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Forked from chartjes/cycle-list.php
Created July 6, 2018 21:53
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My PHP script for creating a Twitter list where people cycle on and off it based on 30 days of interaction
require "vendor/autoload.php";
use Abraham\TwitterOAuth\TwitterOAuth;
// You can get all these via
$consumer_key = "";
$consumer_secret = "";
$access_token = "";
$access_token_secret = "";
$user_id = 0; // Twitter user ID
$connection = new TwitterOAuth(
// Get our list
$lists = $connection->get("lists/list", ["user_id" => $user_id]);
$list = $lists[0]; // We only have one list, 'cycle'
$new_users = [];
$finished = false;
$raw_statuses = [];
$conditions = [
'user_id' => $user_id,
'include_rts' => true,
'exclude_replies' => false,
'count' => 3200
$cutoff_date = strtotime("1 month ago");
$max_id = 0;
echo "Going through the timeline...\n";
while (!$finished) {
$data = $connection->get(
// Loop through and grab the oldest ID
foreach ($data as $status) {
if (strtotime($status->created_at) >= $cutoff_date) {
$raw_statuses[] = $status;
$max_id = $status->id;
} else {
$finished = true;
$tweet_count = count($raw_statuses);
echo "{$tweet_count} tweets\n";
if (isset($conditions['max_id'])) {
if ($conditions['max_id'] == $max_id) {
$finished = true;
$conditions['max_id'] = $max_id;
// First, eliminate any tweets that are older than a month
echo "Grabbing interaction tweets...\n";
$statuses = array_filter($raw_statuses, function($status) {
if ($status->in_reply_to_user_id) {
return true;
if (isset($status->retweeted_status)) {
return true;
if (isset($status->quoted_status)) {
return true;
echo "Building list of new users you interacted with...\n";
foreach ($statuses as $status) {
if (isset($status->in_reply_to_user_id, $new_users)) {
$new_users[] = $status->in_reply_to_user_id;
} elseif (isset($status->retweeted_status)) {
$new_users[] = $status->retweeted_status->user->id;
} elseif (isset($status->quoted_status)) {
$new_users[] = $status->quoted_status->user->id;
} elseif (isset($status->entities)) {
foreach ($status->entities->user_mentions as $mention) {
if (isset($mention->id) && !in_array($mention->id, $new_users)) {
$new_users[] = $mention->id;
// Grab everyone we favourited
echo "Grabbing favorites...\n";
$finished = false;
$max_id = 0;
$conditions = ['user_id' => $user_id, 'count' => 200];
$favorites = [];
while (!$finished) {
$data = $connection->get(
// Loop through and grab the oldest ID
foreach ($data as $favorite) {
if (strtotime($favorite->created_at) >= $cutoff_date) {
$favorites[] = $favorite;
$max_id = $favorite->id;
} else {
$finished = true;
if (isset($conditions['max_id'])) {
if ($conditions['max_id'] == $max_id) {
$finished = true;
$conditions['max_id'] = $max_id;
foreach ($favorites as $favorite) {
$new_users[] = $favorite->user->id;
// Get current users on our list
echo "Grabbing users currently on our cycle list...\n";
$members = $connection->get(
['list_id' => $list->id, 'count' => 5000]
$users = $members->users;
$current_users = [];
foreach ($users as $user) {
$current_users[] = $user->id;
echo "Currently have " . count($current_users) . " on the cycle list\n";
// Filter out all the duplicates from our array
$new_users = array_unique($new_users);
// Generate our list of users to add to the list and ones to remove
$users_to_add = array_diff($new_users, $current_users);
$users_to_remove = array_diff($current_users, $new_users);
if (!empty($users_to_remove)) {
// There is a limit that we can only add 100 users at a time
$offset = 0;
$finished = false;
while (!$finished) {
$user_slice = array_slice($users_to_remove, $offset, 100);
$response = $connection->post(
['list_id' => $list->id, 'user_id' => implode(",", $user_slice)]
if ($connection->getLastHttpCode() !== 200) {
echo "ERROR while trying to remove users from the cycle list\n";
// Look to see if we have more records to process
if (count($users_to_remove) > ($offset + 100)) {
$offset = $offset + 100;
} else {
$finished = true;
echo "Removed " . count($users_to_remove) . " accounts you didn't interact with\n";
// Next, add people who aren't already in the lists
if (!empty($users_to_add)) {
// There is a limit that you can only add 100 users at a time
$offset = 0;
$finished = false;
while (!$finished) {
$user_slice = array_slice($users_to_add, $offset, 100);
$response = $connection->post(
['list_id' => $list->id, 'user_id' => implode(",", $user_slice)]
if ($connection->getLastHttpCode() !== 200) {
echo "ERROR while trying to add users to the cycle list\n";
// Look to see if we have more records to process
if (count($users_to_add) > ($offset + 100)) {
$offset = $offset + 100;
} else {
$finished = true;
echo "Added " . count($users_to_add) . " to the cycle list\n";
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