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Last active January 16, 2018 10:25
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"""Untill is merged and released."""
from rdflib import Graph, BNode, URIRef
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin
def bNodeSkolemize(self, authority=None, basepath=None):
""" Create a URIRef "skolem" representation of the BNode, in accordance
.. versionadded:: 4.0
rdflib_skolem_genid = "/.well-known/genid/rdflib/"
if authority is None:
authority = ""
if basepath is None:
basepath = rdflib_skolem_genid
skolem = "%s%s" % (basepath, str(self))
return URIRef(urljoin(authority, skolem))
def skolemize(self, new_graph=None, bnode=None, authority=None, basepath=None):
def do_skolemize(bnode, t):
(s, p, o) = t
if s == bnode:
s = bNodeSkolemize(s, authority=authority, basepath=basepath)
if o == bnode:
o = bNodeSkolemize(o, authority=authority, basepath=basepath)
return (s, p, o)
def do_skolemize2(t):
(s, p, o) = t
if isinstance(s, BNode):
s = bNodeSkolemize(s, authority=authority, basepath=basepath)
if isinstance(o, BNode):
o = bNodeSkolemize(o, authority=authority, basepath=basepath)
return (s, p, o)
retval = Graph() if new_graph is None else new_graph
if bnode is None:
self._process_skolem_tuples(retval, do_skolemize2)
elif isinstance(bnode, BNode):
retval, lambda t: do_skolemize(bnode, t))
return retval
inputUri = "file.ttl"
graph = Graph()
graph.parse(inputUri, format="ttl")
skolemGraph = skolemize(graph, authority="", basepath="mobigames/")
skolemGraph.serialize(destination="skolemized.ttl", format='ttl')
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