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Last active March 12, 2019 13:48
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Dark Powered Vim - Fix The Broken Window Layout (file names are using '_' to simulate a '/', leveraging Vim's autload functionalities)
" Standard shape values when fail to retrieve a global variable.
let s:standard_width = 30
let s:standard_height = 10
" List of all windows, which should have a fixed size and/or position.
let g:layout_fixed_windows = [
\ {
\ 'buffer_name': 'Scratch',
\ 'position': 'K',
\ 'height': get(g:, 'scratch_height', s:standard_height)
\ },
\ {
\ 'buffer_name': 'Translate',
\ 'position': 'J',
\ 'height': get(g:, 'trans_win_height', s:standard_height)
\ },
\ {
\ 'preview': 1,
\ 'position': 'K',
\ 'height': &previewheight
\ },
\ {
\ 'filetype': 'qf',
\ 'function': ['utils#quickfix#resize_move', 'utils#location#adjust_window_height'],
\ },
\ {
\ 'buffer_name': 'YankRing',
\ 'position': 'J',
\ 'height': get(g:, 'yankring_window_height', s:standard_height)
\ },
\ {
\ 'buffer_name': 'NERD_tree',
\ 'position': 'H',
\ 'width': get(g:, 'NERDTreeWindowSize', s:standard_width),
\ 'height': 100
\ },
\ {
\ 'buffer_name': 'TabManager',
\ 'position': 'H',
\ 'width': get(g:, 'tabman_width', s:standard_width)
\ },
\ {
\ 'filetype': 'twiggy',
\ 'position': 'H',
\ 'width': get(g:, 'twiggy_num_columns', s:standard_width)
\ },
\ {
\ 'buffer_name': 'undotree_',
\ 'position': 'H',
\ 'width': get(g:, 'undotree_SplitWidth', s:standard_width)
\ },
\ {
\ 'buffer_name': '__Tagbar__',
\ 'position': 'L',
\ 'width': get(g:, 'tagbar_width', s:standard_width)
\ }
\ ]
" Function which applies the window resizing and positioning for the listed fixed windows.
" It iterates over all entries in the respective list and handle them.
" It try to find a window with the defined properties.
" If such a window could been found for the current entry, if will be resized and positioned.
" For the positioning, mark that the order of the list matter.
function! utils#layout#reset_fixed_windows() abort
let l:window_list = get(g:, 'layout_fixed_windows', [])
for window in l:window_list
let l:window_ids = s:get_window_ids(window)
for id in l:window_ids
" Apply resizing if window exists.
if id > 0
call win_gotoid(id)
" Apply function call.
if has_key(window, 'function')
call s:apply_function(window.function)
" Apply positioning.
if has_key(window, 'position')
call s:apply_position(window.position)
" Apply window height.
if has_key(window, 'height')
call s:apply_height(window.height)
" Apply window width.
if has_key(window, 'width')
call s:apply_width(window.width)
" Jump back to original window.
wincmd p
" Internal
" Search for a fixed window by its preferences.
" Return a list of window ids if found or empty as non could been found.
" Differ between the three types of 'buffer_name', 'preview' and 'filetype'.
" The 'filetype' property has just a minimal set of use cases (e.g. quickfix window), but
" cause the most delay trough this function, cause all open windows have to be checked.
" Therefore this property should be used rarely to have a nice performance.
" Arguments:
" preferences - the windows preferences used to detect
function! s:get_window_ids(preferences) abort
let l:window_ids = []
" Property 'buffer_name'.
if has_key(a:preferences, 'buffer_name')
" Search for a buffer with the given name as prefix.
let l:buffer_name = bufname(s:replace_pattern_characters(a:preferences['buffer_name']) . '*')
if strlen(l:buffer_name) > 0
" Retrieve the buffer number and in which window it is displayed.
let l:buffer_number = bufnr(s:replace_pattern_characters(l:buffer_name))
call add(l:window_ids, bufwinid(l:buffer_number))
" Property 'preview'.
if has_key(a:preferences, 'preview')
" Try to jump to the preview window and store its id.
wincmd P
call add(l:window_ids, win_getid())
" Don't jump back here, cause that is useless.
" Property 'filetype'.
if has_key(a:preferences, 'filetype')
" Check for each window, if the displayed buffer match the file-type.
" If more than one exits, the last one is used.
for nr in range(1, winnr('$'))
if getwinvar(nr, '&filetype') == a:preferences['filetype']
call add(l:window_ids, win_getid(nr))
return l:window_ids
" Replace some magic characters within a string pattern.
" This is necessary since the bufnr() and bufwinid() functions use very magic
" patterns, but some buffer names, contain such characters.
" Arguments:
" string - pattern string which to adjust
function! s:replace_pattern_characters(string) abort
let l:string = substitute(a:string, '\[', '\\[', 'g')
let l:string = substitute(a:string, '\]', '\\]', 'g')
return l:string
" Apply the given function(s) for the current window.
" This includes a bunch of sanity checks and a warning messages.
" Arguments:
" function - string as a function reference or a list of such strings
function! s:apply_function(function) abort
let l:function = a:function " Copy argument to be able to overwrite it.
" Build a list for a single string argument.
if type(l:function) == v:t_string
let l:function = [l:function]
if type(l:function) == v:t_list
for entry in l:function
if type(entry) == v:t_string
if exists('*' . entry)
execute 'call ' . entry . '()'
call utils#messages#warning('Provided function string for layout does not exist: ' . entry)
call utils#messages#warning('Could not adjust layout with argument: ' . a:function)
" Apply the given position to move the current window.
" This includes a bunch of sanity checks and a warning message.
" Arguments:
" position - position where to move the window
function! s:apply_position(position) abort
" TODO: Find a match pattern solution instead of this.
let l:positions = {
\ 'H': 1, 'J': 1, 'K': 1, 'L': 1
\ }
if type(a:position) == v:t_string &&
\ strlen(a:position) == 1 &&
\ has_key(l:positions, a:position)
execute 'wincmd ' . a:position
call utils#messages#warning('Could not move window to position: ' . a:position)
" Apply the given height to resize the current window.
" This includes a bunch of sanity checks and a warning message.
" Arguments:
" height - number of lines for the window to show
function! s:apply_height(height) abort
if type(a:height) == v:t_number &&
\ a:height > 0
execute 'resize ' . a:height
call utils#messages#warning('Could not resize windows height to: ' . a:height)
" Apply the given width to resize the current window.
" This includes a bunch of sanity checks and a warning message.
" Arguments:
" width - number of columns for the window to show
function! s:apply_width(width) abort
if type(a:width) == v:t_number &&
\ a:width > 0
execute 'vertical resize ' . a:width
call utils#messages#warning('Could not resize windows width to: ' . a:width)
" Fix window layout.
nnoremap <silent> <leader>wf :<C-u>call utils#layout#reset_fixed_windows()<CR>
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