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Last active July 17, 2020 00:51
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Clojure monad for short-circuiting computation based on a `fail?` predicate
(ns let-not
^{:author "Mike Weaver"
:see-also [[""]
["" "Error monads revisited"]]
:doc "A monad for short-circuiting computation based on a `fail?` predicate."}
(:require [clojure.algo.monads :refer [monad domonad]]))
(defn break-m
"An extension to the `maybe-m` monad that in addition to checking for `nil?`
checks if the computation fails using predicate `fail?`."
(monad [m-result identity
m-bind (fn [mv f] (if (or (nil? mv) (fail? mv))
(f mv)))]))
(defmacro let-not
"Monad comprehension using a `break-m` monad.
Use this to set up a chain of computations given as a `let` binding and a
final return expression.
If any computation returns `nil` or a value such that `(fail? val)` is true,
the whole computation will yield that value as well (i.e. short-circuit).
If none fail, the computation yields `return`.
Default `fail?` is `::break`.
([bindings return]
`(let-not ::break ~bindings ~return))
([fail? bindings return]
`(domonad (break-m ~fail?) ~bindings ~return)))
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