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Created December 2, 2017 16:49
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Python script to delete all chat messages in key base


Simple python script to delete all chat messages in your keybase account.

It shells out to the keybase CLI command to access the keybase api.

It expects you to have logged into the device where it is run with the account you wish to cleanup. It also requires python3 be installed.

Verify it is correctly setup via:

$ keybase chat ls

Then run via

python3 USERNAME

It has been tested on OSX.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import sys
import subprocess
import time
from time import sleep
def list_conversations():
list_json = json.dumps({"method": "list"})
output = subprocess.check_output(["keybase", "chat", "api", "-m", list_json])
return json.loads(output)["result"]["conversations"]
def delete_message(channel_name, message_id):
delete_json = json.dumps(
{"method": "delete",
"params": {
"options": {
"channel": {"name": channel_name},
"message_id": message_id}}})
output = subprocess.check_output(["keybase", "chat", "api", "-m", delete_json])
return json.loads(output)
def list_messages(conversation_name):
messages_json = json.dumps(
{"method": "read",
"params": {
"options": {
"channel": {"name": conversation_name}}}})
output = subprocess.check_output(["keybase", "chat", "api", "-m", messages_json])
return json.loads(output)["result"]["messages"]
def delete_all_my_messages(username):
for c in list_conversations():
name = c["channel"]["name"]
print("Processing channel {}".format(name))
for m in list_messages(name):
message_id = m["msg"]["id"]
channel_name = m["msg"]["channel"]["name"]
sender_username = m["msg"]["sender"]["username"]
content_type = m["msg"]["content"]["type"]
# Skip messages if they were not sent by me or are already deleted
if (sender_username != username) or (content_type == "delete"):
print("Skipping message '{}' from channel '{}' sent by '{}' with contenct_type '{}'.".format(message_id, channel_name, sender_username, content_type))
print("Deleting message '{}' from channel '{}' sent by '{}' with contenct_type '{}'.".format(message_id, channel_name, sender_username, content_type))
res = delete_message(channel_name, message_id)
result_message = res["result"]["message"]
print("Result for '{}' '{}': '{}'.".format(message_id, channel_name, result_message))
except Exception as e:
print("Error: {}".format(e))
def run():
if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
print("Usage {} USERNAME".format(sys.argv[0]))
username = sys.argv[1]
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