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🎓 && 💻 #GitHubDropICE

Pascal Weiland weiland

🎓 && 💻 #GitHubDropICE
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acid / Postcovid
Last active September 10, 2024 06:40
Postcovid Erholung


Ich wurde jetzt schon öfters gebeten aufzuschreiben was mir alles geholfen hat, mit der Erholung vom Postcovid anzufangen und mich so zu verbessern. Anstatt das immer wieder aufzuschreiben, mache ich jetzt lieber diesen Text. Hoffentlich ist er für euch hilfreich. Ganz wichtig vorneweg: Nur weil etwas für mich funktioniert hat, heißt es nicht, dass es auch für alle anderen die unter Postcovid oder gar ME/CFS leiden funktioniert.

Kurz zu mir und meinem Krankheitsverlauf: Ich bin gerade 44 Jahre alt und männlich. Im Februar 23 hatte ich mir leider Covid eingefangen, das unauffällig verlief.

Ich fahre gerne viel Fahrrad und hatte 3 Wochen Pause gemacht, bevor ich wieder mit dem Training anfing. Meine Fitness stellte sich nur langsam teilweise wieder her. Ich machte Fortschritte und versuchte mich trotzdem im Mai an meinem ersten Bikepacking-Rennen. Nach einer sehr unbefriedigenden Leistung am ersten Tag litt ich unter meinem ersten großen Crash. Mei
timothyham /
Last active September 23, 2024 22:28
A Short IPv6 Guide for Home IPv4 Admins

A Short IPv6 Guide for Home IPv4 Admins

This guide is for homelab admins who understand IPv4s well but find setting up IPv6 hard or annoying because things work differently. In some ways, managing an IPv6 network can be simpler than IPv4, one just needs to learn some new concepts and discard some old ones.

Let’s begin.

First of all, there are some concepts that one must unlearn from ipv4:

Concept 1

khalidx /
Last active August 29, 2024 23:47
A Node + TypeScript + ts-node + ESM experience that works.

The experience of using Node.JS with TypeScript, ts-node, and ESM is horrible.

There are countless guides of how to integrate them, but none of them seem to work.

Here's what worked for me.

Just add the following files and run npm run dev. You'll be good to go!


This gist is a simple no-brainer description of the 3 ways (actually 2.5) the Web handle events.

<tag onclick />

The declarative inline HTML event listener is mostly an indirection of DOM Level 0 events, meaning this simply uses the equivalent of tag.onclick = listener behind the scene.


click me
veekaybee /
Last active September 24, 2024 18:24
Normcore LLM Reads

Anti-hype LLM reading list

Goals: Add links that are reasonable and good explanations of how stuff works. No hype and no vendor content if possible. Practical first-hand accounts of models in prod eagerly sought.

Foundational Concepts

Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 10 40 27 PM

Pre-Transformer Models

cyber-murmel /
Last active May 6, 2024 08:00
NixOS on Hetzner Cloud

This is the gist of how to setup a NixOS server on a Hetzner Cloud instance with an admin user, ssh access and configuration management via git.

  1. Create a Hetzner Cloud instance and click to enter it.
  2. Stop the instance (top right corner icon).
  3. Go to ISO Images.
  4. Search for "nixos" and click mount. ISO Images tab of a Hetzner Cloud instance with the NixOS image already mounted
  5. Start the instance again (top right corner icon).
  6. Open the console (top right corner icon).
  7. Get the IP address by executing ip --brief --color address. The address can also be optained from the Hetzner Cloud web interface.
peterfriese / View+InteractiveDismissDisable.swift
Last active April 10, 2024 06:44
This is an enhanced version of Apple's `interactiveDismissDisabled` view modifier which allows you to act on the user's attempt to dismiss a sheet. See my article for more details. I filed a feedback for a feature request to add this to SwiftUI: FB9782213 (
import SwiftUI
extension View {
public func interactiveDismissDisabled(_ isDisabled: Bool = true, onAttemptToDismiss: (() -> Void)? = nil) -> some View {
InteractiveDismissableView(view: self, isDisabled: isDisabled, onAttemptToDismiss: onAttemptToDismiss)
public func interactiveDismissDisabled(_ isDisabled: Bool = true, attemptToDismiss: Binding<Bool>) -> some View {
InteractiveDismissableView(view: self, isDisabled: isDisabled) {
joepie91 /
Last active August 27, 2024 04:14
ES Modules are terrible, actually

ES Modules are terrible, actually

This post was adapted from an earlier Twitter thread.

It's incredible how many collective developer hours have been wasted on pushing through the turd that is ES Modules (often mistakenly called "ES6 Modules"). Causing a big ecosystem divide and massive tooling support issues, for... well, no reason, really. There are no actual advantages to it. At all.

It looks shiny and new and some libraries use it in their documentation without any explanation, so people assume that it's the new thing that must be used. And then I end up having to explain to them why, unlike CommonJS, it doesn't actually work everywhere yet, and may never do so. For example, you can't import ESM modules from a CommonJS file! (Update: I've released a module that works around this issue.)

And then there's Rollup, which apparently requires ESM to be u

The Freenode resignation FAQ, or: "what the fuck is going on?"


It's come to my attention that some people have been spamming issue trackers with a link to this gist. While it's a good idea to inform people of the situation in principle, please do not do this. By all means spread the word in the communities that you are a part of, after verifying that they are not aware yet, but unsolicited spam is not helpful. It will just frustrate people.

Update 3 (May 24, 2021)

A number of things have happened since the last update.