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Created January 8, 2024 13:21
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Example of a Pratt parser for mathematical expressions in C99
Example of a Pratt parser for mathematical expressions in C99.
Done mostly to get my head around the concepts
* [Pratt Parsers: Expression Parsing Made Easy ]( by Munificent
* He also talks about it in [chapter 17 of Crafting Interpreters](
* <> - has a lot of pseudo code and uses
the same terminology that Pratt used in his original paper.
* <> - very thorough explanation.
Would upvote if I was signed in
* [Demystifying Pratt Parsers](
Example code in Elm, but nice diagrams
* [Simple but Powerful Pratt Parsing](
- in Rust, but I wont hold that against it.
* [On Recursive Descent and Pratt Parsing](
also has a concise implementation
* [Top-Down operator precedence (Pratt) parsing](
on Eli Bendersky's blog
* The Fredrik Lundh article he cites is now here:
[Simple Top-Down Parsing in Python](
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
typedef double number_t;
typedef struct {
const char *text;
int i;
number_t number;
} context_t;
number_t expression(context_t *,int);
typedef enum {
} token_t;
typedef number_t (*nud_t)(context_t *, token_t);
typedef number_t (*led_t)(context_t *, number_t, token_t);
token_t tokenize(const char *text, unsigned int *ip, number_t *number);
int prec(token_t);
void error(const char *text, int i, const char *e) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", e);
fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", text);
fprintf(stderr, " %*c\n", i, '^');
token_t Token;
token_t next_token(context_t *C) {
Token = tokenize(C->text, &C->i, &C->number);
return Token;
typedef struct {
int lbp;
nud_t nud;
led_t led;
} operator_t;
number_t nud_number(context_t *C, token_t token) {
return C->number;
number_t nud_negate(context_t *C, token_t token) {
return -expression(C, 100);
number_t nud_parens(context_t *C, token_t token) {
number_t result = expression(C, 0);
if(Token != CLOSE_PAREN)
error(C->text, C->i, "')' expected");
return result;
number_t binop(context_t *C, number_t left, token_t token) {
switch(token) {
case MINUS: return left - expression(C, prec(token));
case PLUS: return left + expression(C, prec(token));
case MUL: return left * expression(C, prec(token));
case DIV: return left / expression(C, prec(token));
case EXP: return pow(left, expression(C, prec(token)-1));
default: error(C->text, C->i, "operator??");
static const operator_t operators[] = {
[END] = {},
[NUMBER] = { .nud = nud_number},
[MINUS] = {.lbp = 10, .nud = nud_negate, .led = binop},
[PLUS] = {.lbp = 10, .led = binop},
[MUL] = {.lbp = 20, .led = binop},
[DIV] = {.lbp = 20, .led = binop},
[EXP] = {.lbp = 30, .led = binop},
[OPEN_PAREN] = {.nud = nud_parens},
int prec(token_t t) {
return operators[t].lbp;
number_t expression(context_t *C, int rbp) {
token_t token = Token;
if(token == END)
error(C->text, C->i, "unexpected end of expression");
nud_t nud = operators[token].nud;
error(C->text, C->i, "expression expected");
number_t left = nud(C, token);
//printf("%*cnud %d left:%g (lbp:%d, rbp:%d)\n", rbp, ' ', token, left, operators[token].lbp, rbp);
while(rbp < operators[Token].lbp) {
token = Token;
//printf("%*cled %d left:%g (lbp:%d, rbp:%d)\n", rbp, ' ', token, left, operators[token].lbp, rbp);
left = operators[token].led(C, left, token);
return left;
number_t parse(const char *text) {
context_t C = {.text = text};
return expression(&C, 0);
token_t tokenize(const char *text, unsigned int *ip, number_t *number) {
if(!text[*ip]) return END;
if(isdigit(text[*ip])) {
char token[64];
int n = 0;
while(isdigit(text[*ip]) || text[*ip] == '.') {
if(n == sizeof token - 1)
error(text, *ip, "token too long");
token[n++] = text[(*ip)++];
token[n] = '\0';
*number = atof(token);
return NUMBER;
switch(text[(*ip)++]) {
case '+': return PLUS;
case '-': return MINUS;
case '*': return MUL;
case '/': return DIV;
case '(': return OPEN_PAREN;
case ')': return CLOSE_PAREN;
case '^': return EXP;
default: error(text, *ip, "Unrecogniseed token");
return END;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
const char *in;
if(argc > 1)
in = argv[1];
in = "5+5";
printf("in: %s\n", in);
#if 0
int i = 0;
token_t t;
do {
number_t n;
t = tokenize(in, &i, &n);
if(t == NUMBER)
printf("%d (%g)\n", t, n);
printf("%d\n", t);
} while(t != END);
number_t result = parse(in);
printf("result = %g\n", result);
return 0;
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