Count) |> ignore
initView model objects post stage
let count : int = objects.Count - 1
for i in 0..count do
let bunny = unbox<Sprite> objects.[i]
bunny.rotation <- bunny.rotation + 0.1
if model.IsAdding then
let bunny = Sprite.fromImage("./public/bunny.png")
stage.addChild( bunny) |> ignore
bunny.tint <- Math.random() * (float 0xFFFFFF)
bunny.position <- Point(Math.random() * stage.width, Math.random() * stage.height)
bunny.rotation <- Math.random() * 1.
bunny.anchor <- Point(0.5,0.5)
// Push a tick in the GameApp every 1000/60 seconds
let rec tickProducer push =
push(Tick 0.1)
window.requestAnimationFrame(fun _ -> tickProducer push) |> ignore
// Here we create the application for Fable Architecture
createApp Model.Initial view update
//|> withStartNodeSelector "#game" // Node on which to happen the Pixi view. If not given then we happend to body
|> withStartRenderer renderer // For the moment the renderer need to be create by the user
|> withProducer tickProducer // Register our producer
|> start // Start the app
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