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Created March 27, 2018 23:01
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Realtime keystrokes in php bash scripts
$trap = [];
system("xinput list | grep -Po 'id=\K\d+(?=.*slave\s*keyboard)' \
| xargs -P0 -n1 xinput test > keys &");
while (true){
$data = file("keys");
$key = $data;
if ((@strpos(implode($trap[count($trap)-1]), 'press 36') !== false)){
echo "[+] return!";
$trap = [];
file_put_contents("keys", "");
if ((@strpos(implode($trap[count($trap)-1]), 'press 37') !== false)){
echo "\n[+] left ctrl!";
$trap = [];
file_put_contents("keys", "");
usleep(10000); /* <- CAUTION */
//🜛 keycodes list:
//🜛 xmodmap -pke | less
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This base script will detect RETURN and LEFT CTRL keys press from php.
Can be adapted for any keys.
Require linux tools, any x env.
It listen for keystrokes globally, the focus can be outside the shell window

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