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Last active July 3, 2024 22:11
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  • Save webtroter/ca844af7fcc2cc3ba54f585959d57836 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save webtroter/ca844af7fcc2cc3ba54f585959d57836 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Small script to copy the ACE matching a group from a Template directory to a target Directory (and only this one, no descendant)
To add the File Shares Operators in the ACL with the template permissions on a single directory
Ce script ajoute l'entrée pour le groupe 'File Shares Operators'(ou le groupe spécifié) dans les ACL du répertoire choisi
afin que celui-ci puis gérer les permissions sans lire le contenu.
This Script adds ACEs that allows a FileSharesOperators Group to manages the ACL on the directory without allowing
the group to read the content of files.
Le script va copier les entrée du groupe du répertoire "Template" sur le répertoire "Target"
This script copies the ACEs on the "Template" directory on the "Target" directory
Use `-Help` for the full Help
Gets the full help
Executes with the wizard, using defaults (unless you specify) and using a form to select the target directory.
The group to look for in the Template ACL
Default: "CONTOSO\File Shares Operators"
.PARAMETER TemplatePath
The Path to use as Template
Default: "\\localhost\datatemplate$"
.PARAMETER TargetDirectoryPath
This is where you want the ACE added. This parameter is not compatible with -Wizard
If the path specified is not accessible, the script will fail.
Recursive Depth. This will also apply on the descendant that don't inherit
Default: 0
Max recommended : 3
.PARAMETER IgnoreBackupFailure
Switch to ignore a Backup File failure. Be sure of what you're doing!!
BackupObject File. Use `Import-CLIXML and Get-Member` to explore it
PS> .\Copy-ACLFromTemplateToTarget.ps1 -Wizard
This will run the script with the defaults parameters.
This script has been made to run inside the "Template" directory, in a subfolder called "ACLScript"
There is one hard-coded value, but it is not 100% necessary to be accessible.
`$sharedBackupDir = Join-Path -Path $TemplatePath -ChildPath "ACLScript\acl_backups"`
The idea is that the script could be called by multiple operators at different times, and all the backups would end up at the same place.
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Help")]
param (
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Help")]
# Wizard Switch
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Wizard")]
# Template Path for ACL
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SpecifyTarget")]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Wizard")]
$TemplatePath = "\\localhost\datatemplate$",
# Group on the ACL to copy
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SpecifyTarget")]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Wizard")]
$Group = "CONTOSO\File Shares Operators",
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SpecifyTarget")]
# Ignore Backup Failure
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Wizard")]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SpecifyTarget")]
# Depth
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Wizard")]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SpecifyTarget")]
$Depth = 0
begin {
#region Function Declarations
function Get-DescendantNotInheritingACL {
param (
# Depth
$Depth = 2,
# Target Path
# Operation Reference
begin {
process {
# $folders = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]@()
$getChildItemSplat = @{
Path = $TargetDirectoryPath
Recurse = $true
Depth = $Depth
Directory = $true
Get-ChildItem @getChildItemSplat | ForEach-Object {
$item = Get-Item -PSPath $_.PSPath
$curACL = Get-Acl -Path $item.PSPath
if ($curACL.AreAccessRulesProtected) {
# inheritance is blocked
# $Operation.Value.AddTargetPath($item)
Write-Verbose -Message $("{0} -> ACL Not inherited, we need to update them" -f $item.FullName)
} else {
Write-Verbose -Message $("{0} -> ACL inherited, no need to update them" -f $item.FullName)
end {
function Add-TemplateACEToTarget {
param (
# Template ACE
# Current Target Directory
begin {
Write-Verbose -Message $("Getting the ACL of {0}" -f $CurrentTargetDirectory)
$TargetACL = Get-Acl -Path $CurrentTargetDirectory
process {
foreach ($curACE in $TemplateACE) {
Write-Verbose $("Giving {0} to {1}, based on {2}" -f $curACE.FileSystemRights, $curACE.IdentityReference, $curACE.InheritanceFlags)
end {
Write-Verbose -Message $("Setting the ACL on {0}`n`r" -f $CurrentTargetDirectory)
$TargetACL | Set-ACL -Path $CurrentTargetDirectory
function Write-ACLOpBackupObjFile {
param (
# BackupObject
begin {
process {
try {
$BackupFilePath = $Operation.BackupPath + ".xml"
$exportClixmlSplat = @{
Path = $BackupFilePath
InputObject = $Operation
Depth = 4
Verbose = $false
Export-Clixml @exportClixmlSplat 4> $null # Redirection of the VerboseStream because there are some weird CIM calls that are verbose in there.
Write-Information $("BackupObject written to {0}" -f $BackupFilePath) -InformationAction Continue
} catch {
if (-not $ignoreBackupFailure) {
Write-Error "Could not write backup file, critical error" -ErrorAction Stop
if ($isLocalBackupDir){
$exportClixmlSplat.Path = Join-Path -Path $env:TMP -ChildPath $($Operation.Name + ".xml")
Write-Verbose -Message $("Local Backup written to: {0}" -f $exportClixmlSplat.Path)
Export-Clixml @exportClixmlSplat
end {
function New-Operation {
param (
$Depth = 0,
# Backup Path
$Obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
Name = $("{0}_{1}" -f (Get-Date -Format 'FileDateTime'), $TargetDirectory.Name)
TopTargetDir = $TargetDirectory.FullName
Depth = $Depth
TemplatePath = $TemplatePath
TemplateACEs = $TemplateACEs
Group = $Group
Targets = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]@()
$addBackupPathMemberSplat = @{
MemberType = 'NoteProperty'
Name = 'BackupPath'
Value = $(Join-Path -Path $BackupPath -ChildPath $Obj.Name)
PassThru = $true
$addAddTargetPathMemberSplat = @{
MemberType = 'ScriptMethod'
Name = 'AddTargetPath'
Value = {
param (
$acl = Get-ACL -Path $Path
$o = [pscustomobject]@{
Path = $Path
PreviousACL = $acl
Write-Verbose -Message $("Adding {0}" -f $Path)
PassThru = $true
$Obj = $Obj | Add-Member @addAddTargetPathMemberSplat | Add-Member @addBackupPathMemberSplat
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
"Help" {
Write-Verbose "Getting help"
if ($Help.IsPresent) {
Get-Help -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Full
} else {
Get-Help -Name $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
#region Variables
process {
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne "Help") {
$TemplateACEs = (Get-Acl -Path $TemplatePath).Access.Where({$_.Identityreference -eq $group})
Write-Verbose -Message $("Found {0} template ACEs" -f $TemplateACEs.Count)
#region BackupDir
$sharedBackupDir = Join-Path -Path $TemplatePath -ChildPath "ACLScript\acl_backups"
$isLocalBackupDir = $false
$BackupDir = if (Test-Path $sharedBackupDir) {
Write-Verbose -Message $("We will be using the shared backtup Directory since it is available at {0}" -f $sharedBackupDir)
} else {
Write-Warning -Message $("{0} isn't available, using current Desktop for the backup ACL file" -f $sharedBackupDir)
$isLocalBackupDir = $true
Join-Path -Path $env:USERPROFILE -ChildPath "Desktop"
$TargetDirectory = switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
"Wizard" {
Write-Information "Select the directory where we need to add the ACE for File Shares Operators" -InformationAction Continue
Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Windows.Forms'
$dialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
if ($dialog.ShowDialog() -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK) {
$directoryName = $dialog.SelectedPath
Write-Information "Directory selected is $directoryName" -InformationAction Continue
} else {
Write-Error "please select a path next time" -ErrorAction Stop
Get-Item -path $directoryName
"SpecifyTarget" {
if (Test-Path $TargetDirectoryPath) {
Get-Item $TargetDirectoryPath
Default {}
Write-Verbose -Message $("Target Directory: {0}" -f $TargetDirectory.FullName)
$newOperationSplat = @{
TargetDirectory = $TargetDirectory
Depth = $Depth
TemplatePath = $TemplatePath
TemplateACEs = $TemplateACEs
Group = $Group
BackupPath = $BackupDir
$Operation = New-Operation @newOperationSplat
Write-Verbose -Message "Operation Prepared"
if ($Depth -ge 1) {
Write-Verbose "Recursive targets"
Get-DescendantNotInheritingACL -Depth $Depth -TargetDirectoryPath $TargetDirectory.FullName | ForEach-Object {
Write-Verbose -Message "Target Selected"
Write-ACLOpBackupObjFile -Operation $Operation
Write-Information -MessageData $("{0} Targets selected" -f $Operation.Targets.Count) -InformationAction Continue
Write-Verbose -Message $("Target Paths: `r`n`t- {0}" -f $($Operation.Targets.Path -join "`r`n`t- "))
$Operation.Targets | ForEach-Object {
$TemplateACEs | Add-TemplateACEToTarget -CurrentTargetDirectory $_.Path
Write-Information "Done" -InformationAction Continue
end {
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