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Amaranth 0.5 demo with a pipelined QSPI core impemented using streams
from amaranth import *
from amaranth.lib import enum, data, wiring, stream, io
from amaranth.lib.wiring import In, Out, connect, flipped
from amaranth.sim import Simulator
class IOStream(wiring.Component):
def __init__(self, width, *, meta_layout=0, latency=0):
self._latency = latency
"o_stream": In(stream.Signature(data.StructLayout({
"o": width,
"oe": width,
"i_en": 1,
"meta": meta_layout,
"i_stream": Out(stream.Signature(data.StructLayout({
"i": width,
"meta": meta_layout,
"buffers": Out(io.FFBuffer.Signature("io", 1)).array(width),
def elaborate(self, platform):
latency = self._latency # FIXME: should be platform dependent
m = Module()
buffer_i = Cat(buffer.i for buffer in self.buffers)
buffer_o = Cat(buffer.o for buffer in self.buffers)
buffer_oe = Cat(buffer.oe for buffer in self.buffers)
o_reg =
oe_reg =
with m.If(self.o_stream.valid & self.o_stream.ready):
m.d.sync += o_reg.eq(self.o_stream.p.o)
m.d.sync += oe_reg.eq(self.o_stream.p.oe)
m.d.comb += buffer_o.eq(self.o_stream.p.o)
m.d.comb += buffer_oe.eq(self.o_stream.p.oe)
with m.Else():
m.d.comb += buffer_o.eq(o_reg)
m.d.comb += buffer_oe.eq(oe_reg)
def delay(value, name):
for stage in range(latency):
next_value =, name=f"{name}_{stage}")
m.d.sync += next_value.eq(value)
value = next_value
return value
meta = delay(self.o_stream.p.meta, name="meta")
i_en = delay(self.o_stream.valid & self.o_stream.ready &
self.o_stream.p.i_en, name="i_en")
skid = Array(Signal(self.i_stream.payload.shape(), name=f"skid_{stage}")
for stage in range(1 + latency))
m.d.comb += skid[0].i.eq(buffer_i)
m.d.comb += skid[0].meta.eq(meta)
skid_at = Signal(range(1 + latency))
with m.If(i_en & ~self.i_stream.ready):
# m.d.sync += Assert(skid_at != latency)
m.d.sync += skid_at.eq(skid_at + 1)
for n_shift in range(latency):
m.d.sync += skid[n_shift + 1].eq(skid[n_shift])
with m.Elif((skid_at != 0) & self.i_stream.ready):
m.d.sync += skid_at.eq(skid_at - 1)
m.d.comb += self.i_stream.payload.i.eq(skid[skid_at].i)
m.d.comb += self.i_stream.payload.meta.eq(skid[skid_at].meta)
m.d.comb += self.i_stream.valid.eq(i_en | (skid_at != 0))
m.d.comb += self.o_stream.ready.eq(self.i_stream.ready & (skid_at == 0))
return m
class QSPIMode(enum.Enum, shape=3):
Swap = 0 # normal SPI
PutX1 = 1
GetX1 = 2
PutX2 = 3
GetX2 = 4
PutX4 = 5
GetX4 = 6
Dummy = 7
class QSPIEnframer(wiring.Component):
octets: In(stream.Signature(data.StructLayout({
"mode": QSPIMode,
"data": 8
frames: Out(stream.Signature(data.StructLayout({
"o": 4,
"oe": 4,
"i_en": 1,
"meta": QSPIMode,
def elaborate(self, platform):
m = Module()
cycle = Signal(range(8))
m.d.comb += self.frames.valid.eq(self.octets.valid)
with m.If(self.octets.valid & self.frames.ready):
with m.Switch(self.octets.p.mode):
with m.Case(QSPIMode.PutX1, QSPIMode.GetX1, QSPIMode.Swap):
m.d.comb += self.octets.ready.eq(cycle == 7)
with m.Case(QSPIMode.PutX2, QSPIMode.GetX2):
m.d.comb += self.octets.ready.eq(cycle == 3)
with m.Case(QSPIMode.PutX4, QSPIMode.GetX4):
m.d.comb += self.octets.ready.eq(cycle == 1)
with m.Case(QSPIMode.Dummy):
m.d.comb += self.octets.ready.eq(cycle == 0)
m.d.sync += cycle.eq(Mux(self.octets.ready, 0, cycle + 1))
rev_data =[::-1] # flipped to have MSB at 0; flipped back below
with m.Switch(self.octets.p.mode):
with m.Case(QSPIMode.PutX1, QSPIMode.Swap):
m.d.comb += self.frames.p.o.eq(rev_data.word_select(cycle, 1)[::-1])
m.d.comb += self.frames.p.oe.eq(Cat(1, 0, 0, 0))
m.d.comb += self.frames.p.i_en.eq(self.octets.p.mode == QSPIMode.Swap)
with m.Case(QSPIMode.GetX1):
m.d.comb += self.frames.p.oe.eq(Cat(1, 0, 0, 0))
m.d.comb += self.frames.p.i_en.eq(1)
with m.Case(QSPIMode.PutX2):
m.d.comb += self.frames.p.o.eq(rev_data.word_select(cycle, 2)[::-1])
m.d.comb += self.frames.p.oe.eq(Cat(1, 1, 0, 0))
with m.Case(QSPIMode.GetX2):
m.d.comb += self.frames.p.i_en.eq(1)
with m.Case(QSPIMode.PutX4):
m.d.comb += self.frames.p.o.eq(rev_data.word_select(cycle, 4)[::-1])
m.d.comb += self.frames.p.oe.eq(Cat(1, 1, 1, 1))
with m.Case(QSPIMode.GetX4):
m.d.comb += self.frames.p.i_en.eq(1)
m.d.comb += self.frames.p.meta.eq(self.octets.p.mode)
return m
class QSPIDeframer(wiring.Component): # meow :3
frames: In(stream.Signature(data.StructLayout({
"i": 4,
"meta": QSPIMode
octets: Out(stream.Signature(data.StructLayout({
"data": 8
def elaborate(self, platform):
m = Module()
cycle = Signal(range(8))
m.d.comb += self.frames.ready.eq(~self.octets.valid | self.octets.ready)
with m.If(self.frames.valid):
with m.Switch(self.frames.p.meta):
with m.Case(QSPIMode.GetX1, QSPIMode.Swap):
m.d.comb += self.octets.valid.eq(cycle == 7)
with m.Case(QSPIMode.GetX2):
m.d.comb += self.octets.valid.eq(cycle == 3)
with m.Case(QSPIMode.GetX4):
m.d.comb += self.octets.valid.eq(cycle == 1)
with m.If(self.frames.ready):
m.d.sync += cycle.eq(Mux(self.octets.valid, 0, cycle + 1))
data_reg = Signal(8)
with m.Switch(self.frames.p.meta):
with m.Case(QSPIMode.GetX1, QSPIMode.Swap): # note: samples IO1
m.d.comb +=[1], data_reg))
with m.If(self.frames.valid & self.frames.ready):
m.d.sync += data_reg.eq(Cat(self.frames.p.i[1], data_reg))
with m.Case(QSPIMode.GetX2):
m.d.comb +=[:2], data_reg))
with m.If(self.frames.valid & self.frames.ready):
m.d.sync += data_reg.eq(Cat(self.frames.p.i[:2], data_reg))
with m.Case(QSPIMode.GetX4):
m.d.comb +=[:4], data_reg))
with m.If(self.frames.valid & self.frames.ready):
m.d.sync += data_reg.eq(Cat(self.frames.p.i[:4], data_reg))
return m
class QSPIController(wiring.Component):
o_octets: In(stream.Signature(data.StructLayout({
"mode": QSPIMode,
"data": 8
i_octets: Out(stream.Signature(data.StructLayout({
"data": 8
sck_buffer: Out(io.FFBuffer.Signature("o", 1))
io_buffers: Out(io.FFBuffer.Signature("io", 1)).array(4)
def elaborate(self, platform):
m = Module()
m.submodules.enframer = enframer = QSPIEnframer()
connect(m, controller=flipped(self.o_octets), enframer=enframer.octets)
m.submodules.deframer = deframer = QSPIDeframer()
connect(m, controller=flipped(self.i_octets), deframer=deframer.octets)
latency = 0 if platform is None else 2 # FIXME: amaranth-lang/amaranth#1417
m.submodules.iostream = iostream = IOStream(5, meta_layout=QSPIMode, latency=latency)
for n in range(4):
connect(m, controller=flipped(self.io_buffers[n]), iostream=iostream.buffers[n])
m.d.comb += self.sck_buffer.o.eq(iostream.buffers[4].o)
phase = Signal()
with m.If(enframer.frames.valid):
m.d.sync += phase.eq(~phase)
m.d.comb += [
iostream.o_stream.p.o.eq(Cat(enframer.frames.p.o, phase)),
iostream.o_stream.p.oe.eq(Cat(enframer.frames.p.oe, 1)),
iostream.o_stream.p.i_en.eq(enframer.frames.p.i_en & phase),
enframer.frames.ready.eq(iostream.o_stream.ready & phase),
m.d.comb += [
return m
async def stream_get(ctx, stream):
ctx.set(stream.ready, 1)
payload, = await ctx.tick().sample(stream.payload).until(stream.valid)
ctx.set(stream.ready, 0)
return payload
async def stream_put(ctx, stream, payload):
ctx.set(stream.payload, payload)
ctx.set(stream.valid, 1)
await ctx.tick().until(stream.ready)
ctx.set(stream.valid, 0)
def test_iostream_basic():
dut = IOStream(1, meta_layout=4, latency=2)
m = Module()
m.submodules.dut = dut
io_reg = Signal()
m.d.sync += io_reg.eq(Mux(dut.buffers[0].oe, dut.buffers[0].o, 0))
m.d.sync += dut.buffers[0].i.eq(io_reg)
async def testbench(ctx):
await ctx.tick()
ctx.set(dut.o_stream.p.o, 1)
ctx.set(dut.o_stream.p.oe, 0)
ctx.set(dut.o_stream.p.i_en, 1)
ctx.set(dut.o_stream.p.meta, 1)
ctx.set(dut.o_stream.valid, 1)
ctx.set(dut.i_stream.ready, 1)
assert ctx.get(dut.buffers[0].o) == 1
assert ctx.get(dut.buffers[0].oe) == 0
await ctx.tick()
assert ctx.get(dut.i_stream.valid) == 0
ctx.set(dut.o_stream.p.oe, 1)
ctx.set(dut.o_stream.p.meta, 2)
assert ctx.get(dut.buffers[0].o) == 1
assert ctx.get(dut.buffers[0].oe) == 1
await ctx.tick()
assert ctx.get(dut.i_stream.valid) == 1
assert ctx.get(dut.i_stream.p.i) == 0
assert ctx.get(dut.i_stream.p.meta) == 1
ctx.set(dut.o_stream.p.o, 0)
ctx.set(dut.o_stream.p.i_en, 0)
assert ctx.get(dut.buffers[0].o) == 0
assert ctx.get(dut.buffers[0].oe) == 1
await ctx.tick()
assert ctx.get(dut.i_stream.valid) == 1
assert ctx.get(dut.i_stream.p.i) == 1
assert ctx.get(dut.i_stream.p.meta) == 2
ctx.set(dut.o_stream.valid, 0)
await ctx.tick()
assert ctx.get(dut.i_stream.valid) == 0
await ctx.tick()
assert ctx.get(dut.i_stream.valid) == 0
sim = Simulator(m)
with sim.write_vcd("iostream_basic.vcd"):
def test_iostream_skid():
dut = IOStream(4, meta_layout=4, latency=2)
async def testbench(ctx):
await ctx.tick()
dut_buffers_i = Cat(buffer.i for buffer in dut.buffers)
ctx.set(dut.o_stream.valid, 1)
ctx.set(dut.o_stream.p.i_en, 1)
_, _, o_stream_ready, i_stream_valid = \
await ctx.tick().sample(dut.o_stream.ready, dut.i_stream.valid)
assert o_stream_ready == 0
assert i_stream_valid == 0
_, _, o_stream_ready, i_stream_valid = \
await ctx.tick().sample(dut.o_stream.ready, dut.i_stream.valid)
assert o_stream_ready == 0
assert i_stream_valid == 0
ctx.set(dut.o_stream.p.meta, 0b0101)
ctx.set(dut.i_stream.ready, 1)
assert ctx.get(dut.o_stream.ready) == 1
_, _, o_stream_ready, i_stream_valid = \
await ctx.tick().sample(dut.o_stream.ready, dut.i_stream.valid)
assert o_stream_ready == 1
assert i_stream_valid == 0
ctx.set(dut.o_stream.p.meta, 0b1100)
_, _, o_stream_ready, i_stream_valid = \
await ctx.tick().sample(dut.o_stream.ready, dut.i_stream.valid)
assert o_stream_ready == 1
assert i_stream_valid == 0
ctx.set(dut.i_stream.ready, 0)
assert ctx.get(dut.o_stream.ready) == 0
ctx.set(dut_buffers_i, 0b0101)
_, _, o_stream_ready, i_stream_valid, i_stream_p = \
await ctx.tick().sample(dut.o_stream.ready, dut.i_stream.valid, dut.i_stream.p)
assert o_stream_ready == 0
assert i_stream_valid == 1
assert i_stream_p.i == 0b0101
assert i_stream_p.meta == 0b0101
ctx.set(dut_buffers_i, 0b1100)
_, _, o_stream_ready, i_stream_valid, i_stream_p = \
await ctx.tick().sample(dut.o_stream.ready, dut.i_stream.valid, dut.i_stream.p)
assert o_stream_ready == 0
assert i_stream_valid == 1
assert i_stream_p.i == 0b0101
assert i_stream_p.meta == 0b0101
ctx.set(dut.i_stream.ready, 1)
_, _, o_stream_ready, i_stream_valid, i_stream_p = \
await ctx.tick().sample(dut.o_stream.ready, dut.i_stream.valid, dut.i_stream.p)
assert o_stream_ready == 0
assert i_stream_valid == 1
assert i_stream_p.i == 0b0101
assert i_stream_p.meta == 0b0101
_, _, o_stream_ready, i_stream_valid, i_stream_p = \
await ctx.tick().sample(dut.o_stream.ready, dut.i_stream.valid, dut.i_stream.p)
assert o_stream_ready == 0
assert i_stream_valid == 1
assert i_stream_p.i == 0b1100
assert i_stream_p.meta == 0b1100
ctx.set(dut.o_stream.p.meta, 0b1001)
_, _, o_stream_ready, i_stream_valid, i_stream_p = \
await ctx.tick().sample(dut.o_stream.ready, dut.i_stream.valid, dut.i_stream.p)
assert o_stream_ready == 1
assert i_stream_valid == 0
_, _, o_stream_ready, i_stream_valid, i_stream_p = \
await ctx.tick().sample(dut.o_stream.ready, dut.i_stream.valid, dut.i_stream.p)
assert o_stream_ready == 1
assert i_stream_valid == 0
ctx.set(dut_buffers_i, 0b1001)
_, _, o_stream_ready, i_stream_valid, i_stream_p = \
await ctx.tick().sample(dut.o_stream.ready, dut.i_stream.valid, dut.i_stream.p)
assert o_stream_ready == 1
assert i_stream_valid == 1
assert i_stream_p.i == 0b1001
assert i_stream_p.meta == 0b1001
sim = Simulator(dut)
with sim.write_vcd("iostream_skid.vcd", fs_per_delta=1):
def test_qspi_enframer():
dut = QSPIEnframer()
async def testbench_in(ctx):
async def data_put(*, data, mode):
# amaranth-lang/amaranth#1413
await stream_put(ctx, dut.octets, {"data": data, "mode": mode.value})
await data_put(data=0xBA, mode=QSPIMode.Swap)
await data_put(data=0xAA, mode=QSPIMode.PutX1)
await data_put(data=0x55, mode=QSPIMode.PutX1)
await data_put(data=0xC1, mode=QSPIMode.PutX1)
await data_put(data=0xAA, mode=QSPIMode.PutX2)
await data_put(data=0x55, mode=QSPIMode.PutX2)
await data_put(data=0xC1, mode=QSPIMode.PutX2)
await data_put(data=0xAA, mode=QSPIMode.PutX4)
await data_put(data=0x55, mode=QSPIMode.PutX4)
await data_put(data=0xC1, mode=QSPIMode.PutX4)
for _ in range(6):
await data_put(data=0, mode=QSPIMode.Dummy)
await data_put(data=0, mode=QSPIMode.GetX1)
await data_put(data=0, mode=QSPIMode.GetX2)
await data_put(data=0, mode=QSPIMode.GetX4)
async def testbench_out(ctx):
async def bits_get(*, ox, oe, i_en, meta):
for cycle, o in enumerate(ox):
# amaranth-lang/amaranth#1413,#1414
expected = Const({"o": o, "oe": oe, "i_en": i_en, "meta": meta.value},
assert (actual := await stream_get(ctx, dut.frames)) == expected, \
f"(cycle {cycle}) {actual} != {expected}; o: {actual.o:04b} != {expected.o:04b}"
await bits_get(ox=[1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0], oe=1, i_en=1, meta=QSPIMode.Swap)
await bits_get(ox=[1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0], oe=1, i_en=0, meta=QSPIMode.PutX1)
await bits_get(ox=[0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1], oe=1, i_en=0, meta=QSPIMode.PutX1)
await bits_get(ox=[1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1], oe=1, i_en=0, meta=QSPIMode.PutX1)
await bits_get(ox=[0b10,0b10,0b10,0b10], oe=0b11, i_en=0, meta=QSPIMode.PutX2)
await bits_get(ox=[0b01,0b01,0b01,0b01], oe=0b11, i_en=0, meta=QSPIMode.PutX2)
await bits_get(ox=[0b11,0b00,0b00,0b01], oe=0b11, i_en=0, meta=QSPIMode.PutX2)
await bits_get(ox=[0b1010,0b1010], oe=0b1111, i_en=0, meta=QSPIMode.PutX4)
await bits_get(ox=[0b0101,0b0101], oe=0b1111, i_en=0, meta=QSPIMode.PutX4)
await bits_get(ox=[0b1100,0b0001], oe=0b1111, i_en=0, meta=QSPIMode.PutX4)
await bits_get(ox=[0,0,0,0,0,0], oe=0, i_en=0, meta=QSPIMode.Dummy)
await bits_get(ox=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], oe=1, i_en=1, meta=QSPIMode.GetX1)
await bits_get(ox=[0,0,0,0], oe=0, i_en=1, meta=QSPIMode.GetX2)
await bits_get(ox=[0,0], oe=0, i_en=1, meta=QSPIMode.GetX4)
sim = Simulator(dut)
with sim.write_vcd("qspi_enframer.vcd"):
def test_qspi_deframer():
dut = QSPIDeframer()
async def testbench_in(ctx):
async def bits_put(*, ix, meta):
for cycle, i in enumerate(ix):
# amaranth-lang/amaranth#1413
await stream_put(ctx, dut.frames, {"i": i, "meta": meta.value})
await bits_put(ix=[i<<1 for i in [1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0]], meta=QSPIMode.Swap)
await bits_put(ix=[i<<1 for i in [1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0]], meta=QSPIMode.GetX1)
await bits_put(ix=[i<<1 for i in [0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1]], meta=QSPIMode.GetX1)
await bits_put(ix=[i<<1 for i in [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1]], meta=QSPIMode.GetX1)
await bits_put(ix=[0b10,0b10,0b10,0b10], meta=QSPIMode.GetX2)
await bits_put(ix=[0b01,0b01,0b01,0b01], meta=QSPIMode.GetX2)
await bits_put(ix=[0b11,0b00,0b00,0b01], meta=QSPIMode.GetX2)
await bits_put(ix=[0b1010,0b1010], meta=QSPIMode.GetX4)
await bits_put(ix=[0b0101,0b0101], meta=QSPIMode.GetX4)
await bits_put(ix=[0b1100,0b0001], meta=QSPIMode.GetX4)
async def testbench_out(ctx):
async def data_get(*, data):
# amaranth-lang/amaranth#1413,#1414
expected = Const({"data": data},
assert (actual := await stream_get(ctx, dut.octets)) == expected, \
f"{actual} != {expected}; data: {} != {}"
await data_get(data=0xBA)
await data_get(data=0xAA)
await data_get(data=0x55)
await data_get(data=0xC1)
await data_get(data=0xAA)
await data_get(data=0x55)
await data_get(data=0xC1)
await data_get(data=0xAA)
await data_get(data=0x55)
await data_get(data=0xC1)
sim = Simulator(dut)
with sim.write_vcd("qspi_deframer.vcd"):
async def dev_get(ctx, dut, *, x):
sck = dut.sck_buffer.o
io0, io1, io2, io3 = dut.io_buffers
word = 0
for _ in range(0, 8, x):
if ctx.get(sck):
await ctx.tick().until(~sck)
io0_oe, io0_o, io1_oe, io1_o, io2_oe, io2_o, io3_oe, io3_o = \
await ctx.tick().sample(io0.oe, io0.o, io1.oe, io1.o, io2.oe, io2.o, io3.oe, io3.o).until(sck)
if x == 1:
assert (io0_oe, io1_oe, io2_oe, io3_oe) == (1, 0, 0, 0)
word = (word << 1) | (io0_o << 0)
if x == 2:
assert (io0_oe, io1_oe, io2_oe, io3_oe) == (1, 1, 0, 0)
word = (word << 2) | (io1_o << 1) | (io0_o << 0)
if x == 4:
assert (io0_oe, io1_oe, io2_oe, io3_oe) == (1, 1, 1, 1)
word = (word << 4) | (io3_o << 3) | (io2_o << 2) | (io1_o << 1) | (io0_o << 0)
return word
async def dev_nop(ctx, dut, *, x, cycles):
sck = dut.sck_buffer.o
io0, io1, io2, io3 = dut.io_buffers
for _ in range(cycles):
if ctx.get(sck):
await ctx.tick().until(~sck)
io0_oe, io1_oe, io2_oe, io3_oe = \
await ctx.tick().sample(io0.oe, io1.oe, io2.oe, io3.oe).until(sck)
assert (io0_oe, io1_oe, io2_oe, io3_oe) == (x == 1, 0, 0, 0)
async def dev_put(ctx, dut, word, *, x):
sck = dut.sck_buffer.o
io0, io1, io2, io3 = dut.io_buffers
for _ in range(0, 8, x):
if ctx.get(sck):
await ctx.tick().until(~sck)
if x == 1:
ctx.set(Cat(io1.i), (word >> 7))
word = (word << 1) & 0xff
if x == 2:
ctx.set(Cat(io0.i, io1.i), (word >> 6))
word = (word << 2) & 0xff
if x == 4:
ctx.set(Cat(io0.i, io1.i, io2.i, io3.i), (word >> 4))
word = (word << 4) & 0xff
io0_oe, io1_oe, io2_oe, io3_oe = \
await ctx.tick().sample(io0.oe, io1.oe, io2.oe, io3.oe).until(sck)
assert (io0_oe, io1_oe, io2_oe, io3_oe) == (x == 1, 0, 0, 0)
def simulate_flash(dut, memory=b"nya nya nya nya nyaaaaan"):
async def testbench(ctx):
cmd = await dev_get(ctx, dut, x=1)
if cmd in (0x0B, 0x3B, 0x6B):
addr2 = await dev_get(ctx, dut, x=1)
addr1 = await dev_get(ctx, dut, x=1)
addr0 = await dev_get(ctx, dut, x=1)
if cmd == 0x0B:
await dev_nop(ctx, dut, x=1, cycles=8)
if cmd == 0x3B:
await dev_nop(ctx, dut, x=2, cycles=4)
if cmd == 0x6B:
await dev_nop(ctx, dut, x=4, cycles=4)
addr = (addr2 << 16) | (addr1 << 8) | (addr0 << 0)
while True:
if addr >= len(memory):
addr = 0
if cmd == 0x0B:
await dev_put(ctx, dut, memory[addr], x=1)
if cmd == 0x3B:
await dev_put(ctx, dut, memory[addr], x=2)
if cmd == 0x6B:
await dev_put(ctx, dut, memory[addr], x=4)
addr += 1
return testbench
def test_qspi_controller():
dut = QSPIController()
async def testbench(ctx):
async def ctrl_put(*, mode, data=0):
await stream_put(ctx, dut.o_octets, {"data": data, "mode": mode.value})
async def ctrl_get(*, mode, count=1):
ctx.set(dut.o_octets.p.mode, mode)
ctx.set(dut.o_octets.valid, 1)
ctx.set(dut.i_octets.ready, 1)
words = bytearray()
o_count = i_count = 0
while True:
_, _, o_octets_ready, i_octets_valid, i_octets_p_data = \
await ctx.tick().sample(dut.o_octets.ready,
if o_octets_ready:
o_count += 1
if o_count == count:
ctx.set(dut.o_octets.valid, 0)
if i_octets_valid:
if len(words) == count:
ctx.set(dut.i_octets.ready, 0)
assert not ctx.get(dut.o_octets.valid)
return words
await ctrl_put(mode=QSPIMode.PutX1, data=0x6B)
await ctrl_put(mode=QSPIMode.PutX1, data=0x00)
await ctrl_put(mode=QSPIMode.PutX1, data=0x00)
await ctrl_put(mode=QSPIMode.PutX1, data=0x10)
for _ in range(4):
await ctrl_put(mode=QSPIMode.Dummy)
assert (await ctrl_get(mode=QSPIMode.GetX4, count=8)) == b"nyaaaaan"
sim = Simulator(dut)
sim.add_testbench(simulate_flash(dut), background=True)
with sim.write_vcd("qspi_controller.vcd"):
if __name__ == "__main__":
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