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Created April 30, 2019 02:36
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One interpretation of simple vs. easy in JavaScript
// In my opinion the simple vs. easy division is often represented when coding
// to "layers of abstraction". Having to context-switch and switch to
// a different layer to solve a problem is noise that distracts you from the
// problem you were originally trying to solve.
// For example, if you're trying to draw a paginating, tabular, grid view of
// data to the screen it is distracting when you have to stop and wire up
// a for-loop to sum the total for the current page then again for all records.
// ---
// Initialize a starting value then manually add each thing in a list to that
// value.
const numberList = [1, 5, 9]
let sum1 = 0
for (let i = 0; i < numberList.length; i += 1) {
sum1 += numberList[i]
// Easy because it requires only basic programming knowledge.
// Not simple because it requires a fair bit of thought and attention to write
// each time it is used.
// ---
// Initialize a starting value, describe how to add two things together,
// then run that against each item in the list.
const sum2 = [1, 5, 9].reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur, 0)
// Somewhat easy because it's quick to write, harder to get wrong, and easy to
// read. Although it requires knowledge of higher-order functions.
// Somewhat simple because it abstracts iteration from combining things so you
// only have to think about one at a time. Although it requires a starting
// value that makes sense for the operation.
// ---
// Have a list of things that already know what starting value makes sense and
// already know how to add themselves together.
const fold = M => xs => xs.reduce((acc, x) => acc.concat(x), M.empty())
const Sum = val => ({ val, concat: x => Sum(val + x.val) })
Sum.empty = () => Sum(0)
const sum3 = fold(Sum)([Sum(1), Sum(5), Sum(9)])
// Not easy because it requires knowledge of unusual, fairly abstract concepts
// with unusual names (like monoid).
// Simple because you do not have to concern yourself with the implementation
// details at all when you use it. You can just Sum things without thought.
// ---
// Results.
console.log({ sum1, sum2, sum3: sum3.val })
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