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Last active August 11, 2017 14:49
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  • Save weavenet/af002bde11adc8fb7b31 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save weavenet/af002bde11adc8fb7b31 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Wrapper script to execute trello CLI with arguments read from a dot file
# Wrapper script for trello cli that appends default arguments as well as reads
# additional arguments from a file if it exists in the cwd. It is assumed
# the file contains a text string of arguments to append to the command.
# See for more details
# For example, the file .trellocli existing in a directory with the content:
# -b 12345
# When ran with the following args:
# board list
# It will execute:
# trello board list -o json -b 12345
commonArgs="-o json"
if [ -e ".trellocli" ]; then
fileArgs=`cat .trellocli`
trello $cmdArgs $commonArgs $fileArgs
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