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Created June 11, 2022 14:03
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Save wernsey/096b76ce3ee505a652bfb229cbf2f486 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Playing around with the text-to-speech synthesizer single header
library I found here:
wav.c and wav.h can be found here:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "speech.h"
#include "wav.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int npairs, nsamples, i;
short *samples = speech_gen( &npairs, "Hello there. How are you today?", NULL );
nsamples = npairs * 2;
if(!samples) {
fprintf(stderr, "fail\n");
return 1;
#if 0
FILE *f = fopen("samples.txt", "w");
for(i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
fprintf(f, "%d\n", samples[i]);
/* Inside the `speech_gen()` function contains these lines in a loop:
o[0] = ( ((sample + (3 * prev_sample)) >> 2) ) * 2;
o[1] = ( ((sample + prev_sample) >> 1) ) * 2;
o[2] = ( (((3 * sample) + prev_sample) >> 2) ) * 2;
o[3] = ( sample ) * 2;
o[4] = ( ((sample + (3 * prev_sample)) >> 2) ) * 2;
o[5] = ( ((sample + prev_sample) >> 1) ) * 2;
o[6] = ( (((3 * sample) + prev_sample) >> 2) ) * 2;
o[7] = ( sample ) * 2;
As far as I can tell it just generates 4 samples, o[0]-o[3], from the
samples generated by `tts_klatt_synth()` by interpolating between `prev_sample`
and `sample`.
Then it generates those 4 samples again for o[4]-o[7].
So it seems the internal sample rate it generrates at is 11025, but
the final sample rate is 4 times that.
If I'm not mistakes, you should be able to remove all of that and output the
wav file at 11025Hz without any noticible effect.
wav_t *wav = wav_create(1, 11025 * 4, 16, nsamples);
if(!wav) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create wav\n");
return 1;
/* I only take samples o[0]-o[3] and skip o[4]-o[7] */
for(i = 0; i < nsamples; i += 8)
wav_add_samples(wav, &samples[i], 4);
if(!wav_save(wav, "speech.wav")) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to save wav\n");
return 1;
speech_free( samples, NULL );
printf("success. %d samples\n", nsamples);
return 0;
Licensing information can be found at the end of the file.
speech.h - v0.1 - Very basic text-to-speech synthesizer library for C/C++.
Do this:
before you include this file in *one* C/C++ file to create the implementation.
This file contains modified code based on the TTS code from the SoLoud audio
engine (, which in turn is based on rsynth by
Nick Ing-Simmons (et al). I have not included any code which were under the
SoLoud license (ZLib/LibPNG). I've basically just merged the code into a
single header library, converted it from C++ to C, and put my own interface
on top of it instead of the original SoLoud interface.
The original license text can be found at the end of this file, and I place my
changes under the same license.
/ Mattias Gustavsson ( )
#ifndef speech_h
#define speech_h
short* speech_gen( int* samples_pairs_generated, char const* str, void* memctx );
void speech_free( short* sample_pairs, void* memctx );
#endif /* speech_h */
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable: 4706 ) // assignment within conditional expression
#include <stdlib.h>
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#define SPEECH_MALLOC( ctx, size ) ( ::malloc( size ) )
#define SPEECH_FREE( ctx, ptr ) ( ::free( ptr ) )
#define SPEECH_MALLOC( ctx, size ) ( malloc( size ) )
#define SPEECH_FREE( ctx, ptr ) ( free( ptr ) )
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define TTS_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795f
struct tts_darray_t {
void* memctx;
char *mData;
int mUsed;
int mAllocated;
int mAllocChunk;
char mem[ 1024 ];
static void tts_darray_init( struct tts_darray_t* darray, void* memctx ) {
darray->memctx = memctx;
darray->mAllocChunk = 1024;
darray->mUsed = 0;
darray->mAllocated = sizeof( darray->mem );
darray->mData = darray->mem;
static void tts_darray_clear( struct tts_darray_t* darray ) {
if( darray->mData != darray->mem ) SPEECH_FREE( darray->memctx, darray->mData );
darray->mAllocChunk = 1024;
darray->mUsed = 0;
darray->mAllocated = sizeof( darray->mem );
darray->mData = darray->mem;
static void tts_darray_term( struct tts_darray_t* darray ) {
tts_darray_clear( darray );
static char* tts_darray_getDataInPos( struct tts_darray_t* darray, int aPosition ) {
if( aPosition < darray->mAllocated && aPosition < darray->mUsed )
return darray->mData + aPosition;
if( aPosition >= darray->mAllocated ) {
int newsize = darray->mAllocated;
while( newsize <= aPosition ) {
newsize += darray->mAllocChunk;
darray->mAllocChunk *= 2;
char* newdata = (char*) SPEECH_MALLOC( darray->memctx, newsize );
if( !newdata ) {
if( darray->mData != darray->mem ) SPEECH_FREE( memctx, darray->mData);
darray->mData = NULL;
darray->mAllocated = darray->mUsed = 0;
return NULL;
memcpy( newdata, darray->mData, darray->mAllocated );
if( darray->mData != darray->mem ) {
SPEECH_FREE( darray->memctx, darray->mData );
darray->mData = newdata;
darray->mAllocated = newsize;
if( aPosition >= darray->mUsed ) {
darray->mUsed = aPosition + 1;
return darray->mData + aPosition;
static void tts_darray_put( struct tts_darray_t* darray, int aData ) {
char *s = tts_darray_getDataInPos( darray, darray->mUsed );
*s = (char) aData;
static int tts_darray_getSize( struct tts_darray_t* darray ) {
return darray->mUsed;
static char* tts_darray_getData( struct tts_darray_t* darray ) {
return darray->mData;
struct tts_resonator_t {
float mA, mB, mC, mP1, mP2;
/* Convert formant freqencies and bandwidth into resonator difference equation coefficents */
static void tts_resonator_initResonator(
struct tts_resonator_t* resonator,
int aFrequency, /* Frequency of resonator in Hz */
int aBandwidth, /* Bandwidth of resonator in Hz */
int aSamplerate )
float arg = ( -TTS_PI / aSamplerate ) * aBandwidth;
float r = (float) exp( arg );
resonator->mC = -( r * r );
arg = ( -2.0f * TTS_PI / aSamplerate ) * aFrequency;
resonator->mB = r * (float) cos( arg ) * 2.0f;
resonator->mA = 1.0f - resonator->mB - resonator->mC;
/* Convert formant freqencies and bandwidth into anti-resonator difference equation constants */
static void tts_resonator_initAntiresonator(
struct tts_resonator_t* resonator,
int aFrequency, /* Frequency of resonator in Hz */
int aBandwidth, /* Bandwidth of resonator in Hz */
int aSamplerate ) {
tts_resonator_initResonator( resonator, aFrequency, aBandwidth, aSamplerate ); /* First compute ordinary resonator coefficients */
/* Now convert to antiresonator coefficients */
resonator->mA = 1.0f / resonator->mA; /* a'= 1/a */
resonator->mB *= -resonator->mA; /* b'= -b/a */
resonator->mC *= -resonator->mA; /* c'= -c/a */
/* Generic resonator function */
static float tts_resonator_resonate( struct tts_resonator_t* resonator, float input ) {
float x = resonator->mA * input + resonator->mB * resonator->mP1 + resonator->mC * resonator->mP2;
resonator->mP2 = resonator->mP1;
resonator->mP1 = x;
return x;
/* Generic anti-resonator function
Same as resonator except that a,b,c need to be set with initAntiresonator()
and we save inputs in p1/p2 rather than outputs.
There is currently only one of these - "mNasalZero"
/* Output = (mNasalZero.a * input) + (mNasalZero.b * oldin1) + (mNasalZero.c * oldin2) */
static float tts_resonator_antiresonate( struct tts_resonator_t* resonator, float input ) {
float x = resonator->mA * input + resonator->mB * resonator->mP1 + resonator->mC * resonator->mP2;
resonator->mP2 = resonator->mP1;
resonator->mP1 = input;
return x;
static void tts_resonator_init( struct tts_resonator_t* resonator ) {
resonator->mA = resonator->mB = resonator->mC = resonator->mP1 = resonator->mP2 = 0;
static void tts_resonator_setGain( struct tts_resonator_t* resonator, float aG ) {
resonator->mA *= aG;
#define TTS_NPAR 40
struct tts_klatt_frame_t {
int mF0FundamentalFreq; // Voicing fund freq in Hz
int mVoicingAmpdb; // Amp of voicing in dB, 0 to 70
int mFormant1Freq; // First formant freq in Hz, 200 to 1300
int mFormant1Bandwidth; // First formant bw in Hz, 40 to 1000
int mFormant2Freq; // Second formant freq in Hz, 550 to 3000
int mFormant2Bandwidth; // Second formant bw in Hz, 40 to 1000
int mFormant3Freq; // Third formant freq in Hz, 1200 to 4999
int mFormant3Bandwidth; // Third formant bw in Hz, 40 to 1000
int mFormant4Freq; // Fourth formant freq in Hz, 1200 to 4999
int mFormant4Bandwidth; // Fourth formant bw in Hz, 40 to 1000
int mFormant5Freq; // Fifth formant freq in Hz, 1200 to 4999
int mFormant5Bandwidth; // Fifth formant bw in Hz, 40 to 1000
int mFormant6Freq; // Sixth formant freq in Hz, 1200 to 4999
int mFormant6Bandwidth; // Sixth formant bw in Hz, 40 to 2000
int mNasalZeroFreq; // Nasal zero freq in Hz, 248 to 528
int mNasalZeroBandwidth; // Nasal zero bw in Hz, 40 to 1000
int mNasalPoleFreq; // Nasal pole freq in Hz, 248 to 528
int mNasalPoleBandwidth; // Nasal pole bw in Hz, 40 to 1000
int mAspirationAmpdb; // Amp of aspiration in dB, 0 to 70
int mNoSamplesInOpenPeriod; // # of samples in open period, 10 to 65
int mVoicingBreathiness; // Breathiness in voicing, 0 to 80
int mVoicingSpectralTiltdb; // Voicing spectral tilt in dB, 0 to 24
int mFricationAmpdb; // Amp of frication in dB, 0 to 80
int mSkewnessOfAlternatePeriods; // Skewness of alternate periods, 0 to 40 in sample#/2
int mFormant1Ampdb; // Amp of par 1st formant in dB, 0 to 80
int mFormant1ParallelBandwidth; // Par. 1st formant bw in Hz, 40 to 1000
int mFormant2Ampdb; // Amp of F2 frication in dB, 0 to 80
int mFormant2ParallelBandwidth; // Par. 2nd formant bw in Hz, 40 to 1000
int mFormant3Ampdb; // Amp of F3 frication in dB, 0 to 80
int mFormant3ParallelBandwidth; // Par. 3rd formant bw in Hz, 40 to 1000
int mFormant4Ampdb; // Amp of F4 frication in dB, 0 to 80
int mFormant4ParallelBandwidth; // Par. 4th formant bw in Hz, 40 to 1000
int mFormant5Ampdb; // Amp of F5 frication in dB, 0 to 80
int mFormant5ParallelBandwidth; // Par. 5th formant bw in Hz, 40 to 1000
int mFormant6Ampdb; // Amp of F6 (same as r6pa), 0 to 80
int mFormant6ParallelBandwidth; // Par. 6th formant bw in Hz, 40 to 2000
int mParallelNasalPoleAmpdb; // Amp of par nasal pole in dB, 0 to 80
int mBypassFricationAmpdb; // Amp of bypass fric. in dB, 0 to 80
int mPalallelVoicingAmpdb; // Amp of voicing, par in dB, 0 to 70
int mOverallGaindb; // Overall gain, 60 dB is unity, 0 to 60
struct tts_slope_t {
float mValue; /* boundary value */
int mTime; /* transition time */
static void tts_slope_init( struct tts_slope_t* slope ) {
slope->mValue = 0.0f;
slope->mTime = 0;
struct tts_interp_t {
float mSteady;
float mFixed;
char mProportion;
char mExtDelay;
char mIntDelay;
enum tts_eparm_t {
struct tts_element_t {
const char *mName; // unused
const char mRK;
const char mDU;
const char mUD;
unsigned char mFont; // unused
const char *mDict; // unused
const char *mIpa; // unused
int mFeat; // only TTS_ELM_FEATURE_VWL
struct tts_interp_t mInterpolator[ TTS_ELM_COUNT ];
struct tts_klatt_t {
// resonators
struct tts_resonator_t mParallelFormant1, mParallelFormant2, mParallelFormant3,
mParallelFormant4, mParallelFormant5, mParallelFormant6,
mParallelResoNasalPole, mNasalPole, mNasalZero,
mCritDampedGlotLowPassFilter, mDownSampLowPassFilter,
int mF0Flutter;
int mSampleRate;
int mNspFr;
int mF0FundamentalFreq; // Voicing fund freq in Hz
int mVoicingAmpdb; // Amp of voicing in dB, 0 to 70
int mSkewnessOfAlternatePeriods; // Skewness of alternate periods,0 to 40
int mTimeCount; // used for f0 flutter
int mNPer; // Current loc in voicing period 40000 samp/s
int mT0; // Fundamental period in output samples times 4
int mNOpen; // Number of samples in open phase of period
int mNMod; // Position in period to begin noise amp. modul
// Various amplitude variables used in main loop
float mAmpVoice; // mVoicingAmpdb converted to linear gain
float mAmpBypas; // mBypassFricationAmpdb converted to linear gain
float mAmpAspir; // AP converted to linear gain
float mAmpFrica; // mFricationAmpdb converted to linear gain
float mAmpBreth; // ATURB converted to linear gain
// State variables of sound sources
int mSkew; // Alternating jitter, in half-period units
float mNatglotA; // Makes waveshape of glottal pulse when open
float mNatglotB; // Makes waveshape of glottal pulse when open
float mVWave; // Ditto, but before multiplication by mVoicingAmpdb
float mVLast; // Previous output of voice
float mNLast; // Previous output of random number generator
float mGlotLast; // Previous value of glotout
float mDecay; // mVoicingSpectralTiltdb converted to exponential time const
float mOneMd; // in voicing one-pole TTS_ELM_FEATURE_LOW-pass filter
int mElementCount;
unsigned char* mElement;
int mElementIndex;
struct tts_klatt_frame_t mKlattFramePars;
struct tts_element_t* mLastElement;
int mTStress;
int mNTStress;
struct tts_slope_t mStressS;
struct tts_slope_t mStressE;
float mTop;
int count; // MG: REINIT AT LONG PAUSE
enum tts_elm_feature_t {
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_ALV = 0x00000001,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_APR = 0x00000002,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_BCK = 0x00000004,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_BLB = 0x00000008,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_CNT = 0x00000010,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_DNT = 0x00000020,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_FNT = 0x00000040,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_FRC = 0x00000080,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_GLT = 0x00000100,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_HGH = 0x00000200,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_LAT = 0x00000400,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_LBD = 0x00000800,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_LBV = 0x00001000,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_LMD = 0x00002000,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_LOW = 0x00004000,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_MDL = 0x00008000,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_NAS = 0x00010000,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_PAL = 0x00020000,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_PLA = 0x00040000,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_RND = 0x00080000,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_RZD = 0x00100000,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_SMH = 0x00200000,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_STP = 0x00400000,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_UMD = 0x00800000,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_UNR = 0x01000000,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_VCD = 0x02000000,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_VEL = 0x04000000,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_VLS = 0x08000000,
TTS_ELM_FEATURE_VWL = 0x10000000
enum tts_elm_t
#define TTS_AMP_ADJ 14
#define TTS_StressDur(e) (((e->mDU + e->mUD)/2))
struct tts_phoneme_to_elements_t {
int mKey;
char mData[8];
/* Order is important - 2 byte phonemes first, otherwise
the search function will fail*/
static struct tts_phoneme_to_elements_t tts_phoneme_to_elements[TTS_PHONEME_COUNT] = {
/* mKey, count, 0-7 elements */
/* tS */ 0x5374, 2, TTS_ELM_CH, TTS_ELM_CI, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* dZ */ 0x5a64, 4, TTS_ELM_J, TTS_ELM_JY, TTS_ELM_QQ, TTS_ELM_JY, 0, 0, 0,
/* rr */ 0x7272, 3, TTS_ELM_R, TTS_ELM_QQ, TTS_ELM_R, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* eI */ 0x4965, 2, TTS_ELM_AI, TTS_ELM_I, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* aI */ 0x4961, 2, TTS_ELM_IE, TTS_ELM_I, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* oI */ 0x496f, 2, TTS_ELM_OI, TTS_ELM_I, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* aU */ 0x5561, 2, TTS_ELM_OU, TTS_ELM_OV, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* @U */ 0x5540, 2, TTS_ELM_OA, TTS_ELM_OV, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* I@ */ 0x4049, 2, TTS_ELM_IA, TTS_ELM_IB, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* e@ */ 0x4065, 2, TTS_ELM_AIR, TTS_ELM_IB, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* U@ */ 0x4055, 2, TTS_ELM_OOR, TTS_ELM_IB, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* O@ */ 0x404f, 2, TTS_ELM_OR, TTS_ELM_IB, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* oU */ 0x556f, 2, TTS_ELM_OI, TTS_ELM_OV, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* */ 0x0020, 1, TTS_ELM_Q, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* p */ 0x0070, 3, TTS_ELM_P, TTS_ELM_PY, TTS_ELM_PZ, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* t */ 0x0074, 3, TTS_ELM_T, TTS_ELM_TY, TTS_ELM_TZ, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* k */ 0x006b, 3, TTS_ELM_K, TTS_ELM_KY, TTS_ELM_KZ, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* b */ 0x0062, 3, TTS_ELM_B, TTS_ELM_BY, TTS_ELM_BZ, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* d */ 0x0064, 3, TTS_ELM_D, TTS_ELM_DY, TTS_ELM_DZ, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* g */ 0x0067, 3, TTS_ELM_G, TTS_ELM_GY, TTS_ELM_GZ, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* m */ 0x006d, 1, TTS_ELM_M, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* n */ 0x006e, 1, TTS_ELM_N, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* N */ 0x004e, 1, TTS_ELM_NG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* f */ 0x0066, 1, TTS_ELM_F, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* T */ 0x0054, 1, TTS_ELM_TH, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* s */ 0x0073, 1, TTS_ELM_S, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* S */ 0x0053, 1, TTS_ELM_SH, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* h */ 0x0068, 1, TTS_ELM_H, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* v */ 0x0076, 3, TTS_ELM_V, TTS_ELM_QQ, TTS_ELM_V, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* D */ 0x0044, 3, TTS_ELM_DH, TTS_ELM_QQ, TTS_ELM_DI, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* z */ 0x007a, 3, TTS_ELM_Z, TTS_ELM_QQ, TTS_ELM_ZZ, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* Z */ 0x005a, 3, TTS_ELM_ZH, TTS_ELM_QQ, TTS_ELM_ZH, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* l */ 0x006c, 1, TTS_ELM_L, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* r */ 0x0072, 1, TTS_ELM_R, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* R */ 0x0052, 1, TTS_ELM_RX, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* w */ 0x0077, 1, TTS_ELM_W, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* x */ 0x0078, 1, TTS_ELM_X, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* % */ 0x0025, 1, TTS_ELM_QQ, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* j */ 0x006a, 1, TTS_ELM_Y, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* I */ 0x0049, 1, TTS_ELM_I, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* e */ 0x0065, 1, TTS_ELM_E, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* & */ 0x0026, 1, TTS_ELM_AA, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* V */ 0x0056, 1, TTS_ELM_U, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* 0 */ 0x0030, 1, TTS_ELM_O, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* U */ 0x0055, 1, TTS_ELM_OO, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* @ */ 0x0040, 1, TTS_ELM_A, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* i */ 0x0069, 1, TTS_ELM_EE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* 3 */ 0x0033, 1, TTS_ELM_ER, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* A */ 0x0041, 1, TTS_ELM_AR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* O */ 0x004f, 1, TTS_ELM_AW, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* u */ 0x0075, 1, TTS_ELM_UU, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* o */ 0x006f, 1, TTS_ELM_OI, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
static struct tts_element_t tts_gElement[] = {
/*mName, mRK, mDU, mUD, mFont, mDict, mIpa, mFeat, interpolators*/
/* (mSteady, mFixed, mProportion, mExtDelay, mIntDelay) */
{"END", 31, 5, 5,0x00,NULL,NULL,0,
{ 270, 135, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 490, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 0 */
{ 1480, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 0 */
{ 2500, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, -10.5, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN -10.5 */
{ -30, -10.5, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -10.5 */
{ -30, -10.5, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 -10.5 */
{ -30, -10.5, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 -10.5 */
{ -30, -10.5, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -10.5 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{"Q", 29, 6, 6,0x00,NULL,NULL,0,
{ 270, 135, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 490, 0, 100, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 0 */
{ 1480, 0, 100, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 0 */
{ 2500, 0, 100, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 0, 100, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 0, 100, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, -10.5, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN -10.5 */
{ -30, -10.5, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -10.5 */
{ -30, -10.5, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 -10.5 */
{ -30, -10.5, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 -10.5 */
{ -30, -10.5, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -10.5 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 110, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 15 */
{ 760, 350, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 -30 */
{ 2500, 0, 100, 0, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 0, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 0 */
{ 760, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 0 */
{ 2500, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 24.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 49, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 43.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 38.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 110, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 15 */
{ 760, 350, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 -30 */
{ 2500, 0, 100, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 24.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 38.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 33.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 28, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 110, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 15 */
{ 1780, 950, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 60 */
{ 2680, 2680, 0, 0, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 150, 0, 0, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 0 */
{ 1780, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 0 */
{ 2680, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 38.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 50.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 110, 50, 2, 1}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 15 */
{ 1780, 950, 50, 2, 1}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 60 */
{ 2680, 2680, 0, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 2, 1}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 2, 1}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 150, 0, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 28, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 40.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 110, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 15 */
{ 1480, 1550, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 810 */
{ 2620, 1580, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 270 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 0 */
{ 1480, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 0 */
{ 2620, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 50.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 50.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 29.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 110, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 15 */
{ 1480, 1550, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 810 */
{ 2620, 1580, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 270 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 40.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 40.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 19.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 110, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 15 */
{ 760, 350, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 -30 */
{ 2500, 0, 100, 0, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 0, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 24.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 0 */
{ 760, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 0 */
{ 2500, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 24.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 49, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 43.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 38.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 110, 50, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 15 */
{ 760, 350, 50, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 -30 */
{ 2500, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 110, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 15 */
{ 1780, 950, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 60 */
{ 2680, 2680, 0, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 150, 0, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 31.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 0 */
{ 1780, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 0 */
{ 2680, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 38.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 38.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 35, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 45.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 110, 50, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 15 */
{ 1780, 950, 50, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 60 */
{ 2680, 2680, 0, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 150, 0, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 38.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 28, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 24.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 35, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 110, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 15 */
{ 1480, 1550, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 810 */
{ 2620, 1580, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 270 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 35, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 0 */
{ 1480, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 0 */
{ 2620, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 35, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 45.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 40.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 24.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 110, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 15 */
{ 1480, 1550, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 810 */
{ 2620, 1580, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 270 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 35, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 35, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 29.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 14, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{"M", 15, 8, 8,0x6D,"m","m",TTS_ELM_FEATURE_BLB|TTS_ELM_FEATURE_NAS,
{ 360, 360, 0, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 480, 480, 0, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 0 */
{ 1000, 350, 50, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 -150 */
{ 2200, 0, 100, 5, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 40, 20, 50, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 175, 87, 50, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 -0.5 */
{ 120, 0, 100, 5, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ 42, 21, 50, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 26, -10, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -10 */
{ 30, -10, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 -10 */
{ 33, -10, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 -10 */
{ -30, -10, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -10 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 2, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{"N", 15, 8, 8,0x6E,"n","n",TTS_ELM_FEATURE_ALV|TTS_ELM_FEATURE_NAS,
{ 450, 450, 0, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 480, 480, 0, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 0 */
{ 1780, 950, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 60 */
{ 2620, 2680, 0, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 60 */
{ 40, 20, 50, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 300, 150, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 260, 130, 50, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ 42, 21, 50, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 35, -10, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -10 */
{ 35, -10, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 -10 */
{ 35, -10, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 -10 */
{ 20, -10, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -10 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 2, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 360, 360, 0, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 480, 480, 0, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 0 */
{ 820, 1550, 50, 5, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 1140 */
{ 2800, 1580, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 180 */
{ 160, 80, 0, 5, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 -80 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 5, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 100, 50, 50, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ 42, 21, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 20, 0, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 30, 0, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 35, 0, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 0, 0, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 3, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 52, 26, 50, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 56, 28, 50, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 2, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 2, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 400, 170, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -30 */
{ 1420, 350, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 -360 */
{ 2560, 980, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -300 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 0, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 0, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ 54, 27, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 32, 16, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 54, 30, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 3 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 400, 170, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -30 */
{ 1780, 1190, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 300 */
{ 2680, 2680, 0, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 150, 0, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 26.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 28, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 22.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 400, 170, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -30 */
{ 1720, 950, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 90 */
{ 2620, 0, 100, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 200, 100, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 96, 48, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 220, 0, 100, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 28, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 28, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 40.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 32, 16, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 400, 170, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -30 */
{ 2200, 1190, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 90 */
{ 2560, 0, 100, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 31.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 42, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 31.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 110, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 15 */
{ 1480, 1550, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 810 */
{ 2620, 1580, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 270 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 3, 3}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 40.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 40.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 19.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{"H", 9,10,10,0x68,"h","h",TTS_ELM_FEATURE_APR|TTS_ELM_FEATURE_GLT,
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 490, 0, 100, 0, 7}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 0 */
{ 1480, 0, 100, 0, 7}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 0 */
{ 2500, 0, 100, 0, 7}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 0, 100, 0, 7}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 0, 100, 0, 7}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 0, 7}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 7}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 35, -14, 100, 0, 7}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -14 */
{ 36.75, -14, 100, 0, 7}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 -14 */
{ 26.25, -7, 100, 0, 7}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 -7 */
{ 22.75, -3.5, 100, 0, 7}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -3.5 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 7}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 7}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 7}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 280, 170, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 30 */
{ 1420, 350, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 -360 */
{ 2560, 980, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -300 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 29.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 40.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 36.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 33.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 280, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 0 */
{ 1420, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 0 */
{ 2560, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 29.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 40.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 36.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 33.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 280, 170, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 30 */
{ 1600, 1190, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 390 */
{ 2560, 0, 100, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 29.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 31.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 26.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 28, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ 54, 27, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 36, 18, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 54, 27, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 280, 170, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 30 */
{ 1600, 1190, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 390 */
{ 2560, 0, 100, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 29.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 31.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 26.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 28, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 280, 170, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 30 */
{ 1720, 950, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 90 */
{ 2560, 0, 100, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 29.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 24.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 24.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 36.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 40, 20, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 54, 27, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 280, 170, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 30 */
{ 1720, 950, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 90 */
{ 2560, 0, 100, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 29.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 24.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 24.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 36.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 280, 170, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 30 */
{ 2020, 1190, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 180 */
{ 2560, 0, 100, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 29.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 26.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 36.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 26.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 110, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 15 */
{ 1780, 950, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 60 */
{ 2680, 2680, 0, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 150, 0, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 400, 170, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -30 */
{ 2020, 1190, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 180 */
{ 2560, 0, 100, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 31.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 42, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 31.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 110, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 15 */
{ 1780, 950, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 60 */
{ 2680, 2680, 0, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 150, 0, 2, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 31.5, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 280, 170, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 30 */
{ 2020, 1190, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 180 */
{ 2560, 0, 100, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 0, 100, 3, 2}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 29.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 26.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 36.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 26.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 460, 230, 50, 6, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 0 */
{ 1480, 710, 50, 6, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 -30 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 6, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 6, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 6, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 6, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 36.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 26.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 26.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 21, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 460, 230, 50, 6, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 0 */
{ 940, 470, 50, 6, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 0 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 6, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 6, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 6, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 6, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 36.75, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 26.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 26.25, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 21, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 490, 0, 100, 0, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 0 */
{ 1180, 0, 100, 0, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 0 */
{ 1600, 1600, 0, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 0, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 70, 35, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 42, 21, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 35, 17.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 35, 17.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 15 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 50, 25, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{"R", 10,11,11,0xA8,"r","r",TTS_ELM_FEATURE_ALV|TTS_ELM_FEATURE_APR,
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 490, 0, 100, 0, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 0 */
{ 1180, 590, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 0 */
{ 1600, 740, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -60 */
{ 60, 0, 100, 0, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 42, 21, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 0 */
{ 35, 17.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 35, 17.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 15 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 190, 50, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -45 */
{ 760, 350, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 -30 */
{ 2020, 980, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 43.75, 21, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 28, 14, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 21, 10.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 15 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 250, 110, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -15 */
{ 2500, 1190, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 -60 */
{ 2980, 1460, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 33.25, 17.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0.875 */
{ 38.5, 17.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 -1.75 */
{ 31.5, 14, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -1.75 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 400, 170, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -30 */
{ 2080, 1070, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 30 */
{ 2560, 1340, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 60 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 36.75, 17.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 -0.875 */
{ 35, 17.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 29.75, 14, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -0.875 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 640, 350, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 30 */
{ 2020, 1070, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 60 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 42, 21, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 38.5, 17.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 -1.75 */
{ 31.5, 14, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -1.75 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 790, 410, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 15 */
{ 1780, 950, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 60 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 130, 65, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 47.25, 24.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0.875 */
{ 38.5, 17.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 -1.75 */
{ 31.5, 14, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -1.75 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 700, 350, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 0 */
{ 1360, 710, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 30 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 43.75, 21, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 -0.875 */
{ 31.5, 14, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 -1.75 */
{ 24.5, 10.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -1.75 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 610, 290, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -15 */
{ 880, 470, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 30 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 47.25, 24.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0.875 */
{ 22.75, 10.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 -0.875 */
{ 15.75, 7, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -0.875 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 370, 170, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -15 */
{ 1000, 470, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 -30 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 42, 21, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 28, 14, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 22.75, 10.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -0.875 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 490, 230, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -15 */
{ 1480, 710, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 -30 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 -0.875 */
{ 33.25, 17.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0.875 */
{ 26.25, 14, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0.875 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 250, 110, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -15 */
{ 2320, 1190, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 30 */
{ 3200, 1580, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -20 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 33.25, 17.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0.875 */
{ 36.75, 17.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 -0.875 */
{ 31.5, 14, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -1.75 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 580, 290, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 0 */
{ 1420, 710, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 0 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 45.5, 21, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 -1.75 */
{ 33.25, 17.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0.875 */
{ 26.25, 14, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0.875 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 790, 410, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 15 */
{ 880, 470, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 30 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 49, 24.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 29.75, 14, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 -0.875 */
{ 22.75, 10.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -0.875 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 490, 230, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -15 */
{ 820, 470, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 60 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 45.5, 21, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 -1.75 */
{ 22.75, 10.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 -0.875 */
{ 17.5, 7, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -1.75 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 250, 110, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -15 */
{ 880, 470, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 30 */
{ 2200, 1100, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 38.5, 17.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 -1.75 */
{ 17.5, 7, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 -1.75 */
{ 10.5, 3.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -1.75 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 640, 290, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -30 */
{ 1600, 830, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 30 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 45.5, 21, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 -1.75 */
{ 35, 17.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 29.75, 14, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -0.875 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 790, 410, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 15 */
{ 880, 470, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 30 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 49, 24.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 29.75, 14, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 -0.875 */
{ 22.75, 10.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -0.875 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 490, 230, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -15 */
{ 820, 350, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 -60 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 45.5, 21, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 -1.75 */
{ 22.75, 10.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 -0.875 */
{ 17.5, 7, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -1.75 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 790, 410, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 15 */
{ 1300, 590, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 -60 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 47.25, 24.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0.875 */
{ 35, 17.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 28, 14, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 370, 170, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -15 */
{ 1000, 470, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 -30 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 42, 21, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 28, 14, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 22.75, 10.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -0.875 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 490, 230, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -15 */
{ 1480, 710, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 -30 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 -0.875 */
{ 33.25, 17.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0.875 */
{ 26.25, 14, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0.875 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 310, 170, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 15 */
{ 2200, 1070, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 -30 */
{ 2920, 1460, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 0 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 35, 17.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 36.75, 17.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 -0.875 */
{ 31.5, 14, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -1.75 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 490, 230, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -15 */
{ 1480, 710, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 -30 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 -0.875 */
{ 33.25, 17.5, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0.875 */
{ 26.25, 14, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 0.875 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 4, 4}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 640, 350, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 30 */
{ 2020, 1070, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 60 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 42, 21, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 38.5, 17.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 -1.75 */
{ 31.5, 14, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -1.75 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 370, 170, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -15 */
{ 1000, 470, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 -30 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 42, 21, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 0 */
{ 28, 14, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 0 */
{ 22.75, 7, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -4.375 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
{ 270, 135, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_FN 0 */
{ 490, 230, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F1 -15 */
{ 820, 470, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F2 60 */
{ 2500, 1220, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_F3 -30 */
{ 60, 30, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B1 0 */
{ 90, 45, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B2 0 */
{ 150, 75, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_B3 0 */
{ -30, 0, 100, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AN 0 */
{ 50.75, 24.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A1 -0.875 */
{ 45.5, 21, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A2 -1.75 */
{ 22.75, 10.5, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A3 -0.875 */
{ 17.5, 7, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A4 -1.75 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A5 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_A6 0 */
{ -30, -15, 50, 5, 5}, /* TTS_ELM_AB 0 */
{ 62, 31, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AV 0 */
{ 16, 8, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_AVC 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0}, /* TTS_ELM_ASP 0 */
{ 0, 0, 50, 0, 0} /* TTS_ELM_AF 0 */
static short tts_clip( float input ) {
int temp = (int)input;
/* tts_clip on boundaries of 16-bit word */
if (temp < -32767) {
temp = -32767;
} else if (temp > 32767) {
temp = 32767;
return (short)(temp);
/* Convert from decibels to a linear scale factor */
static float tts_DBtoLIN(int dB) {
* Convertion table, db to linear, 87 dB --> 32767
* 86 dB --> 29491 (1 dB down = 0.5**1/6)
* ...
* 81 dB --> 16384 (6 dB down = 0.5)
* ...
* 0 dB --> 0
* The just noticeable difference for a change in intensity of a vowel
* is approximately 1 dB. Thus all amplitudes are quantized to 1 dB
* steps.
static const float amptable[88] = {
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6.0, 7.0,
8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 13.0,
14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0, 22.0,
25.0, 28.0, 32.0, 35.0, 40.0,
45.0, 51.0, 57.0, 64.0, 71.0,
80.0, 90.0, 101.0, 114.0, 128.0,
142.0, 159.0, 179.0, 202.0, 227.0,
256.0, 284.0, 318.0, 359.0, 405.0,
455.0, 512.0, 568.0, 638.0, 719.0,
811.0, 911.0, 1024.0, 1137.0, 1276.0,
1438.0, 1622.0, 1823.0, 2048.0, 2273.0,
2552.0, 2875.0, 3244.0, 3645.0, 4096.0,
4547.0, 5104.0, 5751.0, 6488.0, 7291.0,
8192.0, 9093.0, 10207.0, 11502.0, 12976.0,
14582.0, 16384.0, 18350.0, 20644.0, 23429.0,
26214.0, 29491.0, 32767.0
// Check limits or argument (can be removed in final product)
if (dB < 0) {
dB = 0;
} else if (dB >= 88) {
dB = 87;
return amptable[dB] * 0.001f;
static void tts_klatt_frame_init( struct tts_klatt_frame_t* klatt_frame ) {
klatt_frame->mF0FundamentalFreq = 1330;
klatt_frame->mVoicingAmpdb = 60;
klatt_frame->mFormant1Freq = 500;
klatt_frame->mFormant1Bandwidth = 60;
klatt_frame->mFormant2Freq = 1500;
klatt_frame->mFormant2Bandwidth = 90;
klatt_frame->mFormant3Freq = 2800;
klatt_frame->mFormant3Bandwidth = 150;
klatt_frame->mFormant4Freq = 3250;
klatt_frame->mFormant4Bandwidth = 200;
klatt_frame->mFormant5Freq = 3700;
klatt_frame->mFormant5Bandwidth = 200;
klatt_frame->mFormant6Freq = 4990;
klatt_frame->mFormant6Bandwidth = 500;
klatt_frame->mNasalZeroFreq = 270;
klatt_frame->mNasalZeroBandwidth = 100;
klatt_frame->mNasalPoleFreq = 270;
klatt_frame->mNasalPoleBandwidth = 100;
klatt_frame->mAspirationAmpdb = 0;
klatt_frame->mNoSamplesInOpenPeriod = 30;
klatt_frame->mVoicingBreathiness = 0;
klatt_frame->mVoicingSpectralTiltdb = 10;
klatt_frame->mFricationAmpdb = 0;
klatt_frame->mSkewnessOfAlternatePeriods = 0;
klatt_frame->mFormant1Ampdb = 0;
klatt_frame->mFormant1ParallelBandwidth = 80;
klatt_frame->mFormant2Ampdb = 0;
klatt_frame->mFormant2ParallelBandwidth = 200;
klatt_frame->mFormant3Ampdb = 0;
klatt_frame->mFormant3ParallelBandwidth = 350;
klatt_frame->mFormant4Ampdb = 0;
klatt_frame->mFormant4ParallelBandwidth = 500;
klatt_frame->mFormant5Ampdb = 0;
klatt_frame->mFormant5ParallelBandwidth = 600;
klatt_frame->mFormant6Ampdb = 0;
klatt_frame->mFormant6ParallelBandwidth = 800;
klatt_frame->mParallelNasalPoleAmpdb = 0;
klatt_frame->mBypassFricationAmpdb = 0;
klatt_frame->mPalallelVoicingAmpdb = 0;
klatt_frame->mOverallGaindb = 62;
function FLUTTER
This function adds F0 flutter, as specified in:
"Analysis, synthesis and perception of voice quality variations among
female and male talkers" D.H. Klatt and L.C. Klatt JASA 87(2) February 1990.
Flutter is added by applying a quasi-random element constructed from three
slowly varying sine waves.
static void tts_klatt_flutter( struct tts_klatt_t* klatt, struct tts_klatt_frame_t* pars ) {
int original_f0 = pars->mF0FundamentalFreq / 10;
float fla = (float) klatt->mF0Flutter / 50;
float flb = (float) original_f0 / 100;
float flc = (float)sin(2 * TTS_PI * 12.7 * klatt->mTimeCount);
float fld = (float)sin(2 * TTS_PI * 7.1 * klatt->mTimeCount);
float fle = (float)sin(2 * TTS_PI * 4.7 * klatt->mTimeCount);
float delta_f0 = fla * flb * (flc + fld + fle) * 10;
klatt->mF0FundamentalFreq += (int) delta_f0;
/* Vwave is the differentiated glottal flow waveform, there is a weak
spectral zero around 800 Hz, magic constants a,b reset pitch-synch
static float tts_klatt_natural_source( struct tts_klatt_t* klatt, int aNper ) {
// See if glottis open
if (aNper < klatt->mNOpen) {
float lgtemp;
klatt->mNatglotA -= klatt->mNatglotB;
klatt->mVWave += klatt->mNatglotA;
lgtemp = klatt->mVWave * 0.028f; /* function of samp_rate ? */
return (lgtemp);
} else {
// Glottis closed
klatt->mVWave = 0.0;
return (0.0);
/* Reset selected parameters pitch-synchronously */
static void tts_klatt_pitch_synch_par_reset( struct tts_klatt_t* klatt, struct tts_klatt_frame_t* frame, int ns ) {
* Constant natglot[] controls shape of glottal pulse as a function
* of desired duration of open phase N0
* (Note that N0 is specified in terms of 40,000 samples/sec of speech)
* Assume voicing waveform V(t) has form: k1 t**2 - k2 t**3
* If the radiation characterivative, a temporal derivative
* is folded in, and we go from continuous time to discrete
* integers n: dV/dt = mVWave[n]
* = sum over i=1,2,...,n of { a - (i * b) }
* = a n - b/2 n**2
* where the constants a and b control the detailed shape
* and amplitude of the voicing waveform over the open
* potion of the voicing cycle "mNOpen".
* Let integral of dV/dt have no net dc flow --> a = (b * mNOpen) / 3
* Let maximum of dUg(n)/dn be constant --> b = gain / (mNOpen * mNOpen)
* meaning as mNOpen gets bigger, V has bigger peak proportional to n
* Thus, to generate the table below for 40 <= mNOpen <= 263:
* natglot[mNOpen - 40] = 1920000 / (mNOpen * mNOpen)
static const short natglot[ 224 ] = {
1200, 1142, 1088, 1038, 991, 948, 907, 869, 833, 799,
768, 738, 710, 683, 658, 634, 612, 590, 570, 551,
533, 515, 499, 483, 468, 454, 440, 427, 415, 403,
391, 380, 370, 360, 350, 341, 332, 323, 315, 307,
300, 292, 285, 278, 272, 265, 259, 253, 247, 242,
237, 231, 226, 221, 217, 212, 208, 204, 199, 195,
192, 188, 184, 180, 177, 174, 170, 167, 164, 161,
158, 155, 153, 150, 147, 145, 142, 140, 137, 135,
133, 131, 128, 126, 124, 122, 120, 119, 117, 115,
113, 111, 110, 108, 106, 105, 103, 102, 100, 99,
97, 96, 95, 93, 92, 91, 90, 88, 87, 86,
85, 84, 83, 82, 80, 79, 78, 77, 76, 75,
75, 74, 73, 72, 71, 70, 69, 68, 68, 67,
66, 65, 64, 64, 63, 62, 61, 61, 60, 59,
59, 58, 57, 57, 56, 56, 55, 55, 54, 54,
53, 53, 52, 52, 51, 51, 50, 50, 49, 49,
48, 48, 47, 47, 46, 46, 45, 45, 44, 44,
43, 43, 42, 42, 41, 41, 41, 41, 40, 40,
39, 39, 38, 38, 38, 38, 37, 37, 36, 36,
36, 36, 35, 35, 35, 35, 34, 34, 33, 33,
33, 33, 32, 32, 32, 32, 31, 31, 31, 31,
30, 30, 30, 30, 29, 29, 29, 29, 28, 28,
28, 28, 27, 27
if( klatt->mF0FundamentalFreq > 0) {
klatt->mT0 = (40 * klatt->mSampleRate) / klatt->mF0FundamentalFreq;
/* Period in samp*4 */
klatt->mAmpVoice = tts_DBtoLIN(klatt->mVoicingAmpdb);
/* Duration of period before amplitude modulation */
klatt->mNMod = klatt->mT0;
if (klatt->mVoicingAmpdb > 0) {
klatt->mNMod >>= 1;
/* Breathiness of voicing waveform */
klatt->mAmpBreth = tts_DBtoLIN(frame->mVoicingBreathiness) * 0.1f;
/* Set open phase of glottal period */
/* where 40 <= open phase <= 263 */
klatt->mNOpen = 4 * frame->mNoSamplesInOpenPeriod;
if (klatt->mNOpen >= (klatt->mT0 - 1)) {
klatt->mNOpen = klatt->mT0 - 2;
if (klatt->mNOpen < 40) {
klatt->mNOpen = 40; /* F0 max = 1000 Hz */
/* Reset a & b, which determine shape of "natural" glottal waveform */
klatt->mNatglotB = natglot[klatt->mNOpen - 40];
klatt->mNatglotA = (klatt->mNatglotB * klatt->mNOpen) * .333f;
/* Reset width of "impulsive" glottal pulse */
int temp;
float temp1;
temp = klatt->mSampleRate / klatt->mNOpen;
tts_resonator_initResonator( &klatt->mCritDampedGlotLowPassFilter, 0L, temp, klatt->mSampleRate);
/* Make gain at F1 about constant */
temp1 = klatt->mNOpen * .00833f;
tts_resonator_setGain( &klatt->mCritDampedGlotLowPassFilter, temp1 * temp1);
/* Truncate skewness so as not to exceed duration of closed phase
of glottal period */
temp = klatt->mT0 - klatt->mNOpen;
if (klatt->mSkewnessOfAlternatePeriods > temp) {
klatt->mSkewnessOfAlternatePeriods = temp;
if (klatt->mSkew >= 0) {
klatt->mSkew = klatt->mSkewnessOfAlternatePeriods; /* Reset mSkew to requested mSkewnessOfAlternatePeriods */
} else {
klatt->mSkew = -klatt->mSkewnessOfAlternatePeriods;
/* Add skewness to closed portion of voicing period */
klatt->mT0 = klatt->mT0 + klatt->mSkew;
klatt->mSkew = -klatt->mSkew;
} else {
klatt->mT0 = 4; /* Default for f0 undefined */
klatt->mAmpVoice = 0.0;
klatt->mNMod = klatt->mT0;
klatt->mAmpBreth = 0.0;
klatt->mNatglotA = 0.0;
klatt->mNatglotB = 0.0;
/* Reset these pars pitch synchronously or at update rate if f0=0 */
if( (klatt->mT0 != 4) || (ns == 0) ) {
/* Set one-pole TTS_ELM_FEATURE_LOW-pass filter that tilts glottal source */
klatt->mDecay = (0.033f * frame->mVoicingSpectralTiltdb); /* Function of samp_rate ? */
if (klatt->mDecay > 0.0f) {
klatt->mOneMd = 1.0f - klatt->mDecay;
} else {
klatt->mOneMd = 1.0f;
/* Get variable parameters from host computer,
initially also get definition of fixed pars
static void tts_klatt_frame_setup( struct tts_klatt_t* klatt, struct tts_klatt_frame_t* frame ) {
int mOverallGaindb; /* Overall gain, 60 dB is unity 0 to 60 */
float amp_parF1; /* mFormant1Ampdb converted to linear gain */
float amp_parFN; /* mParallelNasalPoleAmpdb converted to linear gain */
float amp_parF2; /* mFormant2Ampdb converted to linear gain */
float amp_parF3; /* mFormant3Ampdb converted to linear gain */
float amp_parF4; /* mFormant4Ampdb converted to linear gain */
float amp_parF5; /* mFormant5Ampdb converted to linear gain */
float amp_parF6; /* mFormant6Ampdb converted to linear gain */
/* Read speech frame definition into temp store
and move some parameters into active use immediately
(voice-excited ones are updated pitch synchronously
to avoid waveform glitches).
klatt->mF0FundamentalFreq = frame->mF0FundamentalFreq;
klatt->mVoicingAmpdb = frame->mVoicingAmpdb - 7;
if (klatt->mVoicingAmpdb < 0) klatt->mVoicingAmpdb = 0;
klatt->mAmpAspir = tts_DBtoLIN(frame->mAspirationAmpdb) * .05f;
klatt->mAmpFrica = tts_DBtoLIN(frame->mFricationAmpdb) * 0.25f;
klatt->mSkewnessOfAlternatePeriods = frame->mSkewnessOfAlternatePeriods;
/* Fudge factors (which comprehend affects of formants on each other?)
with these in place TTS_ALL_PARALLEL should sound as close as
Possible problem feeding in Holmes's amplitudes given this.
amp_parF1 = tts_DBtoLIN(frame->mFormant1Ampdb) * 0.4f; /* -7.96 dB */
amp_parF2 = tts_DBtoLIN(frame->mFormant2Ampdb) * 0.15f; /* -16.5 dB */
amp_parF3 = tts_DBtoLIN(frame->mFormant3Ampdb) * 0.06f; /* -24.4 dB */
amp_parF4 = tts_DBtoLIN(frame->mFormant4Ampdb) * 0.04f; /* -28.0 dB */
amp_parF5 = tts_DBtoLIN(frame->mFormant5Ampdb) * 0.022f; /* -33.2 dB */
amp_parF6 = tts_DBtoLIN(frame->mFormant6Ampdb) * 0.03f; /* -30.5 dB */
amp_parFN = tts_DBtoLIN(frame->mParallelNasalPoleAmpdb) * 0.6f; /* -4.44 dB */
klatt->mAmpBypas = tts_DBtoLIN(frame->mBypassFricationAmpdb) * 0.05f; /* -26.0 db */
// Set coeficients of nasal resonator and zero antiresonator
tts_resonator_initResonator( &klatt->mNasalPole, frame->mNasalPoleFreq, frame->mNasalPoleBandwidth, klatt->mSampleRate);
tts_resonator_initAntiresonator( &klatt->mNasalZero, frame->mNasalZeroFreq, frame->mNasalZeroBandwidth, klatt->mSampleRate);
// Set coefficients of parallel resonators, and amplitude of outputs
tts_resonator_initResonator( &klatt->mParallelFormant1, frame->mFormant1Freq, frame->mFormant1ParallelBandwidth, klatt->mSampleRate);
tts_resonator_setGain( &klatt->mParallelFormant1, amp_parF1);
tts_resonator_initResonator( &klatt->mParallelResoNasalPole, frame->mNasalPoleFreq, frame->mNasalPoleBandwidth, klatt->mSampleRate);
tts_resonator_setGain( &klatt->mParallelResoNasalPole, amp_parFN);
tts_resonator_initResonator( &klatt->mParallelFormant2, frame->mFormant2Freq, frame->mFormant2ParallelBandwidth, klatt->mSampleRate);
tts_resonator_setGain( &klatt->mParallelFormant2, amp_parF2);
tts_resonator_initResonator( &klatt->mParallelFormant3, frame->mFormant3Freq, frame->mFormant3ParallelBandwidth, klatt->mSampleRate);
tts_resonator_setGain( &klatt->mParallelFormant3, amp_parF3);
tts_resonator_initResonator( &klatt->mParallelFormant4, frame->mFormant4Freq, frame->mFormant4ParallelBandwidth, klatt->mSampleRate);
tts_resonator_setGain( &klatt->mParallelFormant4, amp_parF4);
tts_resonator_initResonator( &klatt->mParallelFormant5, frame->mFormant5Freq, frame->mFormant5ParallelBandwidth, klatt->mSampleRate);
tts_resonator_setGain( &klatt->mParallelFormant5, amp_parF5);
tts_resonator_initResonator( &klatt->mParallelFormant6, frame->mFormant6Freq, frame->mFormant6ParallelBandwidth, klatt->mSampleRate);
tts_resonator_setGain( &klatt->mParallelFormant6, amp_parF6);
/* fold overall gain into output resonator */
mOverallGaindb = frame->mOverallGaindb - 3;
if (mOverallGaindb <= 0)
mOverallGaindb = 57;
/* output TTS_ELM_FEATURE_LOW-pass filter - resonator with freq 0 and BW = globals->mSampleRate
Thus 3db point is globals->mSampleRate/2 i.e. Nyquist limit.
Only 3db down seems rather mild...
tts_resonator_initResonator( &klatt->mOutputLowPassFilter, 0L, (int) klatt->mSampleRate, klatt->mSampleRate);
tts_resonator_setGain( &klatt->mOutputLowPassFilter, tts_DBtoLIN(mOverallGaindb));
function PARWAV
Synthesize globals->mNspFr samples of waveform and store in jwave[].
static void tts_klatt_parwave(struct tts_klatt_t* klatt, struct tts_klatt_frame_t* frame, short int *jwave) {
/* Output of cascade branch, also final output */
/* Initialize synthesizer and get specification for current speech
frame from host microcomputer */
tts_klatt_frame_setup( klatt, frame );
if( klatt->mF0Flutter != 0 ) {
klatt->mTimeCount++; /* used for f0 flutter */
tts_klatt_flutter( klatt, frame ); /* add f0 flutter */
/* MAIN LOOP, for each output sample of current frame: */
int ns;
for( ns = 0; ns < klatt->mNspFr; ns++ ) {
// TODO: get rid of static var
static unsigned int seed = 5; /* Fixed staring value */
float noise;
int n4;
float sourc; /* Sound source if all-parallel config used */
float glotout; /* Output of glottal sound source */
float par_glotout; /* Output of parallelglottal sound sourc */
float voice = 0; /* Current sample of voicing waveform */
float frics; /* Frication sound source */
float aspiration; /* Aspiration sound source */
int nrand; /* Varible used by random number generator */
/* Our own code like rand(), but portable
whole upper 31 bits of seed random
assumes 32-bit unsigned arithmetic
with untested code to handle larger.
seed = ( seed * 1664525 + 1 ) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
/* Shift top bits of seed up to top of int then back down to LS 14 bits */
/* Assumes 8 bits per sizeof unit i.e. a "byte" */
nrand = (((int) seed) << (8 * sizeof(int) - 32)) >> (8 * sizeof(int) - 14);
/* Tilt down noise spectrum by soft TTS_ELM_FEATURE_LOW-pass filter having
* a pole near the origin in the z-plane, i.e.
* output = input + (0.75 * lastoutput) */
noise = nrand + (0.75f * klatt->mNLast); /* Function of samp_rate ? */
klatt->mNLast = noise;
/* Amplitude modulate noise (reduce noise amplitude during
second half of glottal period) if voicing simultaneously present
if( klatt->mNPer > klatt->mNMod ) {
noise *= 0.5f;
/* Compute frication noise */
sourc = frics = klatt->mAmpFrica * noise;
/* Compute voicing waveform : (run glottal source simulation at
4 times normal sample rate to minimize quantization noise in
period of female voice)
for( n4 = 0; n4 < 4; n4++ ) {
/* use a more-natural-shaped source waveform with excitation
occurring both upon opening and upon closure, stronest at closure */
voice = tts_klatt_natural_source(klatt, klatt->mNPer);
/* Reset period when counter 'mNPer' reaches mT0 */
if( klatt->mNPer >= klatt->mT0 ) {
klatt->mNPer = 0;
tts_klatt_pitch_synch_par_reset( klatt, frame, ns );
/* Low-pass filter voicing waveform before downsampling from 4*globals->mSampleRate */
/* to globals->mSampleRate samples/sec. Resonator f=.09*globals->mSampleRate, bw=.06*globals->mSampleRate */
voice = tts_resonator_resonate( &klatt->mDownSampLowPassFilter, voice); /* in=voice, out=voice */
/* Increment counter that keeps track of 4*globals->mSampleRate samples/sec */
/* Tilt spectrum of voicing source down by soft TTS_ELM_FEATURE_LOW-pass filtering, amount
of tilt determined by mVoicingSpectralTiltdb
voice = (voice * klatt->mOneMd) + (klatt->mVLast * klatt->mDecay);
klatt->mVLast = voice;
/* Add breathiness during glottal open phase */
if( klatt->mNPer < klatt->mNOpen ) {
/* Amount of breathiness determined by parameter mVoicingBreathiness */
/* Use nrand rather than noise because noise is TTS_ELM_FEATURE_LOW-passed */
voice += klatt->mAmpBreth * nrand;
/* Set amplitude of voicing */
glotout = klatt->mAmpVoice * voice;
/* Compute aspiration amplitude and add to voicing source */
aspiration = klatt->mAmpAspir * noise;
glotout += aspiration;
par_glotout = glotout;
/* NIS - rsynth "hack"
As Holmes' scheme is weak at nasals and (physically) nasal cavity
is "back near glottis" feed glottal source through nasal resonators
Don't think this is quite right, but improves things a bit
par_glotout = tts_resonator_antiresonate( &klatt->mNasalZero, par_glotout);
par_glotout = tts_resonator_resonate( &klatt->mNasalPole, par_glotout);
/* And just use mParallelFormant1 NOT mParallelResoNasalPole */
float out = tts_resonator_resonate( &klatt->mParallelFormant1, par_glotout);
/* Sound sourc for other parallel resonators is frication
plus first difference of voicing waveform.
sourc += (par_glotout - klatt->mGlotLast);
klatt->mGlotLast = par_glotout;
/* Standard parallel vocal tract
Formants F6,F5,F4,F3,F2, outputs added with alternating sign
out = tts_resonator_resonate( &klatt->mParallelFormant6, sourc) - out;
out = tts_resonator_resonate( &klatt->mParallelFormant5, sourc) - out;
out = tts_resonator_resonate( &klatt->mParallelFormant4, sourc) - out;
out = tts_resonator_resonate( &klatt->mParallelFormant3, sourc) - out;
out = tts_resonator_resonate( &klatt->mParallelFormant2, sourc) - out;
out = klatt->mAmpBypas * sourc - out;
out = tts_resonator_resonate( &klatt->mOutputLowPassFilter, out);
*jwave++ = tts_clip(out); /* Convert back to integer */
static char * tts_phoneme_to_element_lookup( char *s, void ** data ) {
int key8 = *s;
int key16 = key8 + (s[1] << 8);
if (s[1] == 0) key16 = -1; // avoid key8==key16
int i;
for (i = 0; i < TTS_PHONEME_COUNT; i++) {
if (tts_phoneme_to_elements[i].mKey == key16) {
*data = &tts_phoneme_to_elements[i].mData;
return s+2;
if (tts_phoneme_to_elements[i].mKey == key8) {
*data = &tts_phoneme_to_elements[i].mData;
return s+1;
// should never happen
*data = NULL;
return s+1;
static int tts_phone_to_elm( char *aPhoneme, int aCount, struct tts_darray_t *aElement ) {
int stress = 0;
char *s = aPhoneme;
int t = 0;
char *limit = s + aCount;
while (s < limit && *s) {
char *e = NULL;
s = tts_phoneme_to_element_lookup(s, (void**)&e);
if (e) {
int n = *e++;
while (n-- > 0) {
int x = *e++;
struct tts_element_t * p = &tts_gElement[x];
/* This works because only vowels have mUD != mDU,
and we set stress just before a vowel
tts_darray_put( aElement, x );
if (!(p->mFeat & TTS_ELM_FEATURE_VWL))
stress = 0;
int stressdur = TTS_StressDur(p);
t += stressdur;
tts_darray_put( aElement, stressdur);
tts_darray_put( aElement, stress);
} else {
char ch = *s++;
switch (ch) {
case '\'': /* Primary stress */
stress = 3;
case ',': /* Secondary stress */
stress = 2;
case '+': /* Tertiary stress */
stress = 1;
case '-': /* hyphen in input */
// fprintf(stderr, "Ignoring %c in '%.*s'\n", ch, aCount, aPhoneme);
return t;
/* 'a' is dominant element, 'b' is dominated
ext is flag to say to use external times from 'a' rather
than internal i.e. ext != 0 if 'a' is NOT current element.
static void tts_set_trans( struct tts_slope_t* t, struct tts_element_t* a, struct tts_element_t* b, int ext, int e ) {
(void) e;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < TTS_ELM_COUNT; i++) {
t[i].mTime = ((ext) ? a->mInterpolator[i].mExtDelay : a->mInterpolator[i].mIntDelay);
if (t[i].mTime) {
t[i].mValue = a->mInterpolator[i].mFixed + (a->mInterpolator[i].mProportion * b->mInterpolator[i].mSteady) * 0.01f; // mProportion is in scale 0..100, so *0.01.
} else {
t[i].mValue = b->mInterpolator[i].mSteady;
static float tts_lerp( float a, float b, int t, int d ) {
if (t <= 0) {
return a;
if (t >= d) {
return b;
float f = (float)t / (float)d;
return a + (b - a) * f;
static float tts_interpolate( struct tts_slope_t* aStartSlope, struct tts_slope_t* aEndSlope, float aMidValue, int aTime, int aDuration )
int steadyTime = aDuration - (aStartSlope->mTime + aEndSlope->mTime);
if( steadyTime >= 0 ) {
// Interpolate to a midpoint, stay there for a while, then tts_interpolate to end
if( aTime < aStartSlope->mTime ) {
// tts_interpolate to the first value
return tts_lerp(aStartSlope->mValue, aMidValue, aTime, aStartSlope->mTime);
// reached midpoint
aTime -= aStartSlope->mTime;
if( aTime <= steadyTime ) {
// still at steady state
return aMidValue;
// tts_interpolate to the end
return tts_lerp(aMidValue, aEndSlope->mValue, aTime - steadyTime, aEndSlope->mTime);
} else {
// No steady state
float f = 1.0f - ((float) aTime / (float) aDuration);
float sp = tts_lerp(aStartSlope->mValue, aMidValue, aTime, aStartSlope->mTime);
float ep = tts_lerp(aEndSlope->mValue, aMidValue, aDuration - aTime, aEndSlope->mTime);
return f * sp + ((float) 1.0 - f) * ep;
static void tts_klatt_initsynth( struct tts_klatt_t* klatt, int aElementCount,unsigned char *aElement ) {
klatt->mElement = aElement;
klatt->mElementCount = aElementCount;
klatt->mElementIndex = 0;
klatt->mLastElement = &tts_gElement[0];
klatt->mTStress = 0;
klatt->mNTStress = 0;
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mF0FundamentalFreq = 1330;
klatt->mTop = 1.1f * klatt->mKlattFramePars.mF0FundamentalFreq;
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mNasalPoleFreq = (int)klatt->mLastElement->mInterpolator[TTS_ELM_FN].mSteady;
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant1ParallelBandwidth = klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant1Bandwidth = 60;
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant2ParallelBandwidth = klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant2Bandwidth = 90;
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant3ParallelBandwidth = klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant3Bandwidth = 150;
// klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant4ParallelBandwidth = (default)
// Set stress attack/decay slope
klatt->mStressS.mTime = 40;
klatt->mStressE.mTime = 40;
klatt->mStressE.mValue = 0.0;
int tts_klatt_synth( struct tts_klatt_t* klatt, int aSampleCount, short *aSamplePointer) {
(void) aSampleCount;
short *samp = aSamplePointer;
if( klatt->mElementIndex >= klatt->mElementCount )
return -1;
struct tts_element_t * currentElement = &tts_gElement[klatt->mElement[klatt->mElementIndex++]];
int dur = klatt->mElement[klatt->mElementIndex++];
klatt->mElementIndex++; // skip stress
// Skip zero length elements which are only there to affect
// boundary values of adjacent elements
if (dur > 0) {
struct tts_element_t* ne = (klatt->mElementIndex < klatt->mElementCount) ? &tts_gElement[klatt->mElement[klatt->mElementIndex]] : &tts_gElement[0];
struct tts_slope_t start[TTS_ELM_COUNT];
struct tts_slope_t end[TTS_ELM_COUNT];
int t;
if (currentElement->mRK > klatt->mLastElement->mRK) {
tts_set_trans(start, currentElement, klatt->mLastElement, 0, 's');
// we dominate last
} else {
tts_set_trans(start, klatt->mLastElement, currentElement, 1, 's');
// last dominates us
if (ne->mRK > currentElement->mRK) {
tts_set_trans(end, ne, currentElement, 1, 'e');
// next dominates us
} else {
tts_set_trans(end, currentElement, ne, 0, 'e');
// we dominate next
for (t = 0; t < dur; t++, klatt->mTStress++) {
float base = klatt->mTop * 0.8f; // 3 * top / 5
float tp[TTS_ELM_COUNT];
if (klatt->mTStress == klatt->mNTStress) {
int j = klatt->mElementIndex;
klatt->mStressS = klatt->mStressE;
klatt->mTStress = 0;
klatt->mNTStress = dur;
while (j <= klatt->mElementCount) {
struct tts_element_t* e = (j < klatt->mElementCount) ? &tts_gElement[klatt->mElement[j++]] : &tts_gElement[0];
int du = (j < klatt->mElementCount) ? klatt->mElement[j++] : 0;
int s = (j < klatt->mElementCount) ? klatt->mElement[j++] : 3;
if (s || e->mFeat & TTS_ELM_FEATURE_VWL) {
int d = 0;
if (s)
klatt->mStressE.mValue = (float) s / 3;
klatt->mStressE.mValue = (float) 0.1;
do {
d += du;
e = (j < klatt->mElementCount) ? &tts_gElement[klatt->mElement[j++]] : &tts_gElement[0];
du = klatt->mElement[j++];
} while ((e->mFeat & TTS_ELM_FEATURE_VWL) && klatt->mElement[j++] == s);
klatt->mNTStress += d / 2;
klatt->mNTStress += du;
for (int j = 0; j < TTS_ELM_COUNT; j++) {
tp[j] = tts_interpolate(&start[j], &end[j], (float) currentElement->mInterpolator[j].mSteady, t, dur);
// Now call the synth for each frame
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mF0FundamentalFreq = (int)(base + (klatt->mTop - base) * tts_interpolate(&klatt->mStressS, &klatt->mStressE, (float) 0, klatt->mTStress, klatt->mNTStress));
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mVoicingAmpdb = klatt->mKlattFramePars.mPalallelVoicingAmpdb = (int)tp[TTS_ELM_AV];
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFricationAmpdb = (int)tp[TTS_ELM_AF];
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mNasalZeroFreq = (int)tp[TTS_ELM_FN];
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mAspirationAmpdb = (int)tp[TTS_ELM_ASP];
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mVoicingBreathiness = (int)tp[TTS_ELM_AVC];
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant1ParallelBandwidth = klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant1Bandwidth = (int)tp[TTS_ELM_B1];
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant2ParallelBandwidth = klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant2Bandwidth = (int)tp[TTS_ELM_B2];
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant3ParallelBandwidth = klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant3Bandwidth = (int)tp[TTS_ELM_B3];
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant1Freq = (int)tp[TTS_ELM_F1];
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant2Freq = (int)tp[TTS_ELM_F2];
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant3Freq = (int)tp[TTS_ELM_F3];
// TTS_AMP_ADJ + is a kludge to get amplitudes up to klatt-compatible levels
//pars.mParallelNasalPoleAmpdb = TTS_AMP_ADJ + tp[TTS_ELM_AN];
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mBypassFricationAmpdb = TTS_AMP_ADJ + (int)tp[TTS_ELM_AB];
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant5Ampdb = TTS_AMP_ADJ + (int)tp[TTS_ELM_A5];
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant6Ampdb = TTS_AMP_ADJ + (int)tp[TTS_ELM_A6];
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant1Ampdb = TTS_AMP_ADJ + (int)tp[TTS_ELM_A1];
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant2Ampdb = TTS_AMP_ADJ + (int)tp[TTS_ELM_A2];
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant3Ampdb = TTS_AMP_ADJ + (int)tp[TTS_ELM_A3];
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant4Ampdb = TTS_AMP_ADJ + (int)tp[TTS_ELM_A4];
tts_klatt_parwave( klatt, &klatt->mKlattFramePars, samp);
samp += klatt->mNspFr;
// Declination of f0 envelope 0.25Hz / cS
klatt->mTop -= 0.5;
klatt->mLastElement = currentElement;
if( currentElement->mName[0] == 'Q' && currentElement->mName[1] == '\0' ) {
} else {
klatt->count = 0;
if( klatt->count == 3 ) {
klatt->mTStress = 0;
klatt->mNTStress = 0;
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mF0FundamentalFreq = 1330;
klatt->mTop = 1.1f * klatt->mKlattFramePars.mF0FundamentalFreq;
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mNasalPoleFreq = (int)klatt->mLastElement->mInterpolator[TTS_ELM_FN].mSteady;
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant1ParallelBandwidth = klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant1Bandwidth = 60;
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant2ParallelBandwidth = klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant2Bandwidth = 90;
klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant3ParallelBandwidth = klatt->mKlattFramePars.mFormant3Bandwidth = 150;
// mKlattFramePars.mFormant4ParallelBandwidth = (default)
// Set stress attack/decay slope
klatt->mStressS.mTime = 40;
klatt->mStressE.mTime = 40;
klatt->mStressE.mValue = 0.0;
return (int)(samp - aSamplePointer);
static void tts_klatt_init( struct tts_klatt_t* klatt ) {
memset( klatt, 0, sizeof( *klatt ) );
tts_klatt_frame_init( &klatt->mKlattFramePars );
klatt->mSampleRate = 11025;
klatt->mF0Flutter = 0;
int FLPhz = (950 * klatt->mSampleRate) / 10000;
int BLPhz = (630 * klatt->mSampleRate) / 10000;
klatt->mNspFr = (int)(klatt->mSampleRate * 10) / 1000;
tts_resonator_initResonator( &klatt->mDownSampLowPassFilter, FLPhz, BLPhz, klatt->mSampleRate );
klatt->mNPer = 0; /* LG */
klatt->mT0 = 0; /* LG */
klatt->mVLast = 0; /* Previous output of voice */
klatt->mNLast = 0; /* Previous output of random number generator */
klatt->mGlotLast = 0; /* Previous value of glotout */
klatt->count = 0;
static const char *tts_ASCII[] = {
"null", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "",
"space", "exclamation mark", "double quote", "hash",
"dollar", "percent", "ampersand", "quote",
"open parenthesis", "close parenthesis", "asterisk", "plus",
"comma", "minus", "full stop", "slash",
"zero", "one", "two", "three",
"four", "five", "six", "seven",
"eight", "nine", "colon", "semi colon",
"less than", "equals", "greater than", "question mark",
"at", "ay", "bee", "see",
"dee", "e", "eff", "gee",
"aych", "i", "jay", "kay",
"ell", "em", "en", "ohe",
"pee", "kju", "are", "es",
"tee", "you", "vee", "double you",
"eks", "why", "zed", "open bracket",
#else /* TTS_ALPHA_IN_DICT */
"at", "A", "B", "C",
"D", "E", "F", "G",
"H", "I", "J", "K",
"L", "M", "N", "O",
"P", "Q", "R", "S",
"T", "U", "V", "W",
"X", "Y", "Z", "open bracket",
#endif /* TTS_ALPHA_IN_DICT */
"back slash", "close bracket", "circumflex", "underscore",
"back quote", "ay", "bee", "see",
"dee", "e", "eff", "gee",
"aych", "i", "jay", "kay",
"ell", "em", "en", "ohe",
"pee", "kju", "are", "es",
"tee", "you", "vee", "double you",
"eks", "why", "zed", "open brace",
#else /* TTS_ALPHA_IN_DICT */
"back quote", "A", "B", "C",
"D", "E", "F", "G",
"H", "I", "J", "K",
"L", "M", "N", "O",
"P", "Q", "R", "S",
"T", "U", "V", "W",
"X", "Y", "Z", "open brace",
#endif /* TTS_ALPHA_IN_DICT */
"vertical bar", "close brace", "tilde", "delete",
/* Context definitions */
static const char tts_Anything[] = "";
/* No context requirement */
static const char tts_Nothing[] = " ";
/* Context is beginning or end of word */
static const char tts_Silent[] = "";
/* No phonemes */
#define TTS_LEFT_PART 0
#define TTS_MATCH_PART 1
#define TTS_RIGHT_PART 2
#define TTS_OUT_PART 3
typedef const char *tts_Rule[4];
/* tts_Rule is an array of 4 character pointers */
/*0 = Punctuation */
static tts_Rule tts_punct_rules[] = {
{tts_Anything, " ", tts_Anything, " "},
{tts_Anything, "-", tts_Anything, ""},
{".", "'S", tts_Anything, "z"},
{"#:.E", "'S", tts_Anything, "z"},
{"#", "'S", tts_Anything, "z"},
{tts_Anything, "'", tts_Anything, ""},
{tts_Anything, ",", tts_Anything, " "},
{tts_Anything, ".", tts_Anything, " "},
{tts_Anything, "?", tts_Anything, " "},
{tts_Anything, "!", tts_Anything, " "},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_A_rules[] = {
{tts_Anything, "A", tts_Nothing, "@"},
{tts_Nothing, "ARE", tts_Nothing, "0r"},
{tts_Nothing, "AR", "O", "@r"},
{tts_Anything, "AR", "#", "er"},
{"^", "AS", "#", "eIs"},
{tts_Anything, "A", "WA", "@"},
{tts_Anything, "AW", tts_Anything, "O"},
{" :", "ANY", tts_Anything, "eni"},
{tts_Anything, "A", "^+#", "eI"},
{"#:", "ALLY", tts_Anything, "@li"},
{tts_Nothing, "AL", "#", "@l"},
{tts_Anything, "AGAIN", tts_Anything, "@gen"},
{"#:", "AG", "E", "IdZ"},
{tts_Anything, "A", "^+:#", "&"},
{" :", "A", "^+ ", "eI"},
{tts_Anything, "A", "^%", "eI"},
{tts_Nothing, "ARR", tts_Anything, "@r"},
{tts_Anything, "ARR", tts_Anything, "&r"},
{" :", "AR", tts_Nothing, "0r"},
{tts_Anything, "AR", tts_Nothing, "3"},
{tts_Anything, "AR", tts_Anything, "0r"},
{tts_Anything, "AIR", tts_Anything, "er"},
{tts_Anything, "AI", tts_Anything, "eI"},
{tts_Anything, "AY", tts_Anything, "eI"},
{tts_Anything, "AU", tts_Anything, "O"},
{"#:", "AL", tts_Nothing, "@l"},
{"#:", "ALS", tts_Nothing, "@lz"},
{tts_Anything, "ALK", tts_Anything, "Ok"},
{tts_Anything, "AL", "^", "Ol"},
{" :", "ABLE", tts_Anything, "eIb@l"},
{tts_Anything, "ABLE", tts_Anything, "@b@l"},
{tts_Anything, "ANG", "+", "eIndZ"},
{"^", "A", "^#", "eI"},
{tts_Anything, "A", tts_Anything, "&"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_B_rules[] = {
{tts_Nothing, "BE", "^#", "bI"},
{tts_Anything, "BEING", tts_Anything, "biIN"},
{tts_Nothing, "BOTH", tts_Nothing, "b@UT"},
{tts_Nothing, "BUS", "#", "bIz"},
{tts_Anything, "BUIL", tts_Anything, "bIl"},
{tts_Anything, "B", tts_Anything, "b"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_C_rules[] = {
{tts_Nothing, "CH", "^", "k"},
{"^E", "CH", tts_Anything, "k"},
{tts_Anything, "CH", tts_Anything, "tS"},
{" S", "CI", "#", "saI"},
{tts_Anything, "CI", "A", "S"},
{tts_Anything, "CI", "O", "S"},
{tts_Anything, "CI", "EN", "S"},
{tts_Anything, "C", "+", "s"},
{tts_Anything, "CK", tts_Anything, "k"},
{tts_Anything, "COM", "%", "kVm"},
{tts_Anything, "C", tts_Anything, "k"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_D_rules[] = {
{"#:", "DED", tts_Nothing, "dId"},
{".E", "D", tts_Nothing, "d"},
{"#:^E", "D", tts_Nothing, "t"},
{tts_Nothing, "DE", "^#", "dI"},
{tts_Nothing, "DO", tts_Nothing, "mDU"},
{tts_Nothing, "DOES", tts_Anything, "dVz"},
{tts_Nothing, "DOING", tts_Anything, "duIN"},
{tts_Nothing, "DOW", tts_Anything, "daU"},
{tts_Anything, "DU", "A", "dZu"},
{tts_Anything, "D", tts_Anything, "d"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_E_rules[] = {
{"#:", "E", tts_Nothing, ""},
{"':^", "E", tts_Nothing, ""},
{" :", "E", tts_Nothing, "i"},
{"#", "ED", tts_Nothing, "d"},
{"#:", "E", "D ", ""},
{tts_Anything, "EV", "ER", "ev"},
{tts_Anything, "E", "^%", "i"},
{tts_Anything, "ERI", "#", "iri"},
{tts_Anything, "ERI", tts_Anything, "erI"},
{"#:", "ER", "#", "3"},
{tts_Anything, "ER", "#", "er"},
{tts_Anything, "ER", tts_Anything, "3"},
{tts_Nothing, "EVEN", tts_Anything, "iven"},
{"#:", "E", "W", ""},
{"T", "EW", tts_Anything, "u"},
{"S", "EW", tts_Anything, "u"},
{"R", "EW", tts_Anything, "u"},
{"D", "EW", tts_Anything, "u"},
{"L", "EW", tts_Anything, "u"},
{"Z", "EW", tts_Anything, "u"},
{"N", "EW", tts_Anything, "u"},
{"J", "EW", tts_Anything, "u"},
{"TH", "EW", tts_Anything, "u"},
{"CH", "EW", tts_Anything, "u"},
{"SH", "EW", tts_Anything, "u"},
{tts_Anything, "EW", tts_Anything, "ju"},
{tts_Anything, "E", "O", "i"},
{"#:S", "ES", tts_Nothing, "Iz"},
{"#:C", "ES", tts_Nothing, "Iz"},
{"#:G", "ES", tts_Nothing, "Iz"},
{"#:Z", "ES", tts_Nothing, "Iz"},
{"#:X", "ES", tts_Nothing, "Iz"},
{"#:J", "ES", tts_Nothing, "Iz"},
{"#:CH", "ES", tts_Nothing, "Iz"},
{"#:SH", "ES", tts_Nothing, "Iz"},
{"#:", "E", "S ", ""},
{"#:", "ELY", tts_Nothing, "li"},
{"#:", "EMENT", tts_Anything, "ment"},
{tts_Anything, "EFUL", tts_Anything, "fUl"},
{tts_Anything, "EE", tts_Anything, "i"},
{tts_Anything, "EARN", tts_Anything, "3n"},
{tts_Nothing, "EAR", "^", "3"},
{tts_Anything, "EAD", tts_Anything, "ed"},
{"#:", "EA", tts_Nothing, "i@"},
{tts_Anything, "EA", "SU", "e"},
{tts_Anything, "EA", tts_Anything, "i"},
{tts_Anything, "EIGH", tts_Anything, "eI"},
{tts_Anything, "EI", tts_Anything, "i"},
{tts_Nothing, "EYE", tts_Anything, "aI"},
{tts_Anything, "EY", tts_Anything, "i"},
{tts_Anything, "EU", tts_Anything, "ju"},
{tts_Anything, "E", tts_Anything, "e"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_F_rules[] = {
{tts_Anything, "FUL", tts_Anything, "fUl"},
{tts_Anything, "F", tts_Anything, "f"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_G_rules[] = {
{tts_Anything, "GIV", tts_Anything, "gIv"},
{tts_Nothing, "G", "I^", "g"},
{tts_Anything, "GE", "T", "ge"},
{"SU", "GGES", tts_Anything, "gdZes"},
{tts_Anything, "GG", tts_Anything, "g"},
{" B#", "G", tts_Anything, "g"},
{tts_Anything, "G", "+", "dZ"},
{tts_Anything, "GREAT", tts_Anything, "greIt"},
{"#", "GH", tts_Anything, ""},
{tts_Anything, "G", tts_Anything, "g"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_H_rules[] = {
{tts_Nothing, "HAV", tts_Anything, "h&v"},
{tts_Nothing, "HERE", tts_Anything, "hir"},
{tts_Nothing, "HOUR", tts_Anything, "aU3"},
{tts_Anything, "HOW", tts_Anything, "haU"},
{tts_Anything, "H", "#", "h"},
{tts_Anything, "H", tts_Anything, ""},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_I_rules[] = {
{tts_Nothing, "IAIN", tts_Nothing, "I@n"},
{tts_Nothing, "ING", tts_Nothing, "IN"},
{tts_Nothing, "IN", tts_Anything, "In"},
{tts_Nothing, "I", tts_Nothing, "aI"},
{tts_Anything, "IN", "D", "aIn"},
{tts_Anything, "IER", tts_Anything, "i3"},
{"#:R", "IED", tts_Anything, "id"},
{tts_Anything, "IED", tts_Nothing, "aId"},
{tts_Anything, "IEN", tts_Anything, "ien"},
{tts_Anything, "IE", "T", "aIe"},
{" :", "I", "%", "aI"},
{tts_Anything, "I", "%", "i"},
{tts_Anything, "IE", tts_Anything, "i"},
{tts_Anything, "I", "^+:#", "I"},
{tts_Anything, "IR", "#", "aIr"},
{tts_Anything, "IZ", "%", "aIz"},
{tts_Anything, "IS", "%", "aIz"},
{tts_Anything, "I", "D%", "aI"},
{"+^", "I", "^+", "I"},
{tts_Anything, "I", "T%", "aI"},
{"#:^", "I", "^+", "I"},
{tts_Anything, "I", "^+", "aI"},
{tts_Anything, "IR", tts_Anything, "3"},
{tts_Anything, "IGH", tts_Anything, "aI"},
{tts_Anything, "ILD", tts_Anything, "aIld"},
{tts_Anything, "IGN", tts_Nothing, "aIn"},
{tts_Anything, "IGN", "^", "aIn"},
{tts_Anything, "IGN", "%", "aIn"},
{tts_Anything, "IQUE", tts_Anything, "ik"},
{"^", "I", "^#", "aI"},
{tts_Anything, "I", tts_Anything, "I"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_J_rules[] = {
{tts_Anything, "J", tts_Anything, "dZ"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_K_rules[] = {
{tts_Nothing, "K", "N", ""},
{tts_Anything, "K", tts_Anything, "k"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_L_rules[] = {
{tts_Anything, "LO", "C#", "l@U"},
{"L", "L", tts_Anything, ""},
{"#:^", "L", "%", "@l"},
{tts_Anything, "LEAD", tts_Anything, "lid"},
{tts_Anything, "L", tts_Anything, "l"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_M_rules[] = {
{tts_Anything, "MOV", tts_Anything, "muv"},
{"#", "MM", "#", "m"},
{tts_Anything, "M", tts_Anything, "m"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_N_rules[] = {
{"E", "NG", "+", "ndZ"},
{tts_Anything, "NG", "R", "Ng"},
{tts_Anything, "NG", "#", "Ng"},
{tts_Anything, "NGL", "%", "Ng@l"},
{tts_Anything, "NG", tts_Anything, "N"},
{tts_Anything, "NK", tts_Anything, "Nk"},
{tts_Nothing, "NOW", tts_Nothing, "naU"},
{"#", "NG", tts_Nothing, "Ng"},
{tts_Anything, "N", tts_Anything, "n"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_O_rules[] = {
{tts_Anything, "OF", tts_Nothing, "@v"},
{tts_Anything, "OROUGH", tts_Anything, "3@U"},
{"#:", "OR", tts_Nothing, "3"},
{"#:", "ORS", tts_Nothing, "3z"},
{tts_Anything, "OR", tts_Anything, "Or"},
{tts_Nothing, "ONE", tts_Anything, "wVn"},
{tts_Anything, "OW", tts_Anything, "@U"},
{tts_Nothing, "OVER", tts_Anything, "@Uv3"},
{tts_Anything, "OV", tts_Anything, "Vv"},
{tts_Anything, "O", "^%", "@U"},
{tts_Anything, "O", "^EN", "@U"},
{tts_Anything, "O", "^I#", "@U"},
{tts_Anything, "OL", "D", "@Ul"},
{tts_Anything, "OUGHT", tts_Anything, "Ot"},
{tts_Anything, "OUGH", tts_Anything, "Vf"},
{tts_Nothing, "OU", tts_Anything, "aU"},
{"H", "OU", "S#", "aU"},
{tts_Anything, "OUS", tts_Anything, "@s"},
{tts_Anything, "OUR", tts_Anything, "Or"},
{tts_Anything, "OULD", tts_Anything, "Ud"},
{"^", "OU", "^L", "V"},
{tts_Anything, "OUP", tts_Anything, "up"},
{tts_Anything, "OU", tts_Anything, "aU"},
{tts_Anything, "OY", tts_Anything, "oI"},
{tts_Anything, "OING", tts_Anything, "@UIN"},
{tts_Anything, "OI", tts_Anything, "oI"},
{tts_Anything, "OOR", tts_Anything, "Or"},
{tts_Anything, "OOK", tts_Anything, "Uk"},
{tts_Anything, "OOD", tts_Anything, "Ud"},
{tts_Anything, "OO", tts_Anything, "u"},
{tts_Anything, "O", "E", "@U"},
{tts_Anything, "O", tts_Nothing, "@U"},
{tts_Anything, "OA", tts_Anything, "@U"},
{tts_Nothing, "ONLY", tts_Anything, "@Unli"},
{tts_Nothing, "ONCE", tts_Anything, "wVns"},
{tts_Anything, "ON'T", tts_Anything, "@Unt"},
{"C", "O", "N", "0"},
{tts_Anything, "O", "NG", "O"},
{" :^", "O", "N", "V"},
{"I", "ON", tts_Anything, "@n"},
{"#:", "ON", tts_Nothing, "@n"},
{"#^", "ON", tts_Anything, "@n"},
{tts_Anything, "O", "ST ", "@U"},
{tts_Anything, "OF", "^", "Of"},
{tts_Anything, "OTHER", tts_Anything, "VD3"},
{tts_Anything, "OSS", tts_Nothing, "Os"},
{"#:^", "OM", tts_Anything, "Vm"},
{tts_Anything, "O", tts_Anything, "0"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_P_rules[] = {
{tts_Anything, "PH", tts_Anything, "f"},
{tts_Anything, "PEOP", tts_Anything, "pip"},
{tts_Anything, "POW", tts_Anything, "paU"},
{tts_Anything, "PUT", tts_Nothing, "pUt"},
{tts_Anything, "P", tts_Anything, "p"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_Q_rules[] = {
{tts_Anything, "QUAR", tts_Anything, "kwOr"},
{tts_Anything, "QU", tts_Anything, "kw"},
{tts_Anything, "Q", tts_Anything, "k"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_R_rules[] = {
{tts_Nothing, "RE", "^#", "ri"},
{tts_Anything, "R", tts_Anything, "r"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_S_rules[] = {
{tts_Anything, "SH", tts_Anything, "S"},
{"#", "SION", tts_Anything, "Z@n"},
{tts_Anything, "SOME", tts_Anything, "sVm"},
{"#", "SUR", "#", "Z3"},
{tts_Anything, "SUR", "#", "S3"},
{"#", "SU", "#", "Zu"},
{"#", "SSU", "#", "Su"},
{"#", "SED", tts_Nothing, "zd"},
{"#", "S", "#", "z"},
{tts_Anything, "SAID", tts_Anything, "sed"},
{"^", "SION", tts_Anything, "S@n"},
{tts_Anything, "S", "S", ""},
{".", "S", tts_Nothing, "z"},
{"#:.E", "S", tts_Nothing, "z"},
{"#:^##", "S", tts_Nothing, "z"},
{"#:^#", "S", tts_Nothing, "s"},
{"U", "S", tts_Nothing, "s"},
{" :#", "S", tts_Nothing, "z"},
{tts_Nothing, "SCH", tts_Anything, "sk"},
{tts_Anything, "S", "C+", ""},
{"#", "SM", tts_Anything, "zm"},
{"#", "SN", "'", "z@n"},
{tts_Anything, "S", tts_Anything, "s"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_T_rules[] = {
{tts_Nothing, "THE", tts_Nothing, "D@"},
{tts_Anything, "TO", tts_Nothing, "tu"},
{tts_Anything, "THAT", tts_Nothing, "D&t"},
{tts_Nothing, "THIS", tts_Nothing, "DIs"},
{tts_Nothing, "THEY", tts_Anything, "DeI"},
{tts_Nothing, "THERE", tts_Anything, "Der"},
{tts_Anything, "THER", tts_Anything, "D3"},
{tts_Anything, "THEIR", tts_Anything, "Der"},
{tts_Nothing, "THAN", tts_Nothing, "D&n"},
{tts_Nothing, "THEM", tts_Nothing, "Dem"},
{tts_Anything, "THESE", tts_Nothing, "Diz"},
{tts_Nothing, "THEN", tts_Anything, "Den"},
{tts_Anything, "THROUGH", tts_Anything, "Tru"},
{tts_Anything, "THOSE", tts_Anything, "D@Uz"},
{tts_Anything, "THOUGH", tts_Nothing, "D@U"},
{tts_Nothing, "THUS", tts_Anything, "DVs"},
{tts_Anything, "TH", tts_Anything, "T"},
{"#:", "TED", tts_Nothing, "tId"},
{"S", "TI", "#N", "tS"},
{tts_Anything, "TI", "O", "S"},
{tts_Anything, "TI", "A", "S"},
{tts_Anything, "TIEN", tts_Anything, "S@n"},
{tts_Anything, "TUR", "#", "tS3"},
{tts_Anything, "TU", "A", "tSu"},
{tts_Nothing, "TWO", tts_Anything, "tu"},
{tts_Anything, "T", tts_Anything, "t"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_U_rules[] = {
{tts_Nothing, "UN", "I", "jun"},
{tts_Nothing, "UN", tts_Anything, "Vn"},
{tts_Nothing, "UPON", tts_Anything, "@pOn"},
{"T", "UR", "#", "Ur"},
{"S", "UR", "#", "Ur"},
{"R", "UR", "#", "Ur"},
{"D", "UR", "#", "Ur"},
{"L", "UR", "#", "Ur"},
{"Z", "UR", "#", "Ur"},
{"N", "UR", "#", "Ur"},
{"J", "UR", "#", "Ur"},
{"TH", "UR", "#", "Ur"},
{"CH", "UR", "#", "Ur"},
{"SH", "UR", "#", "Ur"},
{tts_Anything, "UR", "#", "jUr"},
{tts_Anything, "UR", tts_Anything, "3"},
{tts_Anything, "U", "^ ", "V"},
{tts_Anything, "U", "^^", "V"},
{tts_Anything, "UY", tts_Anything, "aI"},
{" G", "U", "#", ""},
{"G", "U", "%", ""},
{"G", "U", "#", "w"},
{"#N", "U", tts_Anything, "ju"},
{"T", "U", tts_Anything, "u"},
{"S", "U", tts_Anything, "u"},
{"R", "U", tts_Anything, "u"},
{"D", "U", tts_Anything, "u"},
{"L", "U", tts_Anything, "u"},
{"Z", "U", tts_Anything, "u"},
{"N", "U", tts_Anything, "u"},
{"J", "U", tts_Anything, "u"},
{"TH", "U", tts_Anything, "u"},
{"CH", "U", tts_Anything, "u"},
{"SH", "U", tts_Anything, "u"},
{tts_Anything, "U", tts_Anything, "ju"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_V_rules[] = {
{tts_Anything, "VIEW", tts_Anything, "vju"},
{tts_Anything, "V", tts_Anything, "v"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_W_rules[] = {
{tts_Nothing, "WERE", tts_Anything, "w3"},
{tts_Anything, "WA", "S", "w0"},
{tts_Anything, "WA", "T", "w0"},
{tts_Anything, "WHERE", tts_Anything, "hwer"},
{tts_Anything, "WHAT", tts_Anything, "hw0t"},
{tts_Anything, "WHOL", tts_Anything, "h@Ul"},
{tts_Anything, "WHO", tts_Anything, "hu"},
{tts_Anything, "WH", tts_Anything, "hw"},
{tts_Anything, "WAR", tts_Anything, "wOr"},
{tts_Anything, "WOR", "^", "w3"},
{tts_Anything, "WR", tts_Anything, "r"},
{tts_Anything, "W", tts_Anything, "w"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_X_rules[] = {
{tts_Anything, "X", tts_Anything, "ks"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_Y_rules[] = {
{tts_Anything, "YOUNG", tts_Anything, "jVN"},
{tts_Nothing, "YOU", tts_Anything, "ju"},
{tts_Nothing, "YES", tts_Anything, "jes"},
{tts_Nothing, "Y", tts_Anything, "j"},
{"#:^", "Y", tts_Nothing, "i"},
{"#:^", "Y", "I", "i"},
{" :", "Y", tts_Nothing, "aI"},
{" :", "Y", "#", "aI"},
{" :", "Y", "^+:#", "I"},
{" :", "Y", "^#", "aI"},
{tts_Anything, "Y", tts_Anything, "I"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule tts_Z_rules[] = {
{tts_Anything, "Z", tts_Anything, "z"},
{tts_Anything, 0, tts_Anything, tts_Silent},
static tts_Rule *tts_Rules[] = {
tts_A_rules, tts_B_rules, tts_C_rules, tts_D_rules, tts_E_rules, tts_F_rules, tts_G_rules,
tts_H_rules, tts_I_rules, tts_J_rules, tts_K_rules, tts_L_rules, tts_M_rules, tts_N_rules,
tts_O_rules, tts_P_rules, tts_Q_rules, tts_R_rules, tts_S_rules, tts_T_rules, tts_U_rules,
tts_V_rules, tts_W_rules, tts_X_rules, tts_Y_rules, tts_Z_rules
static const char *tts_Cardinals[] = {
"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four",
"five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine",
"ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen",
"fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"
static const char *tts_Twenties[] = {
"twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty",
"sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"
static const char *tts_Ordinals[] = {
"zeroth", "first", "second", "third", "fourth",
"fifth", "sixth", "seventh","eighth", "ninth",
"tenth", "eleventh", "twelfth", "thirteenth", "fourteenth",
"fifteenth", "sixteenth", "seventeenth", "eighteenth", "nineteenth"
static const char *tts_Ord_twenties[] = {
"twentieth", "thirtieth", "fortieth", "fiftieth",
"sixtieth", "seventieth", "eightieth", "ninetieth"
static int tts_xlate_string(const char *string, struct tts_darray_t *phone, void* memctx);
** Translate a number to phonemes. This version is for CARDINAL numbers.
** Note: this is recursive.
static int tts_xlate_cardinal(int value, struct tts_darray_t* phone, void* memctx)
int nph = 0;
if (value < 0) {
nph += tts_xlate_string("minus", phone, memctx);
value = (-value);
if (value < 0) { /* Overflow! -32768 */
nph += tts_xlate_string("a lot", phone, memctx);
return nph;
if (value >= 1000000000L) {
/* Billions */
nph += tts_xlate_cardinal(value / 1000000000L, phone, memctx);
nph += tts_xlate_string("billion", phone, memctx);
value = value % 1000000000;
if (value == 0)
return nph; /* Even billion */
if (value < 100)
nph += tts_xlate_string("and", phone, memctx);
if (value >= 1000000L) {
/* Millions */
nph += tts_xlate_cardinal(value / 1000000L, phone, memctx);
nph += tts_xlate_string("million", phone, memctx);
value = value % 1000000L;
if (value == 0)
return nph; /* Even million */
if (value < 100)
nph += tts_xlate_string("and", phone, memctx);
/* Thousands 1000..1099 2000..99999 */
/* 1100 to 1999 is eleven-hunderd to ninteen-hunderd */
if ((value >= 1000L && value <= 1099L) || value >= 2000L) {
nph += tts_xlate_cardinal(value / 1000L, phone, memctx);
nph += tts_xlate_string("thousand", phone, memctx);
value = value % 1000L;
if (value == 0)
return nph; /* Even thousand */
if (value < 100)
nph += tts_xlate_string("and", phone, memctx);
if (value >= 100L) {
nph += tts_xlate_string(tts_Cardinals[value / 100], phone, memctx);
nph += tts_xlate_string("hundred", phone, memctx);
value = value % 100;
if (value == 0)
return nph; /* Even hundred */
if (value >= 20) {
nph += tts_xlate_string(tts_Twenties[(value - 20) / 10], phone, memctx);
value = value % 10;
if (value == 0)
return nph; /* Even ten */
nph += tts_xlate_string(tts_Cardinals[value], phone, memctx);
return nph;
** Translate a number to phonemes. This version is for ORDINAL numbers.
** Note: this is recursive.
#if 0
static int tts_xlate_ordinal(int value, darray *phone) {
int nph = 0;
if (value < 0) {
nph += tts_xlate_string("minus", phone);
value = (-value);
if (value < 0) { /* Overflow! -32768 */
nph += tts_xlate_string("a lot", phone);
return nph;
if (value >= 1000000000L) {
/* Billions */
nph += tts_xlate_cardinal(value / 1000000000L, phone);
value = value % 1000000000;
if (value == 0)
nph += tts_xlate_string("billionth", phone);
return nph; /* Even billion */
nph += tts_xlate_string("billion", phone);
if (value < 100)
nph += tts_xlate_string("and", phone);
if (value >= 1000000L) {
/* Millions */
nph += tts_xlate_cardinal(value / 1000000L, phone);
value = value % 1000000L;
if (value == 0)
nph += tts_xlate_string("millionth", phone);
return nph; /* Even million */
nph += tts_xlate_string("million", phone);
if (value < 100)
nph += tts_xlate_string("and", phone);
/* Thousands 1000..1099 2000..99999 */
/* 1100 to 1999 is eleven-hunderd to ninteen-hunderd */
if ((value >= 1000L && value <= 1099L) || value >= 2000L) {
nph += tts_xlate_cardinal(value / 1000L, phone);
value = value % 1000L;
if (value == 0)
nph += tts_xlate_string("thousandth", phone);
return nph; /* Even thousand */
nph += tts_xlate_string("thousand", phone);
if (value < 100)
nph += tts_xlate_string("and", phone);
if (value >= 100L) {
nph += tts_xlate_string(tts_Cardinals[value / 100], phone);
value = value % 100;
if (value == 0)
nph += tts_xlate_string("hundredth", phone);
return nph; /* Even hundred */
nph += tts_xlate_string("hundred", phone);
if (value >= 20) {
if ((value % 10) == 0)
nph += tts_xlate_string(tts_Ord_twenties[(value - 20) / 10], phone);
return nph; /* Even ten */
nph += tts_xlate_string(tts_Twenties[(value - 20) / 10], phone);
value = value % 10;
nph += tts_xlate_string(tts_Ordinals[value], phone);
return nph;
static int tts_isvowel(int chr) {
return (chr == 'A' || chr == 'E' || chr == 'I' ||
chr == 'O' || chr == 'U');
static int tts_isconsonant(int chr) {
return (isupper(chr) && !tts_isvowel(chr));
static int tts_leftmatch(
const char *pattern, /* first char of pattern to match in text */
const char *context) { /* last char of text to be matched */
const char *pat;
const char *text;
int count;
if (*pattern == '\0') {
/* null string matches any context */
return 1;
/* point to last character in pattern string */
count = (int)strlen(pattern);
pat = pattern + (count - 1);
text = context;
for (; count > 0; pat--, count--) {
/* First check for simple text or space */
if (isalpha(*pat) || *pat == '\'' || *pat == ' ') {
if (*pat != *text) {
return 0;
} else {
switch (*pat) {
case '#': /* One or more vowels */
if (!tts_isvowel(*text))
return 0;
while (tts_isvowel(*text))
case ':': /* Zero or more consonants */
while (tts_isconsonant(*text))
case '^': /* One consonant */
if (!tts_isconsonant(*text))
return 0;
case '.': /* B, D, V, G, J, L, M, N, R, W, Z */
if (*text != 'B' && *text != 'D' && *text != 'V'
&& *text != 'G' && *text != 'J' && *text != 'L'
&& *text != 'M' && *text != 'N' && *text != 'R'
&& *text != 'W' && *text != 'Z')
return 0;
case '+': /* E, I or Y (front vowel) */
if (*text != 'E' && *text != 'I' && *text != 'Y')
return 0;
case '%':
// fprintf(stderr, "Bad char in left rule: '%c'\n", *pat);
return 0;
return 1;
static int tts_rightmatch(
const char *pattern, /* first char of pattern to match in text */
const char *context) { /* last char of text to be matched */
const char *pat;
const char *text;
if (*pattern == '\0')
/* null string matches any context */
return 1;
pat = pattern;
text = context;
for (pat = pattern; *pat != '\0'; pat++) {
/* First check for simple text or space */
if (isalpha(*pat) || *pat == '\'' || *pat == ' ') {
if (*pat != *text) {
return 0;
} else {
switch (*pat) {
case '#': /* One or more vowels */
if (!tts_isvowel(*text))
return 0;
while (tts_isvowel(*text))
case ':': /* Zero or more consonants */
while (tts_isconsonant(*text))
case '^': /* One consonant */
if (!tts_isconsonant(*text))
return 0;
case '.': /* B, D, V, G, J, L, M, N, R, W, Z */
if (*text != 'B' && *text != 'D' && *text != 'V'
&& *text != 'G' && *text != 'J' && *text != 'L'
&& *text != 'M' && *text != 'N' && *text != 'R'
&& *text != 'W' && *text != 'Z')
return 0;
case '+': /* E, I or Y (front vowel) */
if (*text != 'E' && *text != 'I' && *text != 'Y')
return 0;
case '%': /* ER, E, ES, ED, ING, ELY (a suffix) */
if (*text == 'E') {
if (*text == 'L') {
if (*text == 'Y') {
} else {
text--; /* Don't gobble L */
} else {
if (*text == 'R' || *text == 'S' || *text == 'D')
} else if (*text == 'I') {
if (*text == 'N') {
if (*text == 'G') {
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
// fprintf(stderr, "Bad char in right rule:'%c'\n", *pat);
return 0;
return 1;
static void tts_phone_cat(struct tts_darray_t *arg, const char *s) {
char ch;
while ((ch = *s++))
tts_darray_put( arg, ch );
static int tts_find_rule( struct tts_darray_t* arg, char *word, int index, tts_Rule *rules ) {
for (;;) { /* Search for the rule */
tts_Rule *rule;
const char *left,
int remainder;
rule = rules++;
match = (*rule)[1];
if (match == 0) {
/* bad symbol! */
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Can't find rule for: '%c' in \"%s\"\n",
word[index], word);
return index + 1; /* Skip it! */
for (remainder = index; *match != '\0'; match++, remainder++) {
if (*match != word[remainder])
if (*match != '\0')
continue; /* found missmatch */
left = (*rule)[0];
right = (*rule)[2];
if (!tts_leftmatch(left, &word[index - 1]))
if (!tts_rightmatch(right, &word[remainder]))
output = (*rule)[3];
tts_phone_cat(arg, output);
return remainder;
static void tts_guess_word( struct tts_darray_t *arg, char *word ) {
int index; /* Current position in word */
int type; /* First letter of match part */
index = 1; /* Skip the initial blank */
do {
if (isupper(word[index]))
type = word[index] - 'A' + 1;
type = 0;
index = tts_find_rule(arg, word, index, tts_Rules[type]);
} while (word[index] != '\0');
static int tts_NRL(const char *s, int n, struct tts_darray_t *phone, void* memctx ) {
(void) memctx;
int old = tts_darray_getSize( phone );
char mem[ 64 ];
char *word = mem;
if( n + 3 > sizeof( mem ) ) word = (char *) SPEECH_MALLOC( memctx, n + 3);
char *d = word;
*d++ = ' ';
while (n-- > 0) {
char ch = *s++;
if (islower(ch))
ch = (char) toupper(ch);
*d++ = ch;
*d++ = ' '; // kinda unnecessary
*d = '\0';
tts_guess_word(phone, word);
if( word != mem ) SPEECH_FREE( memctx, word );
return tts_darray_getSize( phone ) - old;
static int tts_spell_out(const char *word, int n, struct tts_darray_t *phone, void* memctx)
int nph = 0;
while (n-- > 0) {
nph += tts_xlate_string(tts_ASCII[*word++ & 0x7F], phone, memctx);
return nph;
static int tts_suspect_word(const char *s, int n) {
int i = 0;
int seen_lower = 0;
int seen_upper = 0;
int seen_vowel = 0;
int last = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
char ch = *s++;
if (i && last != '-' && isupper(ch))
seen_upper = 1;
if (islower(ch)) {
seen_lower = 1;
ch = (char) toupper(ch);
if (ch == 'A' || ch == 'E' || ch == 'I' || ch == 'O' || ch == 'U' || ch == 'Y')
seen_vowel = 1;
last = ch;
return !seen_vowel || (seen_upper && seen_lower) || !seen_lower;
static int tts_xlate_word(const char *word, int n, struct tts_darray_t *phone, void* memctx) {
int nph = 0;
if (*word != '[') {
if (tts_suspect_word(word, n)) {
return tts_spell_out(word, n, phone, memctx);
} else {
nph += tts_NRL(word, n, phone, memctx);
} else {
if ((++word)[(--n) - 1] == ']')
while (n-- > 0) {
tts_darray_put( phone, *word++);
tts_darray_put( phone, ' ');
return nph + 1;
static int tts_xlate_string(const char *string, struct tts_darray_t *phone, void* memctx) {
int nph = 0;
const char *s = string;
char ch;
while (isspace(ch = *s))
while ((ch = *s)) {
const char *word = s;
if (isalpha(ch)) {
while (isalpha(ch = *s) || ((ch == '\'' || ch == '-' || ch == '.') && isalpha(s[1])))
if (!ch || isspace(ch) || ispunct(ch) || (isdigit(ch) && !tts_suspect_word(word, (int)(s - word)))) {
nph += tts_xlate_word(word, (int)(s - word), phone, memctx);
} else {
while ((ch = *s) && !isspace(ch) && !ispunct(ch))
nph += tts_spell_out(word, (int)(s - word), phone, memctx);
} else {
if (isdigit(ch) || (ch == '-' && isdigit(s[1]))) {
int sign = (ch == '-') ? -1 : 1;
int value = 0;
if (sign < 0)
ch = *++s;
while (isdigit(ch = *s)) {
value = value * 10 + ch - '0';
if (ch == '.' && isdigit(s[1])) {
word = ++s;
nph += tts_xlate_cardinal(value * sign, phone, memctx);
nph += tts_xlate_string("point", phone, memctx);
while (isdigit(ch = *s))
nph += tts_spell_out(word, (int)(s - word), phone, memctx);
} else {
/* check for ordinals, date, time etc. can go in here */
nph += tts_xlate_cardinal(value * sign, phone, memctx);
} else {
if (ch == '[' && strchr(s, ']')) {
const char *w = s;
while (*s && *s++ != ']')
/* nothing */
nph += tts_xlate_word(w, (int)(s - w), phone, memctx);
} else {
if (ispunct(ch)) {
switch (ch) {
case '!':
case '?':
case '.': {
tts_darray_put( phone, ' ');
} break;
case '"': /* change pitch ? */
case ':':
case '-':
case ';':
case ',':
case '(':
case ')': {
tts_darray_put( phone, ' ');
} break;
case '[': {
const char *e = strchr(s, ']');
if (e) {
while (s < e)
tts_darray_put( phone, *s++);
s = e + 1;
default: {
nph += tts_spell_out(word, 1, phone, memctx);
} break;
} else {
while ((ch = *s) && !isspace(ch))
nph += tts_spell_out(word, (int)(s - word), phone, memctx);
while (isspace(ch = *s))
return nph;
short* speech_gen( int* samples_pairs_generated, char const* str, void* memctx ) {
struct tts_darray_t element;
tts_darray_init( &element, memctx );
struct tts_darray_t phone;
tts_darray_init( &phone, memctx );
tts_xlate_string( str, &phone, memctx );
int frames = tts_phone_to_elm( tts_darray_getData( &phone ), tts_darray_getSize( &phone ), &element );
struct tts_klatt_t synth;
tts_klatt_init( &synth );
int sample_count = synth.mNspFr * frames;
if( samples_pairs_generated ) *samples_pairs_generated = sample_count * 4;
short* sample_pairs = (short*) SPEECH_MALLOC( memctx, sample_count * 8 * sizeof( short ) );
short* samples = (short*) sample_pairs;
tts_klatt_initsynth( &synth, tts_darray_getSize( &element ), (unsigned char*) tts_darray_getData( &element )) ;
int x = 0;
int pos = 0;
while( x >= 0 ) {
x = tts_klatt_synth( &synth, 0, &samples[ pos ] );
if( x < 0 ) break;
pos += x;
short* in = samples + sample_count;
short* out = sample_pairs + sample_count * 4 * 2;
short prev_sample = 0;
while( out > sample_pairs ) {
out -= 4 *2;
short sample = *in;
int o[ 8 ];
o[0] = ( ((sample + (3 * prev_sample)) >> 2) ) * 2;
o[1] = ( ((sample + prev_sample) >> 1) ) * 2;
o[2] = ( (((3 * sample) + prev_sample) >> 2) ) * 2;
o[3] = ( sample ) * 2;
o[4] = ( ((sample + (3 * prev_sample)) >> 2) ) * 2;
o[5] = ( ((sample + prev_sample) >> 1) ) * 2;
o[6] = ( (((3 * sample) + prev_sample) >> 2) ) * 2;
o[7] = ( sample ) * 2;
prev_sample = sample;
for( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) out[ i ] = (short)( o[ i ] > 32767 ? 32767 : o[ i ] < -32767 ? -32767 : o[ i ] );
tts_darray_term( &phone );
tts_darray_term( &element );
return sample_pairs;
void speech_free( short* sample_pairs, void* memctx ) {
(void) memctx;
SPEECH_FREE( memctx, sample_pairs );
#pragma warning( pop )
The speech synth is based on rsynth by the late Nick Ing-Simmons (et al).
He described the legal status as:
This is a text to speech system produced by integrating various pieces
of code and tables of data, which are all (I believe) in the public
Since then, the rsynth source code has passed legal checks by several open
source organizations, so it "should" be pretty safe.
The primary copyright claims seem to have to do with text-to-speech
dictionary use, which I've removed completely.
I've done some serious refactoring, clean-up and feature removal on the
source, as all I need is "a" free, simple speech synth, not a "good" speech
synth. Since I've removed a bunch of stuff, this is probably safer public
domain release than the original.
(I'm rather surprised there's no good public domain speech synths out
there; after all, it's 2013..)
I'm placing my changes in public domain as well, or if that's not
acceptable for you, then CC0:
The SoLoud interface files (soloud_speech.*) are under ZLib/LibPNG license.
-- Jari Komppa 2013
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