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Last active August 4, 2017 21:55
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How do you take some raw gameplay footage and turn it into an interesting YouTube video?
# How to Edit Gameplay Footage
## Identify the Narratives
There will likely be at least four narratives going on at any one time.
1. Channel/life narrative
a. Who are you as a person?
b. What's this channel about?
2. Personal/life narrative (more temporally local than the channel narrative)
a. What's going on in your life RIGHT NOW?
3. Overarching game narrative
4. Episode game narrative
## Identify Highlights
1. Watch video
2. Find interesting parts ("The Gold") and note the following:
a. timestamp
b. basic description/quote
c. emotion (how does it feel?/make you feel?)
3. Link each highlight with one of the narratives you've identified
a. if it doesn't fit with one of the narratives you've already identified,
you might have a missing/misunderstood narrative
4. Tie pieces together where possible into scenes based on shared emotion and narrative
a. How does each piece advance the narrative?
5. Now that you've got a sketch of Emotion and Story look at the rhythm and flow
a. Do more pieces come together into coherent scenes?
b. Are there things you can cut that don't sacrifice emotion or story?
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