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Created November 30, 2017 14:11
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[13:04] <huf> once again i managed to buy socks that are nearly the same color but not quite
[13:04] == pmurias [] has left #perl []
[13:04] <huf> what fun i'll have mispairing them
[13:08] == Secret113 [a37869e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[13:09] == orannis_ [] has joined #perl
[13:09] <sibiria> in hungary one buys socks a piece? as in, "i need to buy a sock, i hope i can get one that looks like one of my others"
[13:09] <jantje> huf: put rfid tags in 'm and scan 'm !
[13:10] <sibiria> i cannot imagine this plight
[13:10] <huf> sibiria: um, you should ponder this a bit more
[13:10] <huf> there must be an explanation that's reasonable
[13:10] <sibiria> i don't want to
[13:12] == Oclair [] has joined #perl
[13:12] == nahra [~user@unaffiliated/nahra] has joined #perl
[13:13] <Altreus> I don't pair my socks by colour, I pair them by feel
[13:13] == orannis_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[13:13] <Altreus> And woe betide anyone scrutinising my socks visually!
[13:13] <huf> are they all the same color?
[13:13] <Altreus> No
[13:14] <huf> though really, the big divide is, are you a white sock person or a dark sock person?
[13:14] <Altreus> And the reason for that is I want to be able to tell when I bought them
[13:14] <huf> (white sock people disgust me)
[13:14] <Altreus> all my socks are different colours but none of them is white
[13:14] <huf> good, good
[13:14] <huf> ONE OF US
[13:15] == G66K [~G66K@unaffiliated/g66k] has quit [Quit: leaving]
[13:15] == Ltem [] has joined #perl
[13:16] <gtuser> if your socks are all solid colors, it doesn't so much matter if both you're wearing are the same color
[13:17] <huf> let the little things slip and soon you have a war on your hands
[13:17] <huf> so no, it matters. a lot.
[13:17] * gtuser socks are all solid colors after the latest purge
[13:18] <tm604> not a very effective purge if the socks are still solid at the end of it
[13:23] <sibiria> during summer daytime i'm a white sock person, the few times i wear socks
[13:23] <sibiria> otherwise dark gray or black
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