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Last active September 20, 2024 17:11
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  • Save wasdee/b6fb20261df5d62ab281fe613e96824b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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emoji prefix ai instruction

Emoji Prefix Convention

Emoji Prefix


Use when you add something entirely new. E.g. 🌟ADD: Add Git ignore file


Use when you improve/enhance piece of code like refactoring etc. E.g. 💡IMPROVE: Remote IP API Function


Use when you fix a bug — need I say more? E.g. 🐛FIX: Case conversion


Use when you add documentation like, or even inline docs. E.g. 📝NOTE: API Interface Tutorial


Use when you release a new version. E.g. 🚀RELEASE: Version 2.0.0


Use when it's related to testing. E.g. 🤖TEST: Mock User Login/Logout


Use when releasing a change that breaks previous versions. E.g. ⚠️BREAK: Change authentication protocol


[emoji prefix]: [scope] - [main idea]


  • subject - 50 character commit message
    • emoji prefix - summary of the changes using emoji from the list above
    • scope - [optional] the part of the system you are changing
    • main idea - TLDR, main idea of the changes in imperative tense
  • body - [optional] If not obvious, providing insight into the nature of the changes, the reasoning behind them, and any significant consequences or considerations Conclude with any relevant issue references at the end of the message.

Take a deep breath and think about a 50 character commit message follow the emoji prefix.

Emoji Commit Message Generator

Generate a concise, 50-character commit message following this structure: [emoji prefix]: [scope (optional)] - [main idea]

Emoji Prefixes:

🌟ADD: New feature or file 💡IMPROVE: Enhancement or refactor 🐛FIX: Bug fix 📝NOTE: Documentation update 🚀RELEASE: New version release 🤖TEST: Testing-related changes ⚠️BREAK: Breaking change


  1. Use imperative tense for the main idea
  2. Keep the entire message under 50 characters
  3. Include scope if relevant, but prioritize brevity
  4. Ensure the message clearly conveys the primary change

Example: 🌟ADD: User authentication - Implement login

Optional: Provide a brief explanation of the commit's purpose or impact if needed.

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