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Created September 16, 2012 21:13
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Save wbarksdale/3734422 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Simple shell script to set up a new sbt project with a provided name, a build.sbt file, a Build.scala file, and a main method, and the eclipse plugin. So all you need to do to get your project into eclipse is type "eclipse at the sbt prompt.
if [ $# -ne $EXPECTED_ARGS ]
echo "usage: `basename $0` {newProjectName}"
mkdir $1
mkdir $1/src
mkdir $1/src/main
mkdir $1/src/main/resources
mkdir $1/src/main/scala
mkdir $1/src/main/java
mkdir $1/src/test
mkdir $1/src/test/resources
mkdir $1/src/test/scala
mkdir $1/src/test/java
mkdir $1/project
mkdir $1/lib
echo "target/" > $1/.gitignore
echo "name := \"$1\"\n\nversion := \"1.0\"\n\nscalaVersion := \"2.9.1\"" > $1/build.sbt
echo "addSbtPlugin(\"com.typesafe.sbteclipse\" % \"sbteclipse-plugin\" % \"2.1.0\")" > $1/project/plugins.sbt
echo "//Build.scala" > $1/project/Build.scala
echo "object Hello { def main(args: Array[String]) = println(\"Hello!\")}" > $1/src/main/scala/Hello.scala
cd $1/
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