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Created August 23, 2024 11:28
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  • Save warpfork/51a5a9f964fbf257905ed6d708d7a355 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save warpfork/51a5a9f964fbf257905ed6d708d7a355 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
rustget: a shell script to install rust and rust-analyzer, without the crazy.
# The short shell script for you who wants an installer that does the job and stops.
# (And thus doesn't want anything to do with rustup.)
# Find the latest rust version numbers by looking at
# You'll need to give that number as an argument.
set -euo pipefail
VERSION=${1?"version number must be provided as arg 1"}
function progress {
>&2 printf "\033[33m%s\033[m\n" "$@"
mkdir -p /tmp/rustget
cd /tmp/rustget
# Get the stuff.
mkdir -p rust-installer-archives
(cd rust-installer-archives
progress "Downloading tarballs..."
# This is the actual binaries that you want.
[ -f "rust-${VERSION}-${ARCHISH}.tar.gz" ] || wget${VERSION}-${ARCHISH}.tar.gz
# This contains the stdlib source (and a bunch of other stuff we don't need) which is needed by rust-analyzer to have a good day.
[ -f "rustc-${VERSION}-src.tar.gz" ] || wget${VERSION}-src.tar.gz
# Unpack most of the stuff.
mkdir -p rust-${VERSION}-${ARCHISH}
(cd rust-${VERSION}-${ARCHISH}
progress "Extracting binaries..."
# Extract the tarball.
tar -xf ../rust-installer-archives/rust-${VERSION}-${ARCHISH}.tar.gz
# The tarball contains a single directory that's very redundant, so let's do away with that.
mv rust-${VERSION}-${ARCHISH}/* . ; rmdir rust-${VERSION}-${ARCHISH}/
# Put all the files where they actually should be relative to each other.
# Basically, move everything up one directory. (This is so silly. But this is how they package Rust.)
progress "Rearranging files..."
for x in */; do (cd $x && find -type d | xargs -I{} -- mkdir -p ../{} && find -type f,l | xargs -I{} mv {} ../{}) && rm -r $x; done
# Make the directory that we're going to drop the stdlib source into, for rust-analyzer to find it.
mkdir -p lib/rustlib/src/rust/
progress "Main extraction and rearrangement done."
# Unpack the stdlib sources, put them in the right place, and throw away the rest.
mkdir -p sillysauce
(cd sillysauce
progress "Extracting stdlib source..."
# Extract this tarball that contains all the stdlib source... and all the rustc source, and all the test data, and a million other things we _don't need_.
# Ask tar to extract just the library dir, which contains that stdlib source.
tar -xf ../rust-installer-archives/rustc-${VERSION}-src.tar.gz rustc-${VERSION}-src/library/
# Move it to the place rust-analyzer will expect it.
progress "Rearranging stdlib source to where it's expected..."
mv rustc-${VERSION}-src/library ../rust-${VERSION}-${ARCHISH}/lib/rustlib/src/rust/
rmdir *
rmdir sillysauce
progress "Done!"
# Done!
# You can now add `rust-${VERSION}-${ARCHISH}/bin` to your $PATH, and it DTRT!
# You can keep or throw away the rust-installer-archives dir, as you wish.
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