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helm repo add netapp-trident
helm repo update
# Create a namespace for Trident
kubectl create namespace trident
# Install the Trident operator
helm install trident-operator netapp-trident/trident-operator --namespace trident
# Create a service account
kubectl create serviceaccount trident-service-account -n trident
# Create a cluster role binding
kubectl create clusterrolebinding trident-service-account-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=trident:trident-service-account
kubectl create secret generic ontap-secret \
--namespace trident \
"version": 1,
"storageDriverName": "ontap-nas",
"managementLIF": "", // Management LIF of your ONTAP cluster
"dataLIF": "", // Data LIF of your ONTAP cluster
"svm": "svm_name", // Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) name
"username": "admin", // Username to connect to the ONTAP cluster
"password": "password", // Password to connect to the ONTAP cluster
"aggregate": "aggr1", // Aggregate to use
"storagePrefix": "trident_", // Optional prefix for volumes created by Trident
"nfsMountOptions": "vers=4", // Optional NFS mount options
"defaults": {
"spaceReserve": "none",
"exportPolicy": "default"
kubectl get tridentbackends -n trident
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