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Forked from k3zi/
Created August 1, 2022 08:04
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Accent Tips

・っ or ッ sound

・At the end of the 連用形(勝ち、食い、帰り) when the 動詞 comes next to a て・た・たり、 a 促音(っ) is introduced in between.
・This only occurs with the following endings「ち」「ひ・い」「り」

・ん or ン sound

・At the end of the 連用形(飛び、飲み、死に) when the 動詞 comes next to a て・た・たり、 a 促音(ん) is introduced in between and the folloing た行 turns to a だ行.
・This only occurs with the following endings「に」「び」「み」

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