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Prometheus/Kubernetes Workshop Notes

These are notes for my Kubernetes/Prometheus workshop. The notes for the Prometheus introduction workshop can be found here.

The first part of this workshop is taken from episode 001 of the excellent TGI Kubernetes series by Heptio.

The demo runs on AWS.

Preparation (before the workshop)

Before the demo, do the following:

Set up K8S cluster as in heptio/aws-quickstart:

docker run --rm -t -i fstab/aws-cli

aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: ...
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: ...
Default region name [None]: eu-central-1
Default output format [None]:

export STACK=fabian-k8s-test-stack
export AZ=eu-central-1a
export INGRESS=
export KEYNAME=fabian-k8s-test-keys

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name $STACK --template-body $TEMPLATEPATH --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --parameters ParameterKey=AvailabilityZone,ParameterValue=$AZ ParameterKey=AdminIngressLocation,ParameterValue=$INGRESS ParameterKey=KeyName,ParameterValue=$KEYNAME ParameterKey=K8sNodeCapacity,ParameterValue=4

SSH environment

export SSH_KEY=~/.ssh/fabian-k8s-test-keys.pem
export BASTION=... # public domain name of Bation host, as taken from the AWS Web console
export MASTER=...  # internal domain name of the K8S master, as taken from the AWS Web console

Test if SSH to K8S master works

ssh -i $SSH_KEY -o ProxyCommand="ssh -i $SSH_KEY ubuntu@$BASTION -W %h:%p" ubuntu@$MASTER

Get kubeconfig

mkdir k8stmp
cd k8stmp
scp -i $SSH_KEY -o ProxyCommand="ssh -i \"${SSH_KEY}\" ubuntu@$BASTION -W %h:%p" ubuntu@$MASTER:~/kubeconfig ./kubeconfig

Get kubectl

curl -LO`curl -s`/bin/darwin/amd64/kubectl
chmod 755 kubectl

Configure kubectl

export KUBECONFIG=./kubeconfig

Download and extract helm from, copy executable to current directory

Before we can use helm, we need to create the corresponding service accounts (see

  • Create file helm.yaml with the service account definition:
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: helm
      namespace: kube-system
    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
      name: helm
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: cluster-admin
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: helm
        namespace: kube-system
  • Create the service account: ./kubectl create -f helm.yaml
  • Init helm with that service account: rm -rf ~/.helm && ./helm init --service-account helm

If something goes wrong, reset the service account and helm config with

rm -rf ~/.helm
./kubectl delete deployment tiller-deploy --namespace=kube-system
./kubectl delete service tiller-deploy --namespace=kube-system


  • Part 1:
    • Look at Kubernetes from a user (software developer) perspective
    • Understand what the implications are for monitoring and why simple Nagios checks are not a good fit
  • Part 2:
    • Run Prometheus in Kubernetes
    • See some features like service discovery, labels, ...
  • Part 3:
    • Where to go from here?
    • Three layers: Application Monitoring / Platform (Kubernetes) Monitoring / Infrastructure (VM) Monitoring

Part 1: K8S Demo from a User (Software Developer) Perspective

Examples taken from episode 001 of the TGI Kubernetes series on Youtube.


  • ./kubectl get nodes (master might not be marked because of #61)
  • ./kubectl describe nodes <name> (with <name> replaced with a name from the ./kubectl get nodes output)
  • ./kubectl get pods (empty)
  • ./kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 kuard
  • ./kubectl get pods (shows kuard)
  • ./kubectl port-forward kuard 8080:8080 (then go to http://localhost:8080)
  • Explain how there is one Docker container per pod, except you need multiple containers in the same namespace
  • Show the ./kubectl run ... command with --dry-run -o yaml option, explain Kubernetes' REST API (saving and maintaining the YAML gives you a declarative way of interacting with K8S, while the kubectl command gives you an imperative way).
  • ./kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system (Each pod runs in a namespace. The default namespace is called default, so ./kubectl get pods is the same as ./kubectl get pods --namespace=default. The namespace kube-system contains the pods managing Kubernetes itself, just like Linux ps ax shows system processes managing Linux itself)
  • kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
  • ./kubectl delete pod kuard

Deployments and Services

  • ./kubectl run kuard --replicas=5 (also with --dry-run -o yaml): This creates a deployment instead of a pod. This is the default, so we don't need the --generator.... -> Mention that you would normally use some labels with --labels="key1=value1,key2=value2,..."
  • ./kubectl get pods
  • ./kubectl get deployments -o wide
  • ./kubectl expose deployment kuard --type=LoadBalancer --port=80 --target-port=8080 (also with --dry-run -o yaml): ./kubectl port-forward works only for single pods. The expose command creats a service. The service can be used to expose deployments. The service finds the relevant IP addresses of the pods for the deployment based on labels. The service creates a virtual IP to expose the deployment. The load balancer is created as an AWS ELB pointing to the virtual IP. Kubernetes also has support for other load balancers, like f5.
  • ./kubectl get service kuard -o wide
  • Go to the ELB address shown as output. Hit reload from time to time to show it's redirected to different pods.
  • ./kubectl get endpoints kuard -o yaml

Update and Scale

  • Window 1
    • export KUBECONFIG=./kubeconfig
    • watch -n 0.5 ./kubectl get pods
  • Window 2:
    • while true ; do curl -s | jq .env.HOSTNAME ; sleep 0.1 ; done (replace with ELB hostname from ./kubectl get service kuard -o wide)
  • Window 3: The following commands edit the deployment yaml on the fly.
    • export KUBECONFIG=./kubeconfig
    • ./kubectl scale deployment kuard --replicas=10 (scale up)
    • ./kubectl set image deployment kuard (update)
    • ./kubectl rollout undo deployment kuard (undo update)

Clean up

  • ./kubectl delete service kuard
  • ./kubectl delete deployment kuard

Implications for Monitoring

  • No fixed IPs or hostnames
  • No fixed number of pods
  • Monitoring should:
    • Have automatic service discovery
    • Make use of K8S labels
    • Have alerts based on statistical values (example: less than 70% pods available for service A for more than 5 minutes)

Part 2: Run Prometheus in K8S

Helm is a package manager for pre-configured Kubernetes deployment YAMLs. We are going to use helm to deploy a prometheus/alertmanager/node_exporter/... deployment.

Use helm to install Prometheus:

  • ./helm search (
  • ./helm search prometheus
  • ./helm install stable/prometheus --set server.persistentVolume.enabled=false --set alertmanager.persistentVolume.enabled=false --set pushgateway.enabled=false --set rbac.create=true
  • ./helm list
  • ./kubectl get pods -o wide
  • ./kubectl port-forward inky-pika-prometheus-server-1024141831-7zf28 9090 (replace with prometheus server pod name from ./kubectl get pods)
  • ./kubectl logs inky-pika-prometheus-server-1024141831-7zf28 prometheus-server (replace with prometheus server pod name from ./kubectl get pods)

What can we see on http://localhost:9090

  • Configuration specifies service discovery, targets are discovered automatically
  • K8S Labels are maintained
  • Metrics of internal building blocks like etcd are available


  • ./kubectl logs inky-pika-prometheus-server-1024141831-7zf28 prometheus-server (replace with prometheus server pod name from ./kubectl get pods)
  • ./kubectl exec -it inky-pika-prometheus-server-1024141831-7zf28 -c prometheus-server ash (replace with prometheus server pod name from ./kubectl get pods)

Daemon Sets

  • ./kubectl get daemonSets (the node_exporter runs as a daemon set on all nodes. run with --all-namespaces to view system daemon sets like the calico overlay network or etcd)


  • Kubernetes comes with a built-in dashboard deployment. Run ./kubectl proxy and view the UI on http://localhost:8001/ui

Clean up

./helm delete silly-meerkat (replace silly-meerkat with the name from ./helm list)

Part 3: Where to Go From Here?

Three Layers of Monitoring

  • Infrastructure (Bare Metal, VMWare machines, AWS instances, ...)
  • Platform (Kubernetes itself, including etcd, calico, components of the K8S master, ...)
  • Application

Use DaemonSet to install node_exporter on each node. When monitoring a node through a Docker container, make sure to get metrics from the host and not from the container.

If all monitoring layers are covered from within Kubernetes, what do you do if the cluster fails?

Clean Up (after the workshop)

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name $STACK
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