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Last active February 20, 2018 07:24
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public class Manipulator {
public Manipulator(Class m){
private void manipulate(Class m){
PrintStream myStream = new PrintStream(System.out){
public void println(String mystr) {
String[] str = mystr.split("\\s+");
mystr = "";
//here I override the default println method, split user's printable string into array of words then I set that string empty.
String match = ""; //this will hold each match
for(String s : str) {
if(s.charAt(0) == '$' && s.charAt(1) == '{' && s.charAt(s.length()-1) == '}') {
//here i search for ${object name} and I replace them with empty character.
match = s;
match = match.replace("$", "");
match = match.replace("{", "");
match = match.replace("}", "");
if(match.length() > 0) {
try {
match = returnVal(match, m);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
mystr += match + " ";
} else {
mystr += s + " ";
} else {
mystr += s + " ";
private String returnVal(String s, Class operator) {
Field[] fields = operator.getDeclaredFields();
//here I reach the objects I've created in the class that I passed to my Manipulator.class
Class<?> _class = Class.forName(operator.getName());
Constructor<?> _constructor = _class.getDeclaredConstructor();
Object _instanceObj = _constructor.newInstance();
//I need instance from the class I've passed, so I recreated the class in my method and pointed to it's instance.
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++){
Field f = fields[i];
//since fields can be private, I make them accessible to this method.
Object value = f.get(_instanceObj);
s = value.toString();
//if user's string matches the name of object, I replace this string with value of the object.
return s;
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